Lucid Dreaming: A Powerful Tool


In the previous post I had discussed how lucid dreaming as a tool could improve our lives.

This post will extend the topic, we'll explore the various techniques used by oneironauts to explore lucid states...

Reality Checks

Performing reality checks helps in distinguishing between dreams and reality. Asking oneself, "Am I dreaming? Looking at hand, thumb or clock helps.

Dream Journals

Keeping a dream journal and writing down dreams as one wakes up immediately helps in dream recall and helps in recognizing diverse patterns in dreams.

MILD Technique

Repeating certain phrases or mantras before going to sleep can condition one's subconscious to become vividly lucid in dreams.

WILD Technique

As one falls asleep maintaining focus on the step by step process of the transition between wakefulness and sleep can induce lucidity.

External Tools

Using tools that bring about a profound change in our perception like repeated blinking lights etc, can also induce lucid dreams.

Thus we see that lucid dreams can be induced both naturally and artificially via these above techniques and many more methods and tools exist which we'll discuss in upcoming posts.




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Good day
