RE: Pushing The Limits.


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It could just be the topics. You gave yourself a plan/outline so you wouldn't have to scramble for topics but also when you plan stuff like that it can become "work", whereas if you wanted to write to reduce stress then you kind of need to do more freewriting (similar to what you've just done here) where the main purpose is to get your thoughts out of your head/processed with little to no regard for "quality".

contrary to popular belief it is entirely possible to process inside your head, writing it out is a metric boatload easier unless/until you learn how to backburn

Your bitmoji reminded me of my daughter, she has been going to the gym with her gym rat boyfriend (lovely kid) and he apparently was trying to get her to bench press the other day and she told us that she couldn't even bench the bar by itself with no weights on it XD

Only a couple more days to the end of the month. Then take a break :)

or keep the streak if you think you got it sussed I donno XD


I think you are right about it being work and maybe that's what eating away at my motivation.
Planning and putting things in the calendar is ok for work-related things not for fun activities. I guess I need to plan better. and It's time that I discuss things with inuke.
Thanks for the push.


Hey!! those bars are heavy. I am not kidding. XD.
