RE: Down With The Sickness

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I've never been as sick as I have since 2024. By the end of 2023, I was bragging that the last time I'd been to a doctor for anything other than a vaccine was at least 2015.

Which means: 9 years without getting sick.

Then, a week after New Year's: 4 days sick with a stomach bug.

A week later: an untreatable cold.

And here's the latest: some kind of flu.

I'm better now, but it took a lot out of me. And at home, I wasn't the only one. As much as this winter has been very mild here, I've been very tired.


Ah that's not good man! Make sure to keep up with your vitamins like C, D and zinc at a minimum! My wife and I learned of an amazing way to deal with a stomach bug - get activated charcoal! That stuff is amazing and absolutely crucial to have in the house. It absorbs everything in the stomach so if you’re feeling nauseous take one of those and it will absorb the nasty stuff and you poop it out later. Same thing if you’ve got diarrhea- it absorbs the nasty germs that cause it and slows it down to remove it. We always have 2-3 bottles of the stuff in the house! You can get it off Amazon for sure but could also get it at pharmacies too - I don’t know how France is (I think that’s where you are) for that.

Hopefully that’s the last bit of sickness you have to deal with!


Yes, I'm in France, that's right.

I think I can get hold of some very easily because I know a lot of people who do. My grandmother told me about it, so it's probably as old as time. I really have to be careful with all this.

Sometimes I get stuck in a very bad lifestyle. Especially when I have a lot of work to do:

  • I drink very little water
  • I go to bed late
  • Sitting in front of screens all day

I'm probably lacking a lot of vitamins and other things at such times, which can't be helping my situation!


Oh for sure I know what you mean man! It's important to try and get up a couple times a day even to just walk from your desk to another room and back. Drinking sufficient water is crucial but also to flush out the junk! Vitamins help but water is the best. I know how that is though when you’re in the middle of something for work or other things you’re focused on it’s hard to get away to do things but we have to make time.
