RE: Can you answer a simple question with total sincerity and absolute honesty?
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Few days (or maybe a week) ago. Otherwise I use auto curation for members, who write good, usefull stuff.
Thank you very much for commenting, responding and participating. Your answer certainly sounds highly sincere and honest.
In other words, that if we delve a little deeper into your comment, we could also conclude that you never or almost never you visit the page of newly created posts to consume and vote for a post. Correct? };)
I was doing that for very long time (visiting pages of newly created posts) and chatting with writer. What I saw was, there are more and more posts, created in advance. So...the creators knew then was the right time to get the most views, and in that time they were not online. Further more.....there were more and more short posts, which were just funny but not useful. So I just stopped writing and reading. But few times per month I still check new posts if I see something that catches my eye. You got to know, I'm in this network almost from start when Steem was a thing...