RE: Is commenting on HIVE dead?


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I've noticed the same and am guilty of not commenting and also not posting because there is so little interaction.

I always admire how you keep soldiering on with good content for so little reward (by way of interaction). I was going to comment on one of your posts a couple of days ago because I felt bad that no-one else had done so but I never got round to it.

To be honest I never got into Hive. I was a bit jaded already by the attitude of many of the witnesses before we left Steemit so I never got into Hive in the way I did Steemit.

The communities there were much stronger and it was fun to post. A number of the communities I was active in there didn't cross over.

If it wasn't for Splinterlands I wouldn't be here at all and that's not what it was either, by a very long chalk.

The excitement of blockchain has worn off for me and there doesn't seem to be much innovation or forward movement from Hive in general. Back in the day we had regular meet-ups in London and elsewhere which I really enjoyed. Maybe it's mostly a case of the novelty has worn off?


Back on STEEM, I was heavy into the silvergoldstackers community but I remember many otehr strong communities back then as well. PAL, NEO, thealliance and others. Even LEO was better on STEEM, lol.

Like you say, it's just not been the same on HIVE. If I never started SPI, I dont think I'd be active on here.

We struggle on and keep grinding. Maybe things will turn around in the bullrun if the price of HIVE ever goes up, I see it's down to 25 cents again. I dont dare check the BTC to HIVE ratio 🙈

The novelty has worn off for alot I'd guess


"I dont dare check the BTC to HIVE ratio 🙈"

Here let me help ... 😉

258,800 to 1 ... ~ Two months after you made a big decision ...

Yes, as I said in my final post, I'll be around ... And, yes, apparently ... Yours is one of the accounts I still follow ...

Maybe one day I'll see something you'll have to say about your decision here, as I never understood the logic behind it ... Other than the obvious, you have far more faith in the future of HIVE than I ever did.

Yes, I know this has nothing to do with the primary focus of your post. I guess you could always downvote it ... 😉 Seriously, I used to write a lot of comments and could comment now, but ...

This is probably enough ...


I knew the ratio would continue to drop, even said so in the post you linked.

I feel because it's early, we'll continue to see the BTC to HIVE ratio increase and 1 BTC in a few months could be worth 250-300k HIVE. This will be a bummer to watch but we cant know for sure so we stick to our plan and dont need to try and get fancy to squeeze extra value.

The trade is based on the BTC>HIVE ratio, not the $ value. It is painful watching HIVE tank but in 2 years, we'll have forgotten the pain 😎. Last cycle the ratio peak was 330k HIVE to 1 BTC Jan 2021 and when HIVE jumped to over $3 by Nov 21, the ratio dropped to 20k HIVE > 1 BTC. Not saying the same will happen this cycle but we're not aiming for 20k>1BTC.

Keep the faith


Thanks for the reminder of this detail in your post. That you knew it ... And stuck with your decision anyway ...

"Not saying the same will happen this cycle ..."

"Keep the faith"

Yep. Far more faith than I do ... Even this post and responses to it would suggest this cycle may be different ...

Anyway, for your sake and that of those who follow your advice, I will be fine with being proven wrong. I've made my decision with my own $$s ...
