Uncommon Health Education



I remember when I was in secondary school, and my sister, who is a nurse, could tell stories about how they could pray for patients to visit the hospital each day.

We could laugh about it and wonder the type of mindset they were operating on.

But, when you reason it.
It's not totally a bad prayer that you visit the hospital doesn't mean you must necessarily be sick.

You might be there to be informed and educated or even run some tests to determine your health status.

It is even better that the person visits the hospital and gets first hand information.
And also be 💯 sure of their current health status, as well as helping to sharpen these health practitioners.

Because when you don't practice what you learnt and even advance more through these cases.
You might be stuck at level 1 for years, and eventually, when a case that requires level 5 knowledge comes to you.
It becomes a huge challenge to deal with.

So, it is a win-win situation for both parties.

Besides, I also love the fact that this hospital called for this, and they will be very interested and willing to quickly attend to patients.
Yes, it is a private hospital.

Truth is, most private hospitals in my country are known to be well equipped and take good care of patients that come to the hospital to maintain good relationships.

I can't say some for some government owned hospitals.

The difference between these two is not even much to be a challenge.
The issues are something that could be taken care of, but corruption won't allow that.

How can someone who just came to the hospital to be educated or get a few checkups spend the whole day in the hospital.

This is seen in most government owned hospitals.
It's a different case when the person is admitted.

Though, normally, emergency cases are quickly taken care of.

I mean, before you go through the registry procedure, it will take half of the day.
Then another half before you could see a specialist doctor.

Reasons why people who feel the need to check their health status will visit the chemist or pharmacy to do that.

More preferably, even visit a laboratory to run some tests.

The health education given to people on a daily basis in health facilities is heard by very few people because of this.

Health education, which is very important, is taken for granted.

Which way?
What next?

A rant to all health practitioners.
Don't come for me oo

I am just airing my concerns.

Thank you very much for reading and sharing your opinion in the comment section.
Blessings 😊


You're very correct mama.

I feel the main issue is that in our country, most Government hospitals are grossly understaffed.

The doctor to patient ratio is killing.

Hence, a doctor who is probably just returning from ward round to come to consult at the clinic and will probably be on call later in the day may not have the strength to so a lot of health education.
This is why in most cases there are health educators that should do this.

As a doctor I try my best to educate every patient I attend to.
But truth be told, it's not easy.
Sometimes one can even get pissed off especially if a patient is coming during call hours just to get health education 😂
Some patients too do.

It will shock you that you will find some patients demanding to be attended to immediately they get to the hospital when they just want health education.

That may not be feasible especially if the hands of the doctor is filled with obviously serious cases.

In private hospitals, the patient is definitely King. Lol
So the doctors are naturally more patient and it's also in a more relaxed environment.
No consultant ward round to be afraid of so to say . Lol

This is not to justify that we should not do the right thing.
As much as it lies within us, whoever we are seeing should have some education about the illness or condition.


Exactly 💯
The understaffed is the main issue.
I agree with you.

Currently in the hospital I work.
We have only two paediatricians, which one is even the MD.
I was like why nah?

How can they handle it.
Most times they refer them to other hospitals.

I also feel and believe that maybe, somehow we have ghost doctors.
Because, can they tell me they are not aware of the importance of staffs.

It is not even as if these doctors are not out there.
Or are doctors limited in the country?

The private hospitals played their card well from all indications.

I have another article to rant about.


This ghost doctor thing could be true oo

I await the rant mama😂


Alright dear


My dear this what some persons go through and no one wants to waste their time at all


You are right about the government hospitals, private hospitals are more better than government hospitals and that's one major problem we are all facing in our country. private hospitals have all the necessary equipment that they will use for their patients whenever they visit the hospital while government hospitals I don't think they have it all.


In my opinion the main issue is the doctor to patient ratio which is very very low and hospitals are severely understaffed which causes severe lack in judgement


I agree with you.
That really affects the system.
