Easy Sunset run
I just finished a 5.251km running that lasted about 0hh:28mm:00ss !
Well, once again, that didn't work and I didn't run for 3 weeks. A little busier at work, lots of rainy days, and of course lots of laziness... But finally, yesterday, with a nice and sunny weather, it was difficult to find an excuse for not running. I had two objectives: at least 5km, and a faster pace than the 10k race three weeks ago. With about 5.2km, the first one is reached, barely. The second one too, but the lack of training and extra pounds really made it so much harder than it should have been. I also burnt myself starting too fast. Not that fast mind you, but way faster than I am currently able to sustain. After less than a mile, my pace dropped sharply, and it was downhill from there. But I should be glad I reached both objectives.

As for the route, it was a very simple one. I made sure I had a long stretch going West, so I could run into the sunset. Obviously I had to turn around at some point, but by that time, the sun was mostly behind the trees. It was a bit warmer than I like already, I am not looking forward summer temperatures at all. I met quite a few dogwalkers along the way. I guess that time is after dinner for most locals, and they go for one last doggie walk before calling it a day. Since that route follows the forest, and small neighborhood streets with very little traffic, there's always a good chance to see wildlife. This time, I saw a raccoon running around, probably looking for some food, a couple rabbits, plenty of squirrels, and of course deer.
Of course, the plan is to resume training regularly, at least every other day ideally. But this time, I am not even starting a new mileage table yet. Let's see if I can string together at least 3 or 4 runs (or bike rides) before I start doing that.
Keep Exhausting!