Guavas are packed with nutrients like vitamin C, lycopene, antioxidants and fiber that provide numerous health benefits.
They have a texture similar to pears but with a bit more crunch. Both the leaves and fleshy part of the fruit are edible, and they grow in humid or dry areas.
This article discusses the many benefits of eating guava in detail.

Guava is Good for Your Health:

Guava is cultivated worldwide and loaded with nutrients that can benefit your health. Eating it seasonally can be particularly advantageous for your body.
Guava has been shown to improve vision, promote women's fertility, enhance brain function, regulate blood pressure and control diabetes among other things.

Additionally, guava leaves can help treat common colds and coughs and ulcer of all kinds.

Nutritional Value of Guava (Amrood):

A 100-gram serving of guava contains:

Calories: 68
Protein: 2.6 grams
Carbohydrates: 14.3 grams
Fiber: 5.4 grams
Fat: 0.95 grams
Vitamin C: 228.3 milligrams (304% daily value)
Vitamin A: 624 IU (21% daily value)
Potassium: 417 milligrams (9% daily value)-
Magnesium :22milligrams (6%dailyvalue)

Guavas also contain antioxidants such as carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols which protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals. They also contain small amounts calcium, iron phosphorus and B vitamins.

Excellent Benefits of Eating Guava (Amrood):

Boosting Immunity:

The high amountsof Vitamin Cin guavacan boost immunityby fighting disease-causing pathogens. It protects your body from cell damage, reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.Vitamin C levels are highest when the fruitis ripe.

Promoting Healthy Digestion:

Because guavas are one of the richest sources offiber, it can be beneficial for constipation and diarrhea. Fiber helps maintain healthy intestinal cells by fueling a healthy cycle that positively affects bowel movements. Additionally, dietary fiber can soothe the gastrointestinal tractand protect against bacterial infections.

Rich Source of Antioxidants and Nutrients:

In addition to being nutrient-dense, gauva is a rich source of antioxidants like lycopene which help protect against cellular damage. The fruit's unique flavorandscent make it one of the super fruits out there.

Iron in Guave:

One hundred grams of guava juice contains twice there commended daily allowance (VitaminC) along with 21.l grams Vitamin C making it an excellent source of iron for those who need it most.

Managing Diabetes with Guave :

Consuming guava without peel might lower blood cholesterol and sugar levels significantly reducingtherisk of diabetes according to an Indian study. Guava leaf extracts might fight type2 Diabetes according to some animal studies due to their antihy perglycemic effects.

Lowering Blood Pressure with Guave Leaf Extracts:

Whilemore research is needed, Gua va leaf extracts might lower high blood pressure effectively due to their antioxidant properties which expandblood vessels. However, the effects on humans need to be studied further.

Promoting Fertility:

Folate, fiber, and vitamin Care all present in guava nutrition. These three nutrients may potentially boost fertility. Pregnancy rates were higher in females who consumed moderate amounts of folate compared to those who had lower folate intake. Women with in adequate vitamin C intake have a lower chanceofovercoming infertility issues.Athough there are no studies on whether guava directly boosts fertility, it contains nutrients that help women trying to conceive.

A Heart Healthy Fruit :

With its fiber content, Gua vacan help lower bad cholesterol levels as sociated with heart disease. In addition, potassium in the fruit may help lower blood pressure while polysaccharides found in Guave leaf tea prevent at herosclerosis

Effective Remedy for Diarrhea:

According to medical literature, Guava fruit and leaves' anti- microbial properties can help treat diarrhea. Mean while, the 12% daily recommended value of fiber can also help ease nausea, vomiting, bloating, and gas. Although more research is needed on this topic.

Natural Stress Reliever:

Magnesium present in guava may reduce anxiety by relaxing your body's nerves. This nutrient is thought to reduce every individual's stress level although more evidence is needed.

Remedy for Coughs and Cold:

Due primarily to its Vitam in Ccontent, gauva can effectively treat a cold or cough. Other studies show that the fruit may decrease cough frequency. And when consumed in larger doses, Vitamin C helps relieve mucus formation, making it easier to breathe during respiratory infections.

Enhancing Cognitive Health with Guava:

Eating gauva day-to-day improves cognitive health because it contains two essential B-vitamins. There appears reduced risk for dementia, cognitive decline, and depression among individuals who consume enough vitamin B6. Animal studies show that Vitamin B3 improves neuro degeneration.

Relief From Painful Periods:

Women suffering from dysmenorrhea found relief when they consumed a drug containing gauva extracts in a study. Rats showed spasmolytic effects with the use of fruit leaf extracts to relieve their uterine cramps. As per this study, women experienced relief using these same methods.

Promoting Healthy Thyroid Function :

Since copper deficiency could result in thyroid function is sues, such as anaemia or weaker bones, Copper plays extremely important role in the proper regulation of thyroid gland. Copper increases hormones necessary for the thyroid gland like estrogen and progesterone. Several nutrient deficiencies including copper, manganese, selenium, zinc were observed in people having thyroid diseases.

Weight Loss Friendly Fruit:

Low in calories but high in fibre content makes gauvaa great choice for weight loss.With only 38 calories in a medium-sized portion, youget 12% daily recommended fibre making you feel fuller longer without losing any essential nutrients unlike some other low-calorie snacks.

Improved Eye Sight:

Gauva helps cutdown risks related to cataracts or mucular degeneration due to the nutrients like vitamin A present in it. Guava is also abundant in vitamin C in the fruit.

Anti-Ageing Properties For Youthful Skin:

By protecting your skin from UV damage viaits antioxidants, gauva can potentially delay signs of aging. You can enhance skin firmness using vitamin A and C in this wonder fruit.

Improves Complexion:

Although research is incomplete, Guava supposedly improves the complexion. Guava so treats skin discolouration acne irritation, reduces redness, dark circles making you look young fresh removing impurities improving your skin’s complexion.

Enhancing Skin Texture:

Various vitamins and also antioxidants make guava good choice for enhancing skin texture. These ingredients prevent wrinkles and skin damage while fighting free radicals. Applying leaf extract directly on your skin also can especially help control acne.

Nourish Your Hair:

With lots of vitamins Band C Present in Guava leaves, nourishing hair follicles becomes easy. Leaving hair shiny healthy-looking, long-lasting, everyday usage will add up to all medicinal benefits on growing hair.

Potential Risks and Precautions:

Like anyfood item, Guava could have side effects if taken excessively. Some people might suffer from allergies, hives itching swelling difficulty breathing. Others could experience side digestive problems like diarrhoea, bloating orgasm. Blood sugar fluctuations that are harmful for those at risk or diabetic patients interference with medications like specific blood thinners. Tooth decay or tooth sensitivity could occur because gauva is acidic. Interaction between specificmedications should
be considered before eating gauva.


All-in-all, gauva is generally safe and enjoyable to eat. However, it should be eaten moderately because it is possible to suffer from side effects. If you experience any adverse reactions after consuming gauva seek medical attention immediately.

Limited research exists regarding the effects of eating large amounts of this fruit so caution should be exercised especially if pregnant or having existing medical conditions. Easy and tasty recipes include smoothies or salads made from gauva which packs necessary nutrition into every delicious bite.


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