Eating well to live better


In the last decade I learnt a lot of new things about nutrition and how to improve my eating habits to improve my life.

10 years ago I weighted 95 kilograms per 1.82cm of height and now I weight about 86kilograms.

Of course, I am not selling any kind of nutritional package of product otherwise I would have started stating that I lost 9 kilograms in three months to grab your attention.

Until 2016 I was eating meat twice a day as I played agonistic sport and I believed meat was necessary to bring proteins and iron into my body. Anyway, every time I ate meat I felt stomach-acidity without understanding why at the beginning but then clearly identifying the reason. Still, I thought it was necessary so I kept eating meat. Since 2017, when I started dating Mary, I reduced meat simply to the one produced by her parents as they breeded them a few animals per year in a natural way.

Meat you buy at supermarkets has a non-natural quantity of hormones and anti-biotics as animals from intensive breeding have to grow fast and with no diseases to avoid mass contamination.

That’s one of the reason why when you cook a steak bought from a market it usually reduces dramatically its size. Water was retained from the tissues of the animal trying to reduce concentrations of bad substances and washing them out.

I am not eating meat anymore now for several reasons, mainly respectful for the animals in general and I am not condemning meat-eaters.

I am simply suggesting to better look at the meat you are eating.

Another step ahead I made is on my breakfast.

Source: Author. One picture from my breakfast

I was used to have milk/tea/juice with biscuits. And still, I felt tired and hungry again after a couple of hours. I tried the Budwig mixture, made of yoghurt and fruit. Then, I moved to a minimal approach that I am adopting now, with great results since years.

Today, my breakfast is made of seasonal fruit, seeds, almond milk (with no added sugar), almonds, and cereals (raw, with not added sugar).

And before having breakfast, while Mary prepares fruit, I always prepare the “Golden Milk” for us. Golden Milk is a mixture famous across the world and I adapted it to my taste and spices I have making it of:
hot water, turmeric, cinnamon, fresh ginger, honey and a little bit of salt.

Turmeric is great for our bones and cartilages to make them more flexible as it’s a natural anti-inflammatory.

Cinnamon helps intestine

Ginger is a strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial

A very little bit of salt (non-iodized) to reintegrate electrolytes from night-sweat.

Honey as it’s a great source for nutrients and has healing properties.



Thanks to this breakfast I feel immediately active, productive and much lucid, able to work hours with simply some hunger popping up at mid-morning where I usually eat a couple of biscuits, a yoghurt or fresh fruit.

I have reduced my coffee consumption as for my Yoga practice is very good to reduce it BUT the one I drink when starting-up my working day has turned into the Bullet-Coffee, where I add to my 100% Arabic instant-coffee, some coconut oil and some cinnamon again.

It tastes soooo good!

Another successful habit I adopted is eating salad AT THE BEGINNING of the meal, as it prepares the stomach, it’s fast to be digested (avoiding its fermentation when eating salad at the end of the meal), and like Franco Berrino, an important Italian nutritionist says in its book: “Prima l’insalata” literally “Salad first”.

Another habit I took is staying much light at dinner, eating simply some vegetables raw/cooked and a soup.

Another chapter has to be opened upon “raw material selection” but I think it will be worth a dedicated article!


A very interesting post. Sometimes when I eat meat I have a hard time digesting it, hours can go by and I still feel the stomach heaviness.
Thanks for the information about spices like curcuma, ginger, cinnamon and honey, they have many properties for better health.


Thanks for your feedback. Yes, indeed. Eating well can really bring much improvement in our life, more awareness, less tiredness and more attention


I really liked your post, what you say about meat is totally true, and I'm glad that with these changes in your diet your health has improved a lot, I also love Arab coffee, it is very rich although it is a little more expensive even so I try to buy it.

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