Hey, Boom. How you been?
One of my colleagues, Londo, sidled up to my desk and greeted me out of the side of his mouth as if we were Gnagsters from the roaring twenties talking about some crazy cat down the speakeasy.
Not much, Londo. Not much, you?
I had given him the nickname of Londo which he absolutely loved as he thought it meant Lando from the Empire Strikes Back.
Unfortunately for him, I wasn't saying Lando. I was saying Londo as in short for Laundromat as he was perpetually grimacing as if someone had roughly dumped their load in him.
Aye, got my fingers in a few pies... You know what I mean?
He winked or twitched, sometimes with Londo it was hard to tell what was going on with his face.
Aye, pies, fingers. I get you.
I didn't get him at all so I turned my gaze and continued wrestling with the SQL query on the screen before me. I was writing the mother of all queries that I was quite convinced would become sentient should I add just one more line to it.
Still into all that crypto shit aren't you?
Londo smirked and I vaguely remembered him boasting about MASSIVE GAINZ in the pub one night.
I sighed in the tired way I do whenever anyone at work mentions Crypto or playing keyboards.
I dabble somewhat, yes.
I tried not to look up like a dog under a Mormon lady's skirt.
Is there a term for Mormon ladies? Mormaidens? Mormaids? Mormaids is good. Has a whiff of the sea about it
You know the Bitcoin halving is coming up in a couple of months? It's going to get wild so I joined this really cool signals group...
He tailed off expectantly and reluctantly I turned my gaze away from my screen to look up at his gaping-pored face of excitement.
A signals group.
I stated flatly whilst frowning disapprovingly like an Ocelot perusing the Casual Hats range in Walmart.
Yeah yeah, I know what you are going to say but it's not like that. This one is really cool. I have picked up a couple of 4Xs already. Think some of them might go 10X. Rack them up with some exclusive Airdrops and I stand to make a fucking mint come the Bull run.
He beamed then as if someone from Pfeizer was tickling his ronson with an Ostrich feather.
Oh god, please tell me you haven't given them any money.
I rubbed my temples with my middle finger and thumb as if trying to find the holes on a bowling ball.
I knew you were going to say that! No, I am not stupid you know. It's legit. I can send you the link if you like? Disclaimer, I get a referral bonus on all your trades.
Londo eyes gleamed like a bald man seeing an advert for Romanian hair restoral surgery on Instagram. His gaze took on the faraway look of someone imagining the untold riches funnelling through from referral fees.
You get a referral fee for all of my trades? Like how is that meant to work? Do I just tell you how many I have made?
I snorted with derision, I could see the shape of how this was going to go.
Duh, I thought you were Mr Crypto. It's automatic, after you join their exchange a percentage of your trades comes my way. It's all on chain. So yeah, are you in?
Ahhhh, they use a special exchange do they? You want me to join it and deposit all my fucking coins in it. That sounds amazing. I am ALL IN.
I gave him the finger and went back to my work.
Some moments later I looked up to see Londo still loitering by my desk.
Um, so you want me to send you the link to the telegram group?
He looked a bit nervous as if someone had told him to stick some money on a random crypto exchange he had never heard of before and now he couldn't get it out.
Beat it.
I waved my finger in an away direction and watched him toddle off dejectedly.
Oh well, if he feels sad now just wait till he tries to withdraw some of his MASSIVE GAINZ from whatever shonky crypto hell he had put them on.
Looks like scamming season is upon us!
hahahaha a Ronson, I used to have one when I smoked that by the way I quit that vice more than 40 years ago, really someone is always at work taking you out of your productive bubble, figuring out how else to get signs that indicate a way out to get London, London looks like not investing even in it.
Beware of scammers there are even behind your body.
Happy birthday, Mr. Boom.
I think I had a ronson at one point too! I gave up many years ago too and am quite happy for it!
Always beware the scammers!!
Cheers lass! :O)
We are lucky to make good decisions and to stop smoking is also a scam against health.
Hugs, I wish life and health to you too.🔆:,-)
I only wish that I hadnt started smoking and hadn't had to stop in the first place!
Much good health to you too!
Perhaps immaturity for being so young, the important thing is that we learned from that experience not to do it ever and avoid as much as possible that our closest affections do not follow that bad example.
Yes, when we are younger we hate the idea of being immature and not worldly experienced and it is only when we are older we realise how naive we were!
Ufff totally agree my respected friend. Life teaches us and keeps giving us opportunities to live fully in love and peace and that's part of the gift so we feel more precise and live lighter.
Oh dear, I hope he doesn't lose much. People want these quick gains, but where do they think all the money comes from? All these scammy schemes give crypto a bad rep.
I feel for you with the SQL. I used to do it all day, but now it's just playing with HiveSQL, when it's working. Hope that's back soon.
Yes, mormaids definitely seems right!
Mormaids is a winner!
I lvoe toying with SQL, when they let me alone to play with it I can lose days in it. The only thing that pisses me off is that they went cheap lately and got rid of my beloved Toad editor and now I have to use SQL Developer and I know they are pretty much the same but I miss the easy shortcuts and things yo could do on Toad.
Even though I like it I think that is the reason I have stayed away from it in Hive, it would be too worky!
I played with Toad at some point. Also used SQL Developer. It's been a few years and I have lost my habits for it. For HiveSQL I've used a thing called dBeaver on Linux that does what I need, but my queries are pretty simple. I quite liked Oracle, but SQL Server queries are much the same.
I loved Toad, it will always be the best but they knew it and charged a premium that eventually it became too much for my place!
Hopefully HiveSQL will come back up soon, I see it had quite a lot of dependencies which are only apparent upon its absence
I can't run the Britlist without it. Latest update says it should be back next week.
Fingers crossed!!
Credit: orionvk
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Via Tenor
Indeed, scamming season smells in the air. They are looking for the new victims as few years ago.
Totally mate. As soon as the money tree starts to fruit the poachers come!
Remember being a noob in crypto? Telling everyone. Seeing all those eyes roll...
I think those were contagious because years later that's all mine do when someone starts yapping. Oh fuck. I know this tone. Is that really what I sounded like back then? So that's why they don't call anymore...
It seems about nine times out of ten you have to burst someones bubble. Never fun and you know it's coming.
I remember them well and it was always me just like that that was telling others excitedly about this new thing that was going to change everything and that it would be the future.
Well, its the future and the only thing that changed is us doing the eye rolling now, lol!
Another decade and maybe we'll be lucky enough to go deaf. Of course by then Elon will have those fancy brain chips that fix everything and play crypto ads within your mind every few minutes forcing you to tap your forehead to skip them and get back to the show nobody else can see, so I'm not sure if that'll be much of an improvement.
Elon has plans for our minds and no mistake.
Maybe we actually will all end up slaves to the chain in ways we could never have envisaged! :OD
X marks the spot. OMG it's a target! We're all gonna die!
Except for me, since I'm the only one not using it. Imagine being the last human alive on social media. Wait. No. Stop thinking about that. It's pointless thoughts that don't lead to anything productive.
Maybe one day when visiting posts I'll learn how to stay on topic instead of drifting off and away into the bleakness that is the future of all things etched in digital stone.
And I should probably save lines like that for my own posts.
Anyway. Isn't DNA a blockchain of sorts? We've been connected to this shit forever! How do I logout? When we're born we're just a referral link?
Too many questions even AI doesn't want to answer...
You can't log out!! That's the evil beauty of it. We are entwined in the chain of life! Its probably cyclical too. After you die you wake up in a slightly worse version of it. Oh no, wait, that's hell!
I don't think with the amount of bots on social media these days that yo would ever know you were the last human. You would just wonder why everyone would be shouting at you all thetime!
Maybe there's a better version. Life 3.0 probably has tokenized dogs, cats, trees, clouds and stuff. But everything is confusing as fuck.
But tokens though!!
That fixes everything 😀😀
I think tokenized bananas would be easy to farm.
Everything is easy to farm to a farmer. Are we talking about real farming or farm farming.
Damn crypto, life was so easy before
Life 3.0 has real farm farm farming.
How many farms can a real farm farmer farm in life 3.0?
Infinity, and beyond.
Buzz Farmer. Yeah!!
Life 3.0 token does not moon. Token is moon.
Then I farm Mars
Not a haiku.
Should probably put Life 3.0 development on the back burner for a moment and farm a couple more comments out of this post. You'll reach an ATH for 2024!
Heheh, I'm farming myself!!!
And I'm yielding results!
Deep liquidity
Life 3.0, you can piss in the pool.
Oh ho, the pool 🤣🤣
Well played! That made me APY
I had that one on HODL. Felt good to dump.
You might have reached all all time high with that one!
That telegram group said I just need to send the $1000 transaction fees and it's all mine!
That sounds like a bargain. Untold riches await!!! 😀😀
Yup! Just have to send that $200 for the confirmation code so I know where to send the $1000!
It's a good job these guys are so bloody helpful!!!
Yeah! It only cost $50 for the link to the instructional video on Youtube! giving this shit away the altruistic bastards. They had better be careful or someone will take advantage of their kindness!
Luckily they made it easy to pay the $20 Sign On and Say Nothing agreement. That way they're in control of the vetting process. These people are professionals and even said so themselves.
I am feeling more and more reassured by this. Where can I sign up?
Here. Just use my referral link.
Good luck and, see you at the top.
We win together!!!
Credit: shaungerow
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!
Via Tenor
Why burst their bubble? Most won't listen, unless they're still in the research phase.
Tough seeing people getting burned. I guess sometimes learning the hard way is the best way to learn though.
If they're not putting much in, it's probably good to just give them the basic tools necessary to make an informed decision? Instead of sounding like you're totally against it, a balanced approach could actually get them to listen. Especially if you look into it with them?
Normally I don't want to be involved, at all. The only time I'll want to say something is if I'm sure they're about to get ripped off, or if I sense they're boarding the hype train and about to buy at the top. Crypto in general isn't something that excites me anyway. All people want to do is gamble, wait for a pump, then gauge success on when they dumped. Projects suffer because of that. So I'm not the right individual to talk to if someone wants to do that stuff because I'll say no every time and don't want to be bothered.
True, some people do dump, rather than find something they believe in :( ... We don't need that type in good projects
There's a scammer around every corner as well as someone willing to be scammed. Can someone here take my money? Please?? Probably has a wishlist at the ready of things to spend his gainzz on. Sad, really.
Let the fleecing begin lol
I was reading a thing lately that was saying that the more confident you were about not being scammed the more likely it was that yo would end up getting scammed which gave me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach as I like to think I am uber savvy and wont be!
The fleecing will be relentless and will have no mercy!
Makes sense to me! When I first joined Hive, or the forerunner that is, I was trying to tell everyone about it, but after getting the verbal beatdown time and time again, I just kept my mouth closed. Now a few family folks are asking questions in a roundabout way about crypto in general. I'm tempted to make them beat it out of me, maybe just so I can gloat LOL
Oh man, I was the same! People thought I was in a cult or something or that I was being major scammed and would be crying in a few months.
At least they were wrong on the cultiness. Sorta! :OD
Well until they start issuing robes and hoods I ain't buying the whole cult thingy 🤣
I wouldnt mind a robe and a hood! LOL! :OD
😆 I can see you all secretive and menacing like that!
Me too, I would bloody suit it! 🤣
Stories please! 😂
Always 😀😀😀
Yes a lot of scammers everywhere, especially those telegram groups, they're scum of the earth and they keep asking you to deposit money. Too bad!
Are you sure Lando has not been scammed?
Credit: orionvk
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!
Via Tenor
I think he has been scammed but I think it is a lesson he will have to learn and hopefully it is not one that will hurt him too bad!
I came off telegram ages ago as it was just a hotbed of scam madness!
I pray it doesn't hurt him too bad too.
He will come out of the other side wiser!
Credit: rickonthemoun10
Earn Crypto for your Memes @!
Via Tenor
I like mormaids, but mormaidens has a special ring to it. If they don't call themselves that, they should.
That sucks man, hopefully he's able get something back.
I've thought of trading and tried it out, but I'm happier to just hold until I feel comfortable to sell. I'm pretty happy with where I'm at now.
I liked Mormaidens too. It sounds like warmaidens. Ican see them in the fishy battle glory striding the field with blood flicking from their blades!
Trading is shite. I think it used to be quite fun and with a chance of making something but there are so many coins and so little movement in the market at times beyond mad pumps that it is hellish to navigate, Safer holding!
These are my thoughts as well as I was reading your post. I have seen a lot more spam emails about crypto the past few weeks. But hearing that non-crypto people getting interested is always music to my ears. With the BTC movement, it really feels like we are entering the bull market.
The spam and the scam will just increase from here!
BTC is definitely showing signs of cooking! It leapt up today again. Will we see the fabled 100K!
I'm so hyped right now. I do hope so.
So do I! Things would go crazy then!
After reading your post, I remembered some days of my childhood. We had a friend who was named Kadu since school. Sometimes, when you meet old friends, you remember the old times.
I love meeting old friends for exactly that reason. The shared but buried memories. Its all great fun!
Yeah best time.
OOOOh the signals!!!! Eish now everyone wants to talk about the cryptos. But i love the attitude that comes with it. Gains are gonna be gaining... But then again we were all there... Things are going full circle.
GAINS!!! All the GAINS!!! They are outs to have! I once joined a pump and dump group way back in the early steemit days wondering if I was getting genuine info and then realised how scammy it was and how desperate the people in the group were.
Steer clear, madness happens when the crypto moon is out! :OD
Lol I learnt my lesson with the hype hey. Bought some eth on the high. Why because I had the fomo. I now make smarter decisions! We all need to live and learn!!!
Ooft, I have done similar. I used to joke that I had a splendid knack of catching things at the top!
There's at least one on my office and likely several more. Bringing up this subject is a little taboo and somewhat like owning up to being a Lada owner in the Eighties 😀
Hehe, What do you call a Lada with a sun roof... a skip! lol
I loved the Lada jokes.
There are more than I would like in my office now, wait till after the halving and it gets brutal again, That will learn them :OD
Ha, must have missed that one, weren't they built with rust trimmings or something?
Yeah, made with genuine timber or something 🤣🤣
Somehow I don't think he's ever going to see those sats again... I wonder how much he lost?
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I was once talking to him and he talked like a big shot but when I continually pressed him for info he showed me his wallet and he had about $150 in it so I suspect not much but it will be enough to send him screaming to the world that the crypto world is a scam!! :OD
That's why mass adoption is so slow. Without the scams and scammers making crypto look bad, Hive would have millions active.
You are out of jokes for the day!
@wrestlingdesires you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 8 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!
Aye, it's a bad market to be in with the domination of people's thinking it's the wild west and fleecing as make as they can get their hands on
He sounds more like Londo Mollari.
In his defense he has significantly tamer hair! :OD
Jesus, so many people are going to get recked this time around! I feel like it's 10x more scammy than the last bull run. Do you feel that? I'm so glad we got in as early as we did, we've been raked over the coals enough not to fall for most of this stuff. Lol.
I do and have been feeling that. With crypto being that touch more mainstream now I fear that it is going to lure a lot of noobs in who will then spread the word of fear when it all crashes back down again!
I share that concern. I think it could be the end of a lot of the real money making opportunities in alts. I've heard so many people who've been in this space since the beginning say this will be the final "traditional" bull cycle.
They are probably right. I think the introduction of DeFi and then NFTs have dramatically changed perceptions and expectations on both the shifts of investors looking for a return and the scammers who fleece them!
Agreed. We need to bring cypherpunk back to crypto.
Absolutely man, absolutely!
These telegram groups are usually the best place to scam people. They buy a little bit before they tell people to buy this, it's going to go up, and then they sell it when people go up. The example I gave are the most innocent ones XD
They are the more innocent ones! Its an absolute hotebed of scammery! :OD
It's the 50/50 theory.....half the people exist to make the money, the other half exists to take it away from as many as they can.
I too feel like I am very cautious, but I "try" to still be vigilant. I just can't believe how many ways folks can think up to scam others. It would be nice if they used their giant brains for the good, instead of bad.
I often used to think that if the scammers put half the effort into what they do to scam they could probably make quite a lot more money for less hassle. But the last week always find a reason for a shortcut!!!
R.I.P 💀
Tis the season.
I like "Mormaids" as well. That could be the next Disney princess 👸
It sounds quite Disney!! Apart from the fishiness 🤣🤣
Quick I had better copyright it. I have found the path to riches!!
Yes, definitely copyright that one. 😂
Knowing my luck they would double dutch me and I would end up behind bars wondering where it all went wrong 🤣🤣🤣
Lol yeah
Luck is fickle - a cruel mistress 😆
It’s crazy how scammers continue to increase
We just have to be careful and we are in the scamming season
Always be careful of anything is my motto!
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@wrestlingdesires(15/15) tipped @meesterboom
Hey boom how are you?
All good lass, hope you are too!!
Ah poor sap, it’s a rite of passage. I would throw a remark at him or two when he gets left holding the bag. We’ve all had our Celsius moment lol thankfully some not as severe as others.
Best line. Playing keyboards hahaha, only a proper fucking axeman would say that !
Anyway, why do all these scams seem to emanate from telegraph channels. How are they discovered in the first place or is it just a case of people using a scattergun approach to dropping links everywhere and hoping some of them actually connect?
I saw one scam the other day where the website address looked the same, but they'd used a different font for the 'a' in the address name so it looked totally legit.
It not a case of 'if' but 'when' they get us all!
Oh that's clever!! I have seen them using a different font for a zero so it looks more like an 'o' cheeky bastsrts.
They probably will get us all at some point.
Hehe, aye, keyboards. Blegh!!! 🤣🤣
Verdict is in, scammers are all out....
Who let the dogs out he cried?
Oh Londo is on FOMO slide straight into shite 🤣
!BEER celebrate sanity day....
My motto is if you feel the FOMO then get out of dodge! You are either too late or it's a scam! 😀😀
Normally the latter, slither between humanity whispering snake oil charm.
Aye, there is no golden goose! Or at least not as many as the scammers would have us believe!
Too true, take up challenge, exercise the brain, do some work!
View or trade
.Hey @meesterboom, here is a little bit of
from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .
Nothing like a good crypto scam to get the office started. I had one of my roofing "friends" pushing HEX... 10X this.. 25X that.. rug in 3,2,1..
Lol, its the 10X nonsense, as soon as I hear that I am like RUN AWAY!!!
Some people get interested when I mention that I blog, but mention the word Crypto earnings, and they suddenly bolt as i I'm about to scam them!
I always see that coming, love he way they suddenly scatter.
But then there are some Londos out there who think Crypto is a magical way to quick bucks!.
I have experienced exactly the same. I mention that I write on a blog and they are like awesome them I mention I get rewarded in crypto and they back away from the scamming madman!!!
It's actually so funny, some ask me to give them the link to my blog but I'm sure the skeptical ones are too afraid to click a link that has anything to do with crypto. I can just picture the hesitation, not wanting to be caught in a crypto scam 😂
Yeah, if it's not Facebook people get the fear!
Exactly my thoughts, I chuckle to myself just picturing the hesitation and then hitting the delete button, just in case something nasty leaks from the link...🤣
Their loss not so!
Pssst...think I'm going dilly, repeating myself, blame it on using 2 phones, getting disturbed by guests, and then picking up the nearest phone and answering, again.🙈🙈🙈
Halving is the word that is mentioned the most nowadays, to be honest, I am hope this too, I hope to have a lot of profit. I have been accumulating satoshis for several years.
two months away! And from past experience the biggest gains come after the event itself. Fun times!!
Oh wow
A lot of ponzis and scams going all about 😅😅
Guess he couldn’t read the signals
Hehe, yep, you gotta read em to not fall for em! :OD
londo no está mal el nombre ...suena bien ..
I like that spelling of gangsters ( intentionally or not ).
I immediately knew it was a scam, when he went from signal to Telegram ;<)
I guess you meant to say Telegram in the first place ( that's where the crypto BROZ/ scammers hang out.
In fact, I once almost lost a couple of thousand Euros ( that I had in Metamask ) 'thanks' to a fake Telegram support desk. That probably took place during the previous bull run (2021). I got to my senses, just in time and managed to move the funds to another wallet and so did my neighbor/ friend who I had tried to help, with his more substantial wallet. Phew!😅
Ha! The gnagsters! I have no idea how the hell that happened but it was not deliberate!!!
Yeah, everything about everything he said smacked of scam.
Glad your managed to stop that scam in its tracks from way back. It's so easy to believe these things especially when you are new to it all!
I was already four years into the game but new to Metamask/ DeFi and Telegram.
I genuinely thought I had reached out to the help desk of a big company haha! but smelled the fishyness, just in time.
I started using metamask about for or five years into my crypto journey and was horribly naive about this while defi thing. Fortunately I learned quick. I think we all did!!
Same here. I sure learnt my lesson there. Also lost 500 Euros from a defi wallet in a way that still blows my mind. The lesson I learnt is to not use metamask ;<) I only lost money there and quite a substantial amount, in several projects. The Wild West for sure.
I made a packet in metamask which is astonishing in itself that I didn't lose any in a DeFi way as I was a total newb and was blundering around in the dark!
🤣🤣🤣 Genius nickname!
Poor auld Londo, he'll never see that money again. He'll greedily watch it go up and up and up until BAM, the rug pull!
And then he will blame everybody else and their dog for his losses!!!
Poor Londo, it's the sign of hell knocking on his door.
I shall probably be dropping some coins in his begging bowl in the after outside soon 😀
And he will return to the signal group even more hopeful.
Lol, definitely!!