The last Pilates class

I had my last Pilates class today. You may remember that I started with it in February of this year, on the recommendation of my physiotherapist who praised the Reformer Pilates classes a lot. He said it was a very good way to improve my flexibility, strengthen my muscles and thus prevent the neck pain that caused me to go to him. It seems he was right because I noticed a difference. I feel that after every Pilates class, I come out, although tired, with greater elasticity. Fatigue and sore muscles slowly stopped because the muscle tissue had already gotten used to it and kept in shape.
What I didn't know is that these workouts would also help me prevent joint injuries, and that is also very important as our years go by. We cannot deny that. We may feel young, although the body dictates its own pace that is maybe not aligned with the mind. Even if we don't pay attention to age, some professions require us to be in good physical shape. Exercise and workouts can be the answer, apart from choosing to consume healthy food.

Speaking about food and eating habits... since I started going to Pilates I feel that I eat more. Of course, I blame the workout that I am always hungry, and I have that excuse to have extra snacks because I think I need them. Well, our home digital body weight scale has not been my best friend recently. I don't like the numbers it shows on its display! 😂 I am joking, it is not that bad as my weight is more or less the same as always. And I didn't start going to Pilates to lose weight - for that I should do other type of workout. At the same time, I stopped being anxious about my body weight and not having a perfect appearance. Ok, it is far from perfect but as I said, going to this kind of exercise had a completely different goal.

During these six months, I learned a few more things that were not written in the "Pilates contract". Let's mention for example... how important breathing is. It directly accompanies the exercises; maybe it is better to say that breathing is an inseparable part of our lives. You don't breathe - you don't live, that is very obvious. But even when you work out, you help with your breathing making the effort, making the impulse or calming down your body and mind. It depends on how you use it in different situations.
The next important lesson it taught me is that we don't have to do the exercise perfectly as maybe we still need to train our muscles, however, we do have to have the right intention and visualization of the movement and activation of a certain, exact area of our body that has to be trained. If I have to lift my leg, it is not always the same muscle that has to do it, and it is not always the same way how it should be done. We always have to think and have the orientation of our body in space. Also, the body needs to be in balance and be able to do different tasks - my shoulders should not be tensed while I have to activate the area of my body that the instructor asks for, for example, lifting the pelvis and pushing the bar with one leg, the other leg at 90% angle or straight, breathing correctly plus having relaxed arms. Or the arms doing some weight lifting. I can't really explain better but in short: there is an infinite number of variations that an exercise can have... I had the feeling that it was always different, each time.

All in all, attending Reformer Pilates classes was a great and helpful experience for both my body and mind. Now I will have to take a little break as we will be traveling quite a distance to visit our families and then when we are back here I will see what I can do. There are many question marks that Mister Future holds in his hands and waves at me. One is certain - I am sure that the lessons learned in this gym can be applied to every circumstance.
I remember when you started and I told you that my mom had done pilates and it had gone super well, I'm glad it applied to you and .... what's that about you not having the perfect body? hahaha you look great!!!! You are super slim!
Now enjoy your family and then life will take care of itself.
I'm enjoying the beach a little bit and .... collecting rocks hahaha
Collecting rocks? 😱
The combination of those two words sounds great! 😋
Yes, I remember your mom went to Pilates too, it is not invasive but very helpful!
Ahhh surprise... hint, I just finished using oleo.... hahahaha.🤣
Yes my mother found it perfect and she has a spinal surgery.
Ow, someone was painting kind things 🤭
With a lot of sweetness and melancholy.... yes... here they are by my side hahaha
All sounds good. I have never tried pilates however I do exercises at home for core strength and flexibility and works for me. A lot of walking, uphill and downhill though as it is inevitable where I live, haha! And yes exercises are great for the body and mind. Stay healthy. Enjoy your break and family. 🩷
Doing exercises at home is an excellent way to gain on strength and flexibility. I always remember my uncle who used to exercise at home every single day, until he got very old. Well, he was a handball couch so he knew how important it was to maintain the physical activity.
Going uphill and downhill - almost no need for more exercises 🤭😂
Hello!!! What a pleasure to greet you again. I've been inactive and sad, but once again I'm back on track with Hive. Nice to read you. Have a good trip, I'm glad to know that you put a lot of life into these posts.
Hey, hello again @yventura !
This is a nice surprise, that you are back... I noticed your absence. Sorry to hear you were sad, though I hope everything goes well for you in your life 🙏
Saludos 👋
Hey, sweetheart, you look gorgeous! I'm glad that pilates had such a good impact on your overall health and it's honestly one of the best things one can do. Exercise is also self love 💕
Then I will have to find a way to continue it somehow, as I think you are right. 📸 Thank you for pointing this out! Also, the whole concept of doing pilates should help carrying some emotional backpacks we all have, they don't just disappear when we realize we have them, but maybe it's easier to carry the load when we train ourselves.
I totally agree with you! The key to carry those emotional backpacks is to learn (slowly) how to handle the weight
Quisiera poder aprender a hacer pilates. Lo tengo en mi lista de deseos de verdad. Y al haber estudiado danza siento yo que no me costaría tanto. Pero bueno debo intentar. excelente tu post
Seguro que pilates te encantaría, no es invasivo o difícil comparado con otros deportes pero sí que se notan agujetas después de cada entrenamiento 😜
Physical exercise is good for everyone. When I do it, I feel great. You made a good decision to eliminate your discomfort. Now enjoy your trip and your family. There will be time for everything.😇🥰
It's very important to do some exercise, moreover if we live a sedentary lifestyle. I am sure you move a lot a work around your home a lot so you are not inactive... but even then, doing exercises feels great! 😉
It’s like the Pilates workout requires a lot of energy from you and that’s why you have been eating much since you started it
Congratulations on finishing your Pilates class
Those voices in the head telling you one more cake one more biscuit....thy love us when we make excuses to justify their reasoning !! 🤣
The shot in the mirror.....Sorry, but you look like the last person that needs to worry about putting on weight 😎
😂 haha, those voices in the head enjoy their triumph when we reach for that extra biscuit 🍪
Weight, no matter how much the scale says... It's always that voice (another voice in the head) that says it would be great to be one or two kilograms lighter. Clear example: this morning I asked the scale about my weight and it said 56kg. So I thought it would be great to lose 2 kilos. But the scale is not really accurate, so I tried again and it showed 54.6kg. I still felt: it would be great to lose one or two kilograms 😂
56Kg, is what a lot of women aspire to be, buy a better set of scales !! LOL
Wow... I see a mango in the mirror. Hahaha... 😅 Yes you are fit.
I was reading recently that whatever you eat thinking it will do you good, will do you good. Of course you have to be responsible, but in my opinion it's silly being healthy to be depriving yourself of delicious things for "fear" of getting fat, in principle. Note that I emphasised that word. Fear is our worst enemy, the same as love is our main and great ally.
Breathing is the beginning of everything.
Disfruta el tiempo con tu familia. 💫
We ate watermelon now, a sweet fruit although not mango, which we don't have here 😅
I don't deprive myself of anything right now hahaha, biscuits, ice cream, and cakes are also on the menu too many times 😂 And when we go to visit our families, (next week we start the driving adventure) I know that tasty dishes are waiting for me so... there will be more of me hahaha
🤣 okok lo que tú digas
The first thing I have learned is that the vacation and the big trip are coming, so I want, first of all, to wish you a wonderful vacation full of pleasant memories!
I've always been amused by the resonance of the word "pilates", and have never been curious to find out what it means. I don't even know if these exercises are only done by girls and women, or if men can do it too. I have back and spine problems myself, I try some exercises at home but I'm not consistent and, it probably, would be better to be assisted.
I am glad that you feel a good effect after pilates and that you have discovered new and useful things, probably you will do some easy exercises on vacation, for maintenance. Have a nice vacation!
Thank you, the preparation for the trip is already tiresome but once we leave and arrive there, then the real vacation time will start. I will be in your neighborhood ;)
Men can also do pilates, of course. It was a man after all who invented these exercises 😉
Recently I was switching my schedules of the pilates classes so sometimes I got into groups whit two men and one woman. Oh, and the majority of the instructors are male in the gym where I go, so it is indeed not just a girlie thing. Maybe you and your wife could give it a try, I am sure she would also feel the benefits of these exercises.
Yes, I know you will be in the neighborhood and you will cross old Europe. I think it is tiring but also beautiful and interesting. I wish you a pleasant trip! I'm curious how you see the places where you grew up now. I hope we will see something in your future posts.
Pilates is phenomenal for your body, especially for building core strength. I should give it a try, but I often find myself drawn to activities I enjoyed when I was younger, like basketball. My body just isn’t in shape for it anymore, and I always end up injuring something.
We have to remember our age :D and take care not to end up injured by doing sports. Pilates is excellent!
Several years ago my husband used to go to play football, they had a reserved slot once or twice a week on the local football field. He got injured a few times in the knee area but then the toe injury that needed a lot of time to heal finished this hobby.
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