The Common Dead Ends People Meet on their Intellectual Dive into the Spiritual
It is the goal of many to seek and find God if he exists, or at least find whatever spiritual existence is out there and connect with it.
On this journey there are many points where a person gets confused and sort of meet a dead end. Most of these dead ends can be resolved with just some superior logical argument. But of course these arguments are not always easily found.
Here are some examples of common dead ends:
Dead End 1
A person looks at religious texts/holy books, finds a lot of contradictions, illogicalities, and irregularities in them and thinks
"all the errors in these holy books must mean these holy books are worthless, but how can they be worthless when they were inspired by God?"
Now, that's a dead end, the person no longer knows what to believe or do, they seem to have a strong reason to disregard these books but at the same time another strong reason to keep regarding these books.
The simple resolution to this dead end is, why do you think those books were inspired by God? What makes you so sure? The answer is that these books say that they were inspired of God.
That right there is the wrong reason to believe that it was inspired of God, because you can't examine something to find out of it is worthy and the only reason why you think it is worthy is because it said it is worthy.
You can't say "oh the suspect said he wasn't the one that did it, so case closed! He isn't that one that did it". That would be funny.
So when you look at a so-called holy book you shouldn't judge it based on the fact that it tells you it is the truth, you should judge it based on it's content, and you've already seen that it's content are contradictory, illogical, and error-ridden.
Dead End 2
A person looks at all the arguments against the existence of God but decides that there has to be a God because there's no way the world could have come from nothing.
So even though they are conversant with solid arguments against the existence on the other hand they have something else they think is strong enough to counter all the arguments.
So they find themselves at a dead end because this is a point which they cannot pass. They cannot counter all the arguments against the existence of God but they just have a reason to think those arguments do not destroy everything because the world couldn't have come from nothing.
But of course the world could have come from nothing, because whatever source you want to settle for wouldn't you be saying that source came from nothing? If that source can come from nothing, why not the world?
If that source can come from nothing then you're saying something can come from nothing, and if something can come from nothing then why can't the world have come from nothing?
Dead End 3
A person thinks they have come across proof of the existence of spirituality, and so all the good arguments against spirituality no longer hold water.
So many people claim to have proof, but on objective examination these proofs always turn out to be scams.
Seances, prophecies, magical performances, healings, etc have been proven time and again to be scams and make-believe.
Here is a list of real life prizes for anyone who can prove the existence of the spiritual. These prizes have been waiting for ages and no one has been able to prove anything.
That is because when a claim is brought before those who have the brains and abilities to test them objectively it always turns out to be false. People only fall for these claims because they couldn't test them.
A man can be made to believe he just spoke to the dead by a spiritual leader, but if that man had more brains he would have known that was just ventriloquism or some other trick which a more enlightened objective body with more brains and tools.
It's too easy to prove the existence of the spiritual if the spiritual actually existed. If something is real, proving it beyond reasonable doubt is the easiest thing ever, except it is beyond reach but so-called spiritual people don't claim their powers are beyond reach, do they?
If a man says he can tell the future, it is very easy to prove this to us. Tell us the scores of all the 10 premier League games that would be played on the weekend, for example, and if we say it was by luck then do it again. Surely you can't be lucky 10 times in a row twice.
If a man says he can teleport, someone should wait for him at the destination and at the point of take off, there's no way his skills would be in doubt of he does it twice or more.
It's as simple as that.
If you think you have any proof for the spiritual, upon proper examination, you'll always find that you were wrong. If you aren't wrong the whole world would be happy to see you prove it before an educated and objective examination body. There is also millions in prizes waiting for you.
The End
All other pictures were created by myself.
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Perhaps the true challenge lies not in proving the spiritual, but in being open to the wonders of the enigmatic world while still demanding rigorous evidence.
Probably 🤔