RE: There is a quick way to lose my sympathy and agreement... censor me.


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I just went through this same crap with "honeydue." I never posted anything rude or offensive to her. I merely disagreed with her article, and she did that "Hidden due to low reputation or author preferences" thing to me too. Then this other jerk in the comments section decided to downvote one of my articles that had not yet reached its seventh day. I don't know what his problem was, because I never said anything to offend him in my reply to his comment. I even kept a neutral stance on his opinion. I guess I should have waited until the eighth day before posting anything in the comments section of that same article. He was from Shanghai, China. I didn't think that regular civilians had access to the Internet in that nation because of the communist regime. I feel like going on his Hive channel and giving him a dose of his own bitter medicine. In any event, I liked your article.
