RE: Respect Knows no Gender


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I dunno, this all just feels like way too much effort trying to constantly please everybody. I'd rather just be myself and if it makes people uncomfortable then they can go be comfortable with other people, and in return I get to do the same.

Ultimately though I guess that's why I lack friends, I just can't be doing with it. I don't like hugs or being touched by anyone except my loved one and my cats. I don't like small talk, and I don't like trying to 'feel out' people and trying to gain favour in a social environment.

I prefer situations where people are just themselves unapologetically, which might make me hate them, but at least I can respect them for being who they want to be without compromise. They'll have their own group and that seems fine to me.

I can't stand the idea of just constantly being potentially friends with literally everybody. Give me 2-3 close friends and I'm good. The world needs a bit of distasteful personality out there to make people feel uncomfortable, like how we all need a flu every now and then to remind us how great it is to be healthy XD


Lol did you just call yourself a flu? You are a pretty decent flu then.

My life philosophy is generally not giving a shit about anything I can’t change and basically I can only really change how I act with people and what I focus on. The more I try to enjoy them the more fun I have. So I try to enjoy everyone. Some people make it really difficult but the less I get triggered, the easier they seem to get.

I guess because I grew up with AOL chatrooms and found punk and emo kids who understood me only after exploring outside my hometown so now I have this desire to always look for interesting and meaningful interactions.
