Having a Good Memory Would Make you a Better Lover

When asked to mention the benefits of having a good memory, most people would surely list things like doing well in academics, doing well in old age, doing well probably in a job or something.

One thing you'd bet they'll never mention is that becoming a better lover is one of the major benefits.

But it is.

How Having a Good Memory Would Make You a Better Lover

(1) Remembering little details about your lover is one of the things that'll fill them up so strongly with the feeling of being loved.

This is already general knowledge.

I've been a person with a great memory all my life, and so many people think I really care for them when I don't particularly care for them, simply because I remember little random things about them. Lol.

I never try to correct them, though, I just let them leave with the feeling of being cared for. What can I say? Just a guy with a big heart doing what a guy with a big heart does.


(2) Apart from this,lovers are always teaching their lovers how to love them and what is important to them, and if you have a good memory you'll remember and keep to it but if you don't have a good memory you can have the best intentions but do something your lover has said they don't like in the past just because you forgot.

It's very common for people to say what they like and don't like just in passing, happens all the time. Just imagine you can remember all of these little things, what a better lover you would become.

(3) Remembering little details don't always come naturally with love The quotes out there say that when you love people you remember little details about them and about everything they tell you.

But that's not always the case. We're human and we forget, especially things said in passing, things said long ago, and later on in the relationship when the love is not so passionate a good memory would make a great supplement.

(4) You are so much better company when you remember things, even things that are not about your lover. Have you ever been having a conversation with someone and they can't remember a detail but you help them by completing it? Do you see how relieving it feels?

It even feels better for them when the stuff you helped them complete was about something they had told you about before and now they can't recall that quickly. The fact that you recall gives them the feeling of assurance that you actually care about what they tell you and it was actually not a waste, you got it into your head and it stuck.

Feelings like these make them enjoy talking to you better because they know what they're saying is actually "entering" your head and that you're actually listening to them. They feel heard.

Also, conversations with you are richer when you can remember stuff.


So there you have it, it's actually that important. We always hear the saying that "it is the little things", nothing can be truer than that.

Also many things you think are the little things have a further-reaching effect than the things that you'd consider the big things.

Having a good memory, then, is an important tool for a lover, and having a good memory should be something you think about when trying to improve your performance as a lover.

The End

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