Treason. "They're all in on it." Child Sex Trafficking by the USG

It's not Drag Queen Story Time at your local library. This report by @redacted on Odysee came first. Then I saw this regarding the same movie. Some of the statements made are absolutely mind-boggling, such as '500k children are just released...' after crossing the border unaccompanied. He talks about trying to get a warrant after being told by a witness that rape and abuse are being committed in the FEMA style camps where these children are held after crossing the border, and is prevented. He says the politicians '...are all in on it.'

IMG source -

Because of the money. He doesn't mention blackmail that I've seen, but it's pretty hard to imagine child sex trafficking not involving blackmail. We know Epstein was blackmailing people like Prince Andrew, Bill Gates, and Alan Dershowitz with child prostitutes that lived. Donald Trump said on an interview on Fox News that many of these immigrant children that end up trafficked are already dead, so the politicians they were trafficked to are blackmailed with horrific crimes of torture and murder.

Should they squeak a peep about the criminal trafficking ongoing, they'll be murdered in the street, without a doubt.

This is the choice Americans are being presented with regarding the Presidential election this year. The Biden administration is accused of trafficking millions of children through FEMA camps, along with other appalling crimes involving bribery, organ trafficking, and war. Clearly a bad choice for President. Donald Trump has promised a massive biometric ID scheme to control populations, which means we will be tagged and tracked like cattle because of the uncontrolled immigrants that have entered the country. While my heart breaks for the kids politicians have enabled to be tortured to death, I don't want to join them out of sympathy. The reduction of rights of free Americans to barnyard animals isn't the solution to kiddy diddling politicians, and proposing we be treated like animals because politicians are criminals is obviously empowering the politicians to prevent us from holding them to account. Trump is clearly a bad choice.

So, there are no good choices. When both cheeks of the two party system are shitting on you, it's time to stop supporting that asshole completely. Of course, that's what the NWO wants, for us to take down the intolerably corrupt government we cannot continue to suffer anymore, which is why the spooks have corrupted it so blatantly. They want to replace it, and are ready to pounce with massive propaganda that will convince the hopelessly indoctrinated that the global totalitarian technocratic tyranny will be the salvation of Mother Earth, save the whales and the children, and be all hearts and flowers on social media. That outcome isn't the solution either, because the NWO are pathological liars, even though we will first get to hang corrupt politicians from lamp posts to end the horrific criminal corruption.

What we need is to have a plan for what happens after we hang the traitors, so that the NWO isn't handed the world on a platter after the hangings. There are massive criminal organizations that have invested $T's into infrastructure, weapons, and networks that will wreak horrific havoc and tyranny if we just destroy the extant government without emplacing a new one immediately. Any lapse of order will enable the spooks and cartels to impose warlords, as is happening in Peru, increasingly in Mexico, and has long ruled the Ukraine. Whatever anyone proposes has to be able to withstand warlord caliber military force - as well as the US military ordered to attack civilian populations by the corrupt politicians that will do anything to save their lives. These are very different enemies, and require very different strategies to defeat.

100M armed Americans are enough to prevail, but not without a strategy to do so. If we simply hole up in our homes, we'll be picked off one at a time. If we storm the Capitols as mobs, we'll destroy the current corrupt government, but the NWO will pick up the pieces and hire the spooks and cartels as mercenaries to impose their rule the minute we do. We can't just J6 and go home. We have to maintain order continuously after ending the corrupt order, or that vacuum will be filled with mercenaries waiting for the chance on a hair trigger. The feds have been creating patriot groups as rebel bait for decades just to prevent militias from forming for this very reason.

What do you think free and sovereign people should do about this intolerable corruption? We cannot just leave it to the politicians. The sex trafficking of half a million children a year is the result of that. We can't just hang them, because whoever we replace them with will be corrupt too. The enemedia makes sure of that. I vote we hang the enemedia too, to fix that problem. They should be screaming about the child sex trafficking from the rooftops, but instead they're silent as lambs about Assange, who did report war crimes. Every now and then we've got to change the papers because the shit collects too deep, and it has clearly been too long since we did it last.

The papers we have got are too foul to continue using.


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"No matter how bad you think T.H.E.Y. are, T.H.E.Y. are worse, much worse.

CPA is a Child transporting organization.
There are holding facilities in every major town.

T.H.E.Y. are addicted to eating and drinking children, and the adrenachrome
T.H.E.Y. are also addicted to torture, abuse, rape of the innocent.

I could probably go take some of these facilities out, but they are trained military, defending a mad-scientist like underground bunker. And the first layer of defense is actual po-po.

T.H.E.Y. are worshipers of Enoch, Beelzebub…

Don't read the Talmud. It is sick dark horror like breaks your mind.

The only path is to build a parallel system. And let the old system die under its weight.


This is very serious, 500K children 😳😳😳 This is a heavy thing for me reading. It's scary to think about the depths of corruption. Building a new system sounds like a monumental task, but maybe it's the only way forward. I hope this level of evil stops


"It's scary to think about the depths of corruption."

As a parent, it was necessary to take action to keep my kids safe. Anything else was terrifying. My kids were safe, and today ensure the safety of their own kids. That's terrifying, too, since I'm not doing it. It's a good thing my kids are better men than am I, because that's the only reason I'm not gibbering in terror constantly.



the only explanation to me, as i guess everyone, at this point - is that there is a massive criminal enterprise that benefits from children disappearing somewhere - 500k is insane. Why are so many infants crossing - how do they even pay their way to the coyotes? the thing is, they are the most likely payment - to someone. Its so sad.


"...they are the most likely payment..."

That is indeed sad. And enraging.



Wow you are definitely an honorable father good friend, Wishing the best life for your kids.. you definitely raised them well 🙏💯❤️


Trump said he would dog tag us? Please elaborate! Is this similar to the "we will keep you safe if you give us your keys" Encryption back-door argument?


I heard Donald J. Trump state that he would create the biggest, most effective biometric ID system the world had ever seen, or words to that effect, while campaigning a month or two ago. This seemed to be in reference to the massive infiltration of immigrants that haven't been properly vetted and allowed into the country, to enable sorting them from civilian nationals, citizens, and lifelong residents that do belong in the USA.

Personally, I don't see how tagging my ear will sort me from all the rest of the people with tagged ears, regardless of whether they were born here, like me, or born in some foreign shithole, like Canada, Oz, or the UK, where parasitic overlords claim titles of nobility.

I also think it's time to put the panopticon on our bureaucrats and elected officials, as we have seen how they deleted their emails, bleach bitted their servers, and used Gmail instead of official, document preserving, services to conduct their communications on our behalf, as is mandated by law. The NSA has the ability, that it has demonstrated on us, to capture all that communication and preserve it for lawful review.



There is a need to track certain people, like temporary and illegal residents and threatening people. There should be onerous blocks against tracking everyone or just anyone. We give a police officer the power to kill whoever he chooses by giving him a gun, but we have laws in place to make it a rare occurrence. I hope people see the same need with biometrics to stop a surveilance state from taking root.


"We give a police officer the power to kill whoever he chooses..."

~100M Americans have guns. A very small percentage of them ever commit crimes with those guns, and those criminals generally have certain similarities to one another. It isn't the gun that magically grants the power to kill. Cars, swords, and even clubs are nominal weapons for that purpose. People generally have the power to kill whom they choose, but because most people aren't murderous criminals, most people don't kill others, and some that do only do so because they have to.

I have been shot at, had guns pointed at me numerous times, disarmed some of the people pointing guns at me, and many times been armed when these, and other dangerous circumstances arose, but I have never fired a gun at a person. It isn't the gun that kills people. People kill people.

People don't need to be tracked. Temporary and illegal residents can be handled by armed civilians that cannot be avoided by criminals, if the courts quit oppressing Americans that uphold lawful civil society. Police don't have any special authority or ability to kill people. One of the first things I learned about government as a child was that police kill people to steal from them, and that taught me that police are more dangerous and criminal than almost everyone else in the world. ACAB. DEFUND Police, arm children, problem solved.

Edit: also, to handle illegal immigrants, just end welfare, driver's licenses, work permits, medical care, and all benefits they came here to get. They will quit coming then, and those already here will leave. Problem solved.

Re-edit: We already live in a surveillance state. Every text message sent in America is harvested by the NSA and read by AI, and kept in perpetuity. Every phone call is handled the same way. Every letter, email, and radio transmission too. The problem is that it is the civilians, not the government, that are tracked and surveilled, and it is the government agents that are dangerous and need to be tracked and surveilled.


Trump has also been heavily involved in trafficking since the 90's. His modeling agencies were rife with disappearances, deaths, and rape accusations that just 'disappeared', not to mention his very well known ties to Epstein. Speaking of Epstein, the last person to see him alive was Trump's hand picked AG, William Barr. Trump's hand picked director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, was in charge when the Epstein tapes were 'lost', and is still obstructing inquiries into Epstein and Maxwell.

Our problem in America, and most of the world, is that the same billionaires own the media, the politicians, and the police. I've long proposed that legislators should sacrifice their right to privacy as part of taking positions in public service. Corruption only dies when exposed.


I reckon we think a lot alike. Trump apprenticed to Roy Cohn for many years until Cohn died of AIDS in 1986, confessing he was a pimp of children to powerful politicians and bureaucrats in order to blackmail them. I don't think it's a coincidence that Trump took up with Epstein after Cohn's death, nor that Epstein died in Trump's custody.

That's how you get promoted in that industry, from apprentice to master.

We clearly have the technology to prevent HRC from having an email server for classified info at home, that she shares with various foreign spies, because the NSA harvests every text message, every email, every phone call, letter, and radio transmission in America already. HRC's crimes were not unknown. They were facilitated by the corrupt USG and it's treasonous, blackmailed bureaucrats. It's time we civilians began deploying these technologies against the evil kiddy diddlers that have been using them against us for decades, so we can clean house.

We surely need that vile filth mucked out.



Dear @valued-customer !

Do you reject both Biden and Trump becoming president? Who do you want to be president?😦


I do reject both Biden and Trump. I don't want anyone to claim to have authority over me, because no one has actual authority over me. I am a free, sovereign man. If I have to deal with the actual government that claims to rule America, I'd choose Dr. Shiva, because he at least isn't a Zionist.



An article on "child sex trafficking."
From the guy who quotes convicted child-rapist Scott Ritter, called red-handed pedophile Wilmer Puello-Mota a "hero," and who habitually praises Russia's child-trafficking operation in Ukraine (masked as a "rescue" operation).

You need new material, little man.

The pretense of "righteous indignation" over crimes you've cheered for by your fellow Nazis, is a little thin.


Why didn't you mention Assange suffering similar accusations? Oh yeah, he managed to dodge them. Ya'll liars just make shit up, such as your above fabrication of claims about my statements. You do that to conceal the actual crimes of your masters, such as the >500k children the USG has trafficked over the border, the horrific predation on children by the Ukraine, and the murderous sale of their organs after they're done raping them. That's what your lies support by deflecting away from the actual evidence.

Aren't you going to the Ukraine to work with kids? Hmmm. That might explain your sudden interest in this topic.

Stop pinging me. Stay off my blog. You only spam lies.
