Take Your Pick: A Reflection On Curation Of Your Experience
Time Management Is Event Control
I reiterate a lesson from a book in the hopes that while I make mistakes, I learn from as many experiences as possible. Reading leads to an interesting effect after so many texts, though it might fit more to call the phenomenon source amnesia.
As such, the memory of when I crossed this quote escapes me. The searches for the quote return with Otto von Bismarck.
Only fools learn from experience. I prefer to learn from the experience of others.
Despite a solid effort, by the First Chancellor of the German Empire's definition, I fall into the category of fool. I can't help it. I run into deadlines. Sometimes I multitask, not really paying attention to either of the two occupants of my focus. Haven't you ever tried listening to someone while looking at your phone? The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra could play; I would not budge. Other times, I forget to unpack when I'm back.
So, I get upset, pout a little bit, kick a ball. Then I flush it. I am in control, after all, therefore, only I stand in the way of realignment and renewed intention.
I am a big believer in the control of one's life, which appears to be a perspective in a silent minority. Feels just like folks don't think they can call the shots, even when it comes to what they watch through social media.
I believe the greatest wisdom I gathered from the experiences of others boils down to the great difference small steps arrive at, given many choices thrown in our face, when we elect to control the events of our lives.
We Control What We Consume, So Let's Act Like It
I have no contention with the following idea from this Forbes article I found on the matter.
Discussion around social media usage tends to highlight the amount of time teens and adults spend online and on their devices, but what’s often left out is how we can deliberately curate our social media feeds to empower ourselves through representation and choice.
The old fogey's pestering makes for an easy stance to take. "You kids looking at your phone's all day, I don't know how you do it! We didn't have those gadgets growing up."
Lately, I change the tune towards ownership of the experience.
"How was it today? See anything cool?" While the latter might sound pretentious, many people I know watch others do interesting things with their hobbies and passions, but pass the ball when the time comes to take their own shot, to transmute their ideas into reality.
Maybe, my motives are not like the majority's. Then again, the majority oft wishes they did what they loved. That's why I push myself, in particular. I don't want to feel like I could have done more or missed something, thus, I curate my experience.

Share Your Experiences, Let Us All Be Wiser For It
Let me come clean. I am slacking on the plethora of people leaving their thoughts for me in the comments below. Yet, I must be a man, because I hunger for more. Tell me, dear reader, have you ever had a moment where a small choice made a significant impact on your day?
Maybe you held the door for someone, maybe you tipped the delivery person. You could have even been slow to anger, when a slight issue popped up.
Share your experience with taking control of life's events. And, tell me who you follow here, or any other platform, that you'd recommend.
Remember, you can take control of your day, your feed, or anything you wish. Daily planning prevents the week from surprising you with the unexpected. Picking who you follow and unfollow prevents undesired content from popping off. I can count too many occasions where someone's caught sight of an intrusive ad in my browser. Curse those free manga and anime sites.
There is a experience of curation I learnt in my early days of ministry.
Do tell! I bet you had the task of making sure certain songs were sung, rooms were kept neat for worship and things of that nature.
Planning the day is really good so you won’t entertain things that are not important or unplanned into your day
That is a fact. I try my hardest to avoid the distractions that come throughout the day, but no plan survives contact with the enemy. I read that from someone on HIVE, actually!
Sometimes when we don't see people that will push us to achieve our goals, we continually need to keep pushing ourselves
Certainly. I am my biggest motivator, but additionally, I appreciate that you and others read my work as well. You all push me to note only post for others to engage with me, but for me, to engage with others myself.