The Most Interesting Screenshots From My 2024 News Watching that Wasn't Funny
Still in the spirit of looking back at the year cos it's coming to an end, I've been going through my screenshots, and this is a good round up of the stuff I've screenshotted while watching the news.
I made a previous post that is about the funniest screenshot and I think that is more fun than this one. You should definitely check that out.
Let's dive into this one, though, shall we?
Probably nothing, but enjoy your life more in the meantime just in case:
That's a really sharp decline:
Things keep getting better for cannabis lovers:
What did I tell you?
Surprising because they're not supposed to be able to do that:
Shout out Cannabis lovers again:
It's been a great year for cannabis, I tell you:
This was crazy, it's still surprising how she lost because it wasn't looking like she'd lose at all preelection:
The End
Hi there, my novella Professor Otagburuagu just got published. It promises to be thoroughly entertaining and intellectually stimulating. Written by myself and illustrated by Scandinavian artist @katharsisdrill. You can get it from me for just 4 HBD.
You can also order the hard copy from anywhere in the world via this link:
Thank you!