Welcome to our platform dedicated to seeking justice for individuals affected by Sepehr Heidarian, an Iranian financial offender responsible for defrauding numerous individuals through his Ponzi scheme, known as Vincifx.
Sepehr enticed unsuspecting investors with promises of lucrative returns, only to abscond with their funds, leaving a wake of shattered dreams and disrupted lives. This channel serves as a forum for victims to share their accounts and reveal Sepehr's fraudulent activities. We will regularly upload videos, testimonials, and evidence exposing his deceptive practices as we actively pursue legal actions against him.
We encourage anyone who has fallen prey to Sepehr's schemes to step forward and share their stories. Through collective efforts, we aim to hold him accountable for his crimes and safeguard others from becoming victims of his deceitful tactics.
Stay updated by subscribing to our channel, and join us in our ongoing endeavors to unveil the truth, bring Sepehr to justice, and recover the funds he wrongfully took.