RE: Yantra painting, BQH & Rune Stones: Quantum connections in a world of synchronicity
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Such a wonderful post! I'm really happy to know that my reading was so significant and useful. Your description of the BHQ sessions is also fascinating and intriguing, it'd be interesting to receive those. I may contact Fina myself to that end!
Thank you so much for your offering of those rings! I'm excited to see what they bring into my space and my life! My service is at your disposal whenever you feel a need for it!
I really did find it significant & useful brother 🙏
For both myself and Esteban.
He is now consciously blessing his water before drinking (when I remind him to do so!) and told me yesterday that he spent 15mins with a large tree in the centre of his school courtyard. He says he could feel it lonely, explaining that it has been watching children play here for 300 years but the children don't acknowledge it any more. Until now!
I found a method of communication which I really resonate with and have taught the children. One simply holds a leaf of the plant between their finger tips and closes their eyes till the essence of the plant can be felt coming through. At this point we can receive the lesson which is on offer. Without expectations, without labels, just feeling our way into it.
I also read about getting trees to reach out and touch us with their branches simply by asking. All of this and more we tried out in one of our nature lessons ;)
After your most exciting prediction about a creature with antlers blessing Esteban in the future with a gift there was a lot of discussion amongst the children because neither of them have ever seen any such animals here. Some doubt you could say. So it was quite enjoyable when they all excitedly arrived home from school yesterday with the news that they had seen a group of deer standing unexpectedly by the side of the road. They ran away as the car approached but the important thing was that both children saw clearly what the creatures looked like. So now they know what to expect for the future! Amazing synchronicity.
One last thing. Sabrina mentioned the day after our session that a heavy storm came to northern France in which many people have experienced flooding, to an extent where the water has entered their homes. This matches your storm warning, though for my own part, I felt it happening here. Time will tell...
By the way, if you ever get a chance to dig a hole and spend time in it I really do recommend this. Spent another hour in it yesterday, simply being. I feel as if I can receive & process information more effectively in there. The way the insects were interacting with the plants above me, the way the sun flickered on the horizon, all such magical stuff. It has led me to a new design of electroculture antenna which for now remains in my head, but when time permits its creation will be a great pleasure for me.
Please do get in touch with Fina if you feel it. Can't wait for our next session this morning...
Just wish I had recorded our session. Next time I will for sure.
Every one of your words was powerful and note taking can only go so far.
Have a great weekend!
Well, everything you're telling is indeed profoundly magical and powerful, especially the deer! Yes, I also felt that a storm was to have an impact on your area.
My hole-digging capacity is impeded at the moment, perhaps one day I'll live in a place with a large backyard where I can do that, it sounds great for meditation, reminds me of the caves that the ancient teachers used to enclose themselves into in order to receive revelations. I'll try the tree leaf talk, though!
Wanted to let you know that I had my third BQH session on friday and that night Esteban had a dream which so evidently related to my session. We both experienced levitation and flying. He could even see me flying in his dream. Though I could not see him in mine (he says he was flying behind me). Anyway, remembering your words, yesterday we started to write down this and two other prominent dreams he felt to be related and I realise now he has the ability to recall the details of these dreams (one of which he says he had when he was three years old!) by closing his eyes and taking himself back to the moment. He could not remember various details initially but assures me he was able to find these details by 'going back'. The story is huge and complex. Three dreams, three chapters, one story, no ending in sight, plenty more of these chapters to come he says! The dream he had when he was three years old describes the four elements I saw in my first BQH session and a need to bring them together in a single place.
I feel as if we are a team now who have the ability to identify cross-over points, which ultimately give us a greater sense of importance around certain subjects, or perhaps even a greater chance of coming to fruition in the physical world? Whatever it is, it feels very exciting and having spent the day 'working' with him yesterday (furiously writing out all his words by hand while he dictated and drew the pictures) I feel our bond stronger than ever. We agreed to meet in the astral realm last night before sleep but this morning I have no recollection of my dreams. It would seem I am better at connecting which him through BQH for now. Let's see if he has another chapter of his story this morning...
Yes, it does sound like you're finding a deeper common purpose and it's beautiful! Like Esteban, I remember my dreams in great detail and this capacity has increased in the past few years, but even in my childhood I have strongly vivid dreams which I can still recall. I've worked intensely with them since they're part of the Great Narrative, my main subject of study.
I've yet to meet someone on the astral plain at will or by agreement. All encounters have taken place without planning. Still, one thing that I do to both explore previous dreams and strengthen my astral presence is visualization. You can use it for anything, from "going back" to past dreams (perhaps that's also how Esteban does) to calling a specific individual or group to have a heart-to-heart, to channeling deities, etc.
Your journey is inspiring! I don't have any children, but if I did, this is how I'd raise them, with complete freedom to explore these topics!