After Contentious White House Meeting with Zelensky, Trump Cancels Military Aid to the Ukraine
Breaking news. White House spokesperson Caroline Leavitt has just announced that the US will no longer be funding the war in the Ukraine, but will be focusing on peace.
The reports are spawning constantly now, so I will leave you to search up the source you prefer, rather than whatever I can link here. It is obvious that the contentious discussion with Volodomyr Zelensky has impacted US policy towards that war, and President Trump has doubled down on his stated intention to bring peace to the war torn country - even if it's President Zelensky wants to keep the war going.
Good news bro!
I have to agree, regardless of why we aren't funding war, I don't think we should be funding war.
I doubt they even know what that is.
But I see this is good news also. If Zelonskies can't ride the snowy slopes on his own, during the Russians blizzard storm his administration created and all other third parties involved, like NATO, he shouldn't ride it. But it's too late now. He's going down hill fast. I wonder if he can make the big jump.
Zelensky has too obviously extracted his share of kickbacks from the constant stream of $B's in war funding. He has a mansion in Miami ~$40M, and another in Egypt, at least, and he didn't buy those with is salary as Ukraine's President. So, he's got to disappear, but how he can disappear, and where he could go, isn't immediately obvious. He can't follow Assad to Russia, for obvious reasons. Iran maybe? Somalia? His mentor Ihor Kholomoisky retired in Israel. Maybe Tel Aviv is where he'll alight under a new name, like Zebenyahu or something.
Who didn't see this coming?
I suppose a lot of people do not have a good handle on the rampant corruption wars are really all about, and are shocked anyone could do such a thing. I wish I could be shocked by it again. I miss being naive.
Dear @valued-customer !
Many East Asians also consider Zelensky to be corrupt and incompetent!
By the way, Do you think Trump will hand Ukraine over to Putin?
Trump has no say over over what gets handed over land wise. Russia won and the Russian ethnics in east Ukraine will indeed split off. Trump isn’t giving anything. Russia won it in war.
Dear @yuribezmenov !
I am glad meet to you!
Are you russian?
I am east asian!
I guess Russia will have a hard time because of the damage it suffered in the Ukraine war!
I think America has gained the most from the war in Ukraine!
Russia is stronger now than before the war.
Dear @geneeverett !
I am glad meet to you!
I am east asian!
Where are you from?
East Asians like me believe that America has benefited the most from the war in Ukraine!
The corrupt leaders yes. The people no. (In terms of America benefiting)
I am curious what you think America gained from the war in the Ukraine?
Dear my respected senior, @valued-customer !
Many Japanese and Koreans now speculate that the United States has ambitions to dominate China!
Russia suffered heavy casualties and material damage in the war in Ukraine. So, when China confronts the United States and Japan, Russia cannot support China.
I assumed that China would succumb to pressure from the US and Japan!
I hope to see you in the US soon in the future!
I believe you will teach me a lot of important knowledge!
I want to tell you the hidden truths of East Asia! I want the whole of Asia to receive the gospel of Jesus!
I hope your health and long life!😃
I have no confidence in that claim. During WWII Russia spent tens of millions of lives to defeat Germany. I doubt it has lost 1M so far in this war for it's survival. However, I am confident Trump seeks economic prosperity first, and if he can gain a mutual trade with China - undefiled by illegal infiltration of criminals and fentanyl across the US border - Trump will happily develop an accord with China, with Russia, and even with the EU, if such can be created without military conflict.
Now China wants to dominate Taiwan to dominate the global semiconductor market!
But, Japan intends to compete with China to dominate the global semiconductor market.
So, Japan and China want to dominate Taiwan's semiconductor industry.
Trump seeks a peaceful agreement with China for economic gain, but Japan and China are willing to start a war to seize Taiwan.
Allied together, or each separately to benefit themselves? I do not see any potential today for China and Japan to ally.
Also, the cost to either of taking Taiwan would be far beyond any benefits they might gain, particularly as the chip foundries are mined and will be blown to smithereens if a foreign military gains possession of Taiwan. China has far more economic benefit potential from cooperation with the USA, and so does Japan to continue it, than either has to gain from military hostilities over Taiwan.
Taiwan will never be ruled by the Chinese Communist Party. The Taiwanese would rather be ruled by Japan!
First, I don't think Trump has the Ukraine to hand over. The Ukrainians have most of it, and Russia has reclaimed the rest. >1000 years ago, the area that is now called the Ukraine was where Russia came into being, as the Kievan Rus came to power there.
IMG source - - Before the US Constitution had been written the Donbass was part of Russia
The borders of the modern Ukrainian state were created by the Tsars, in the 1920s by Lenin, and variously expanded thereafter, as parts of Poland, Hungary, and Romania were added to the Ukraine, which was an administrative region of the USSR. Similarly states in the USA can scarcely be considered sovereign nations after the Civil war proved they were administrative units of the USA in actual fact.
IMG source -
The collapse of the USSR in 1991 changed that, and that is what actually created the modern Ukrainian state. While we don't hear much from states that have been shredded and reformed by WWII, Hungary, Poland, and Romania, at least, all have claims on clay today in the possession of the Ukraine, and I find it far more likely that they will gain that clay than that Russia will. Were I Putin, I would try very hard to convince the Donald to offer those states in the EU that clay back - if the EU would cease funding war in the Ukraine. If Trump makes the offer, and Putin agrees, that puts enormous pressure on both the EU and the Ukraine to end the war at the cost of clay that was never rightfully theirs, but gains them agreements of peace from all belligerents, and the prospect of international commerce that isn't covert military operations funded by spooks. The only clay that is truly Ukrainian was that held by the Zaporozhian Cossacks, and gaining the north of the Ukraine as a concession from Russia would be in incredible boon worth $T's, because it includes the actual birthplace of the Russian empire, Kiev.
The affliction of Donald Tusk on Poland was a remarkable coup when it was recently done, and occasioned extraordinary political disruption, unprecedented arrests of Polish opposition politicians, and desecration of Polish law and political traditions. Hungary has withstood such nonsense, to the great gnashing of Ursula Von der Leyen's vicious fangs. Romania has recently been very obviously couped by the EU, and just now hundreds of thousands of Romanians protest in the streets against that coup, and demand their preferred candidate, Calin Georgescu, be allowed to assume his rightful office of President they have chosen him to serve.
IMG source - daily_romania on
It is quite possible all three of those countries have a large majority of their civilian populations that are vehemently against EU warmongering in the Ukraine, and would rise up in fervent support were their rightful clay, seized by the USSR after WWI and WWII, returned in exchange for mutual peace, or even alliance against the EU that has proved willing to overthrow those countries to press for war in the Ukraine. Certainly the relevant populations presently in the Ukraine would be enormously in favor of joining the countries that are part of the EU.
So, no, Trump will not give Putin the Ukraine, but might help give the Ukraine back to the countries from which it was carved by the USSR, in exchange for peace with Russia for all parties.
I didn't know that Hungary, Poland and Romania wanted Ukrainian territory!😯
I assumed that Russia invaded Ukraine because it wanted Ukraine to become part of NATO!
Just as it would be painful if your mother married your enemy, it is similarly painful for Russia to see it's birthplace become allied with it's enemies. The complex legal machinations that have been employed to cow and bribe EU states, even recent coups, have buried those claims of traditional lands in the actions of the EU, it's economic power, and generations of disconnect, all create shade cast on prior holdings. The peoples descended from those nations presently part of the Ukraine would clamor to be rejoined to those nations today part of the EU, not least for the economic and political benefits they would gain.
The Crimean War that took place in the 19th century was caused by Russia's desire to advance into the Mediterranean through Ukraine.
I wonder if the EU can drive Russia out of Ukraine without US support!
They don't. Even with US support, Russia has been winning the war. Without US support, which was the bulk of money and materiel availed the Ukraine, there soon would be little to no resistance of the Ukraine to Russian advance.
That is unhappy!
I’d disagree. It means this will finally end. That’s good.
Dear @yuribezmenov !
I said it in the sense of being unhappy from a Ukrainian point of view!😂