RE: Treason. "They're all in on it." Child Sex Trafficking by the USG


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Trump has also been heavily involved in trafficking since the 90's. His modeling agencies were rife with disappearances, deaths, and rape accusations that just 'disappeared', not to mention his very well known ties to Epstein. Speaking of Epstein, the last person to see him alive was Trump's hand picked AG, William Barr. Trump's hand picked director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, was in charge when the Epstein tapes were 'lost', and is still obstructing inquiries into Epstein and Maxwell.

Our problem in America, and most of the world, is that the same billionaires own the media, the politicians, and the police. I've long proposed that legislators should sacrifice their right to privacy as part of taking positions in public service. Corruption only dies when exposed.


I reckon we think a lot alike. Trump apprenticed to Roy Cohn for many years until Cohn died of AIDS in 1986, confessing he was a pimp of children to powerful politicians and bureaucrats in order to blackmail them. I don't think it's a coincidence that Trump took up with Epstein after Cohn's death, nor that Epstein died in Trump's custody.

That's how you get promoted in that industry, from apprentice to master.

We clearly have the technology to prevent HRC from having an email server for classified info at home, that she shares with various foreign spies, because the NSA harvests every text message, every email, every phone call, letter, and radio transmission in America already. HRC's crimes were not unknown. They were facilitated by the corrupt USG and it's treasonous, blackmailed bureaucrats. It's time we civilians began deploying these technologies against the evil kiddy diddlers that have been using them against us for decades, so we can clean house.

We surely need that vile filth mucked out.

