The Craziest Forex Investment Idea I have Seen Implemented

[Art created by me]

Some dude I know does this stuff I'm going to talk about. It was just so mind blowing to me that I've been having a strong urge to talk about it.

I wonder if it was his idea or if he saw someone else do it and decided to do it too. I also wonder who else must have heard of this strategy.

But let's dive into it real quick, and if it's new to you as it most likely is, you stand a chance of benefiting massively from this, especially if you have some online followership and your brand is related to money, crypto, investments. Or if you just have a good number of people that would listen to you.

The Idea Proper

You know how many exchanges have a referral program. Crypto exchanges, Forex Trading apps, and stuff like these are fond of having referral programs.

And the rewards are usually so good. You might get a percentage or some outright sum, or might win a prize if you have a lot of referrals.

But the problem has always been getting people to refer. Because most people already have an exchange they use or something.

Your plan is usually to just post your link and urge your followers to register, with some little shilling of the benefits and that kind of thing.

Even if you overcome this problem and get people to register, there is always the extra problem of getting them to actually deposit funds into their accounts and make trades. And that's usually what you want for you who referred them to get more rewards.

Secondly, you know how there are some guys who are really good at Forex signals. They give the best signals and no one is perfect, so about 80% accuracy is quite guaranteed.

These guys usually have a VIP group or something that you have to pay to get into and receive their signals. Which might be a problem for some people.

So what does this guy do?

He goes and finds the Forex trading app with the best referral rewards program. Then finds the guy with the best trading signals.

He pays for the signals, registers on the Forex app and then goes to his followers and tells them he would give them free signals (that he got from the VIP group), they wouldn't have to pay a dime for the signals.

But all they have to do is register with his referral link, deposit and start trading with the free signals he'll provide them.

It doesn't even end there. He directs his message to people who don't even trade, and tells them they can make hundreds of dollars for free trading. He would tell them what to trade because he belongs to a VIP group, and he would show them how to set stop loss.

All of these for free, all they have to do is register and manage their funds themselves.

Isn't that just a mad offer?

People flood in, register with his link, fund their accounts and this guy just sits back raking in the referral bonuses. He makes back the money he paid for the VIP group and a lot more.

He also gets these good signals, trade and makes even more money, and at least stand the chance of making a great lot more money.

And you think that's all, right? Wrong! The guys he referred and is supplying free signals feel like they're being done a great favour, and they send him little sums as appreciation when they see success.

And if they ever make it big, you bet the appreciative sums would be even more.

And if they lose (which is difficult due to stop loss, good signals, and the fact they're running a marathon not a sprint), they got everything for free in the first place, and they knew this trading thing wasn't 100% guaranteed.

Perfect strategy! This probably has a term to define it in Forex that I don't know of.

So do you have followers or friends and a brand through which you can refer and benefit from something like this? Great for you. You probably don't even need a VIP group, you could join someone like this guy for free and get your signals for free 🤣🤣.

The End

Hi there, my novella Professor Otagburuagu just got published. It promises to be thoroughly entertaining and intellectually stimulating. Written by myself and illustrated by Scandinavian artist @katharsisdrill. You can get it from me for just 4 HBD.

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Roll with @nevies, I run a Humor, deeper thoughts, and sex talk blog here on Hive🌚

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