Yantra painting, BQH & Rune Stones: Quantum connections in a world of synchronicity
Three weeks ago I was offered something called Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) by a very kind & intuitive lady who saw my work on Yannick Van Doorne's facebook page where he has been reposting my electroculture articles.
Since then nothing has been the same and I will do my best in this post to describe for you some of the events and predictions around these sessions which appear to have led me to a deeper understanding of myself and the path ahead.
For one thing I have started creating Yantras!
I was watching a video on YouTube from a historian/theologian known as Silas Speaks (who I highly recommend if you don't know him) and he showed this image in a video which has since been deleted by YouTube. (Probably better to follow him on Odysee for this reason!)
The thing which caught my attention was the dilated pupil of Mahakali, the Hindu Goddess of time and death. I struggled to find further images of this so I quizzed Silas on it and he explained that the eye only becomes dilated when she is destroying, which is why she is not normally depicted in this way.
The eye reminded me of Luna, who for the last five years has had a permanently dilated pupil. In the same eye as Mahakali.
Not since birth. Just since we lived in a sacred river valley in Bali which was being destroyed by illegal mining.
The valley was filled with spirits and witch doctors who told us clearly that our house had been inhabited by one powerful spirit in particular who didn't want to leave.
They performed various ceremonies and we didn't think too much more about it. Shortly after this however Luna's eye changed and here we are today, five years later still not sure what this is about.
I felt in the moment like Mahakali had some connection with Luna, so I did a little research and came across this Yantra which was used to worship her.
Immediately excited by its energy I decided to re-create it in my own way with Luna.
Each member of my family chose all the different colours.
A week ago I put it above our shrine and since then I have been meditating for around 1h per day in front of it.
Feels really good here in the silence of the mornings, facing north with Wands of Horus in my hands and a little incense burning.
The action of painting this Yantra has taught me many deeper lessons about myself and my mediation routine feels better knowing it is there on the wall.
Now I am going to take this story back to the BQH session two weeks ago which has unquestionably enhanced my ability to detect important synchronicities and follow up on them in an appropriate manner.
What is BQH?
Dolores Cannon developed the first Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique around 40 years ago which in a nutshell is a powerful hypnosis method for exploring past lives and connecting with Higher Consciousness for answers & healing.
The practitioner guides the patient into a trance through visualisation and encourages them to share what they see/feel/hear there. The process, while it may seem strange, has proven itself to be an effective method for dealing with health issues, including emotional, psychological and physical illnesses.
Beyond Quantum Healing practitioners have taken these sessions even further by offering them to the public through zoom calls, rather than a physical meeting. Their argument is that in the quantum realm there is no time or space, so the sessions are in fact just as effective when conducted at a distance.
This logic makes sense to me and I was quick to accept the offer of three sessions from my new friend Fina.
The first session
During the session itself I had some skepticism because I didn't feel myself to be hypnotised in any way and the words which came out of my mouth felt like my own. Though I had to admit that while the words were being spoken consciously, there was something about them which felt different and somehow disconnected from my logical mind.
I saw a large dome and felt as if it represented a future project. It felt like a dome I am going to build. Inside the dome were four statues, depicting the four elements and I felt like these represented four people I must identify in order to complete the building successfully.
I saw a white horse inside this dome which presented me with a mission to find a magic seed and plant it where it needs to be! Sounds crazy I know but please bear with me.
Fina asked me to communicate with the horse and ask its name. The word Rana came to mind in this moment, quite clearly. I don't know anyone with this name and was confused at the time why I may have said this.
The following day I did some research and found that Rana is a very popular name for deities in many parts of the world, but I was particularly interested in a Nordic group of people called the Sámi. The name resonated with me because many people call me Sammy, which sounds similar enough for me to give this further attention.
Rana Niejta is the goddess for spring and fertility. The literal translation of the name Rana is «the green» or «the green, fertile fields». The name Rana Niejta can freely be translated as «the daughter of earth» source
I had a strong sense this was the Rana I saw, depicted as a horse who gave me a mission to find and plant a 'seed' of some description.
At the end of my interaction with the horse I felt as if she wanted to give me a blue ball of Light energy which I was to keep in my heart. Naturally I took her gift and placed it where she suggested. I mention this point specifically because since then I have been seeing a blue dot of light in my peripheral vision. Not all the time, but often enough for me to believe it is connected with this session.
Beyond this, during my meditations I sometimes give myself Reiki to boost my Chakras and realised just yesterday that my Heart Chakra (green) needs some assistance from my Throat Chakra (blue). I could feel it with my hands, so remembering the words of Rana, I moved some blue energy into my heart. Time will tell what this does for me...
Continuing on there were so many other things I could mention but will jump ahead now to that which followed the session.
Quantum connections led by pain
As I said, I felt at the time as if nothing significant had happened. Just some crazy-sounding ramblings from my barely conscious mind.
Fina warned me that I may feel tired after the session, as effectively we leave our body and then return to it. Indeed I did feel tired, but what I didn't expect was the tooth pain which followed. It was so intense. And so evident that the session had triggered it.
Just to be clear, it wasn't a direct result of the session itself because I already have an extremely damaged tooth which is effectively just a hole for food to get stuck in. This can become infected sometimes and cause me pain for a few days while I get it under control with cloves. But on this occasion the session must have drained me so much that the pain just kicked in straight away, even without an infection.
Those of you following me will already know that the day before this event I felt drawn to make a magick wand for Esteban which later that terrible painful afternoon he used to instantly heal my pain.
A realisation quickly followed that the wand had been made specifically for me to experience this moment with my son. And without the quantum session, without all that pain, I would not have asked in my desperation for him to use it on me. Needless to say I was profoundly moved by the experience of being cured of my pain so provocatively by Esteban and together we have moved forward now with a better understanding of the way in which we will go about helping people as a family.
The following morning I woke with no pain and felt a great sense of satisfaction but this day continued much as the previous one had left off.
I saw that a book had been published by one of my sisters on the life of my father (showing our family crest of arms on the front) and this got me thinking about him and the way in which he was revered as a great business mind, the tobacco king of the Philippines.
Yet he died penniless and miserable. This lesson has always been clear for me but now it suddenly seemed even clearer. I MUST NOT follow in his footsteps in ANY WAY. Rather I must find another more advanced system for the sharing of my products with the world.
I will talk more about where this thought has led me in a future post but in a nutshell the only thing I will ask people to pay for is the postage because a genuine love for our fellow humans expects nothing in return. Gifts & donations will of course be welcome if people feel like they want to exchange with us, but not essential as the Universe itself will facilitate the exchange, if indeed there is to be one at all.
Later that day I noticed an email from my closest sister and felt quite sad when I read her words which requested that I stop contacting her. Apparently my extreme beliefs do not match her extreme beliefs and that is reason enough to cut me out of her life. Till she feels "ready" to return she says.
For a few hours I contemplated this, searching for meaning in what had become a very profound and quite painful couple of days.
I felt as if I was shedding an old skin, an old family with it and underneath was something shiny and new, with a heightened connection to like-minded people who are in fact my long lost soul family.
Somewhere in the build-up to my first session with Fina I watched a film which helped me mentally prepare for this departure of my closest Earth sister. So the film is 9mins long and I realise this post is already quite big but I do recommend you watch this. It may help you remember who you are and what you are here to do.
Seven days of fasting
By lunchtime on Saturday, no more than 24h after my first BQH session, I stopped feeling hungry. Perhaps it was the shock of the email from my sister but whatever the reason I didn't eat for the rest of the day and woke the next morning feeling like I should fast for the entire week. A second BQH session had been scheduled for the following Friday and my goal was to enter this session with a completely empty body with which it would be easier to slip into my non-physical journey in a way that felt more hypnotic than the previous.
Indeed I have always found it easier to enter deep meditative states when my body is empty of food so I was excited to know how this would effect the session.
Worth noting too that my creative abilities are enhanced when my body is empty and I made this tensor ring/fibonacci spiral water charger in the days just prior to my second meeting with Fina.
The second BQH session
These sessions are recorded and we are encouraged to watch them back afterwards. I did this with the first session but didn't find any words in particular which I couldn't remember saying. The second session however was not at all like the first and upon review of the video it quickly became evident that I did not have a memory of all the details which poured from my mouth. Most of them I remembered to a point but there were so many aspects I did not, almost as if I really had been hypnotised this time.
I saw a big storm coming, which Fina wanted me to clarify more on. Was it a metaphorical storm, the representation of a dark period for humanity? No I said, I could feel it to be an actual storm specific to this region which would be so severe that it would change the lives of many around here.
I saw a labyrinth resembling this one which appeared to house various 'teachers' with whom one had to interact and learn from before passing on to each new stage.
This was pretty amazing because the day after my second session we went to a halloween park with the children at which they showed an image of this labyrinth at Chartres Cathereral in France.
Instantly I felt the connection with it and have since then been looking more deeply at labyrinths and what they truly are.
There is a good chance in fact that a dedicated labyrinth post is coming! Needless to say they are so much more than pretty patterns to be traversed by foot. Just as Lakhovsky's MWO is so much more than a collection of circular metal.
Each day I listened to a bit more of the 1h 25min session and each day I learned/remembered something new about my past or my future. It was a very strange experience learning these things from myself.
The third session had been scheduled for the following Friday but I realised the day before this didn't feel right. I needed more time to process all this information.
Plus I was feeling pain in my tooth again at times! But strangely it wasn't consistent, just an hour here and there, like it had nothing to do with an infection again. More it felt like my body was stretching and changing in some way, felt as pain in the weakest part of my body, the tooth. Not even sure I can call it a tooth any more! It is a crater. The shell of what was once a tooth. Destroyed by countless dentists and a law in this country which prevents them from removing it without also giving me a root canal to fill the hole. Root canals have a negative effect on our body (and I have plenty already!) so I won't be doing that again and for now the easily infected crater is preferable.
The night before my cancelled session I hardly slept at all and it was clear why I had felt drawn to postpone it. No way I would have been able to do it with just a few hours sleep. Thankfully I was able to rest that day and felt better by the afternoon, just in time for the next synchronicity to blow my mind.
Rune Stones session by @drrune
Underneath my magick wand post @drrune kindly offered Esteban and myself a reading. Naturally I was excited to accept his offer, feeling it to be connected with all this mental and physical change going on right now.
It was such a joy getting to know him and learning for the first time what Runes were all about. They basically offer another perspective on where we are in our lives and one does not need to enter the session with any particular questions in mind. The stones will both ask the questions and answer them.
In essence we put our energy into his bag of stones (by looking at the bag on his live video feed), he shakes it around for a bit and drops out a stone observing both the sign and the way in which it falls. (Inverted or not).
Here are the four he pulled for me.
I think the thing which struck me the most about his session with me was the similarity to the sessions with Fina. There were so many things which seemed to connect.
He saw my current transformation, a pivotal moment in my life.
He saw a "big project" in my future (could this be the dome I am to build?) and told me there would be many people of different nationalities coming together to work on this project.
He saw a storm, just like the one I saw. He mentioned high levels of rain specifically and said it would bring some challenges, but nothing to fear.
He saw my 'business', which I think can no longer be described with this very old fashioned word, expanding its reach next year but I must get better at the organisation and paperwork aspects! Yes indeed, how very true this is.
It generally felt like positive & affirming news with all four of my stones. Here is (Eihwaz) showing me "willpower, long-term projects, focus, protection".
Here you can see "Perthro: the bag of dice, the bag of runes, surprises, treasures hidden in plain sight, possibilities"
"Fehu: the home, the household, products, personal finances, resources"
This one felt a bit different from the others with some truths in relation to my legs & knees. "Uruz inverted: lack of vitality and vigor, illness, thresholds yet to be crossed, problems with legs and knees"
I have some work to do this winter, clearing out some blockages which are preventing me from running at capacity.
As for Esteban there was much awesomeness too. And also some caution around his passion & physical nature which can quickly get out of hand if left unchecked.
"Thurisaz inverted: avoid conflicts, sit still and observe, relax, meditate, reflect, wield the tools"
Water came up a few times for him and it would seem that he is to drink more of it and bathe in it. Natural wild water specifically. I will take him to some places I know and together we will meditate there in order for him to connect with this element.
I also intend, based on his session, to buy books relating to legends and mythologies, which I understand now will help him develop his magick skills.
Ah yes, last thing I wanted to mention for him was trees. He needs to hug them more, talk and listen to them. Plants it would seem have lessons to offer, but first we must be willing to accept them.
All of Esteban's stones can be seen here.
Final Thoughts
I am super grateful to both Fina & @drrune for their important role in our family journey.
There have been many changes made thanks to their influence, including morning 'nature' lessons for the children which are to serve as a balance for screen time.
Every hour of screen time they do, they must then give me an hour of nature time. Which they seem very happy about in fact.
I have started doing yoga as a warm up before my morning meditations and felt it instantly helping me to sit for longer in lotus position without pain in my knees. Up to 40mins now.
I also do 15mins of pranayama while in this position, thanks to various awesome connections pointing me in this direction, including @thecogent who introduced me to the nostril breathing technique in the Summer while he was here.
Something has changed with my hearing too. There has always been the occasional buzzing in my ears but ever since the BQH sessions I have been hearing it more and more, leading me to a realisation. What I am hearing is the energy of my high frequency copper devices. Or the energy of Earth grid lines, which I walk upon regularly during my time in the garden. Now I only need to think of my devices or one of these lines to get the same ringing in my ears. Even writing these words I can hear it coming back because I am mentally connecting with the device on my kitchen table.
The way in which I make my electroculture devices has changed too. It would seem that I have finally let go of sticking to that which has come before and I am experimenting now with different designs which I do believe will be even more effective.
Yesterday I dug a big south facing hole as part of our nature lesson series and we learned about how earthships work.
In the afternoon I lay down in this hole for over an hour and sensed this was somehow important for me. It felt so blissful in there and am wondering now if there isn't some powerful magic in the simple action of digging a hole and spending time in it?
Today I will extend the hole and begin its transformation into a zero budget mini earthship which will serve not only as a lesson but also as a greenhouse to keep our plants warm during the cold winter nights.
In the spring it will become a 'swimming' pool & irrigation water storage area.
Even Sabrina appears to be riding the crest of a unique creative wave at the moment. Here she is making a tree of life inside a tensor ring.
I have my third BQH session booked for tomorrow and this week I feel no blocks to it being a successful session, so am excited to see where it takes me next...
The word exponential keeps coming up for me and I feel as if I must apologise for the disjointed nature of this post. With so much going on it is hard to keep up, let alone write about it! So I did my best and hope you have found it interesting.
At the very least I recommend you get a Rune reading from @drrune. He really is an excellent and gifted human being. And he is right here on this platform!
Fina is a qualified BQH practitioner, a gentle and kind soul who can be contacted at [email protected]
Both of these people offered me their time without expecting anything in return and can therefore both expect Christmas presents from us this year! Something copper & powerful seems fitting.
And so we all flow together into a Brave New World of Love & Light 🌱
The two art images were made by myself & the midjourney bot. Prompts available on request.
Such a wonderful post! I'm really happy to know that my reading was so significant and useful. Your description of the BHQ sessions is also fascinating and intriguing, it'd be interesting to receive those. I may contact Fina myself to that end!
Thank you so much for your offering of those rings! I'm excited to see what they bring into my space and my life! My service is at your disposal whenever you feel a need for it!
I really did find it significant & useful brother 🙏
For both myself and Esteban.
He is now consciously blessing his water before drinking (when I remind him to do so!) and told me yesterday that he spent 15mins with a large tree in the centre of his school courtyard. He says he could feel it lonely, explaining that it has been watching children play here for 300 years but the children don't acknowledge it any more. Until now!
I found a method of communication which I really resonate with and have taught the children. One simply holds a leaf of the plant between their finger tips and closes their eyes till the essence of the plant can be felt coming through. At this point we can receive the lesson which is on offer. Without expectations, without labels, just feeling our way into it.
I also read about getting trees to reach out and touch us with their branches simply by asking. All of this and more we tried out in one of our nature lessons ;)
After your most exciting prediction about a creature with antlers blessing Esteban in the future with a gift there was a lot of discussion amongst the children because neither of them have ever seen any such animals here. Some doubt you could say. So it was quite enjoyable when they all excitedly arrived home from school yesterday with the news that they had seen a group of deer standing unexpectedly by the side of the road. They ran away as the car approached but the important thing was that both children saw clearly what the creatures looked like. So now they know what to expect for the future! Amazing synchronicity.
One last thing. Sabrina mentioned the day after our session that a heavy storm came to northern France in which many people have experienced flooding, to an extent where the water has entered their homes. This matches your storm warning, though for my own part, I felt it happening here. Time will tell...
By the way, if you ever get a chance to dig a hole and spend time in it I really do recommend this. Spent another hour in it yesterday, simply being. I feel as if I can receive & process information more effectively in there. The way the insects were interacting with the plants above me, the way the sun flickered on the horizon, all such magical stuff. It has led me to a new design of electroculture antenna which for now remains in my head, but when time permits its creation will be a great pleasure for me.
Please do get in touch with Fina if you feel it. Can't wait for our next session this morning...
Just wish I had recorded our session. Next time I will for sure.
Every one of your words was powerful and note taking can only go so far.
Have a great weekend!
Well, everything you're telling is indeed profoundly magical and powerful, especially the deer! Yes, I also felt that a storm was to have an impact on your area.
My hole-digging capacity is impeded at the moment, perhaps one day I'll live in a place with a large backyard where I can do that, it sounds great for meditation, reminds me of the caves that the ancient teachers used to enclose themselves into in order to receive revelations. I'll try the tree leaf talk, though!
Wanted to let you know that I had my third BQH session on friday and that night Esteban had a dream which so evidently related to my session. We both experienced levitation and flying. He could even see me flying in his dream. Though I could not see him in mine (he says he was flying behind me). Anyway, remembering your words, yesterday we started to write down this and two other prominent dreams he felt to be related and I realise now he has the ability to recall the details of these dreams (one of which he says he had when he was three years old!) by closing his eyes and taking himself back to the moment. He could not remember various details initially but assures me he was able to find these details by 'going back'. The story is huge and complex. Three dreams, three chapters, one story, no ending in sight, plenty more of these chapters to come he says! The dream he had when he was three years old describes the four elements I saw in my first BQH session and a need to bring them together in a single place.
I feel as if we are a team now who have the ability to identify cross-over points, which ultimately give us a greater sense of importance around certain subjects, or perhaps even a greater chance of coming to fruition in the physical world? Whatever it is, it feels very exciting and having spent the day 'working' with him yesterday (furiously writing out all his words by hand while he dictated and drew the pictures) I feel our bond stronger than ever. We agreed to meet in the astral realm last night before sleep but this morning I have no recollection of my dreams. It would seem I am better at connecting which him through BQH for now. Let's see if he has another chapter of his story this morning...
Yes, it does sound like you're finding a deeper common purpose and it's beautiful! Like Esteban, I remember my dreams in great detail and this capacity has increased in the past few years, but even in my childhood I have strongly vivid dreams which I can still recall. I've worked intensely with them since they're part of the Great Narrative, my main subject of study.
I've yet to meet someone on the astral plain at will or by agreement. All encounters have taken place without planning. Still, one thing that I do to both explore previous dreams and strengthen my astral presence is visualization. You can use it for anything, from "going back" to past dreams (perhaps that's also how Esteban does) to calling a specific individual or group to have a heart-to-heart, to channeling deities, etc.
Your journey is inspiring! I don't have any children, but if I did, this is how I'd raise them, with complete freedom to explore these topics!
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Amazing. Almost a quarter million people have donated their money to this account now. I may just have to write a post when I hit that number :)
You're welcome @samstonehill! Have a nice day 😊👍🌹
There's a ton going on in your life and this post shows it clearly. Thanks for sharing the 9 min video. It reminded me of the french movie La Belle Verte / The Green Beautiful from 1996. Oh and Dolores Cannon's teachings; what a beautiful soul. I remember reading her book "The three waves of volunteers and the New Earth" some five years ago and trying to put the pieces together since ;)
I hope you had an 'exponential' third BQH session. Totally looking forward to your insights about labyrinths.
Am pleased you watched the film. And yes, I also felt its similarity to La Belle Verte. Though of course, with this film there is the feeling of a group of people, rather than just one lady. And the idea that we forget our mission upon being born in a human body really resonates with me too. There were so many things about the film which felt as if they were speaking to me. Including the two directors who sit there at the end and repeat the words "Here we are" which just happen to be the same words with which I have started all my videos for the last five years. While their depiction of glowing lines of Light energy connecting our tribe in a world of sh*t reminded me of an old day dream I used to have at school. What I saw in that film was a direct representation of this intentional dream I used to imagine (during French lessons mostly!) and connections like this don't happen by chance. I even had a word for this kind of daydreaming. I called it think-dreaming. More intentional than daydreaming. Anyway, hadn't thought about my obsession with think-dreaming for at least a few decades or the feeling of being connected to like-minded souls by lines of Light energy, so this felt extremely relevant. And as my poor mother had to discover that day, I felt as if I had suddenly remembered that I have another family!
Wonderful you are familiar with Dolores Cannon already. Would like to dig that book up myself. Will have a look for it today.
Labyrinths yes. Both machines and also physical representations of our non physical journey. With only one possible path to the middle and only one possible way out. Have been recently introduced to a very enlightened lady called Amanda Lorence who made a post on labyrinths featuring this same labyrinth at the Cathedral in Cartes! And her description of different stages which open up to us when we are spiritually ready for them matches my own.
She also made this film on the subject, worth watching.
Let's see if I do actually get to that post!
So many others in my mind which may get out first...
Hi Sam, I wanted to read Amanda's article and watch the video podcast you included with her before I replied to you. And boy, you were right: is was sooooo worth it! I'm blown away by her interpretation aka perspective aka downloads she received. I've never seen these different elements combined this way: I'm speaking about labyrinths, electric grid, the veil, ascension, channeling, dimensions and realms etc. I love to get new perspectives on life in 3D and see where the info takes me. Therefore a BIG thank you for that Sam!
In regards to Dolores Cannon's book on the volunteers and New Earth:
You can read the book for free on Internet Archive (dot) org; I'll include the link below:
BTW you can read all her books on this site and tons of other amazing books for free.
Another good directory for free books is Open Library: https://openlibrary.org/
Last but not least, there's something I really need to share with you as it relates to your post. The first time I ever heard or read anything about Yantras was in your post yesterday. I found it fascinating and it put a smile on my face when I read about each and one of you pick a color to create your first Yantra together as a family. Today I had a business meeting with an investor and we talked for several hours about real estate. She invited me to her home and when I stepped into her house I noticed a beautiful Yantra hanging on the wall in her hallway. I turned around and asked her where she got it and she replied that a friend of her who is a medical doctor created this Mandala for her. She was fascinated that I knew about Yantras and I told her, I read about it yesterday in your post. Now what are the odds for smth like this to happen in a business setting??? Crazy and beautiful at the same time!
I thought I'd share this with you.
Your story fits perfectly with the title of this post!
Since we started chatting (not all that long ago in the big scheme of things) I have felt you to be somehow connected to our story here in France. You and a few others here! So it is wonderful to see this physical manifestation of it. Like a flood gate opening, once we start to recognise the growth of synchronicities, they flow like water. (Look out for labyrinths over the next few days!)
What I find most interesting about your story is that a medical doctor gave it to her with healing in mind. Sounds like the kind of doctor I would like to know! Having lost all faith in modern medicine (doctors included) this is a timely reminder for me that some doctors are in fact moving beyond the confines of their training. Thank you for this reminder 🙏
Am pleased you resonate with Amanda. I must have watched over 20h of her videos during the last few weeks. Because she's worth it! And how blessed we are to be living in these exciting times :)
I believe you will also enjoy being introduced to a few other enlightened souls who are quietly doing their thing on YouTube:
Both of these people being interviewed I find fascinating:
Any interview you can find with Linda Goode McGillis is likely a worthy watch:
Sherri Divband I also find amazing:
Esteban has nightmares (with paralysis) and a total fear of the dark, so I was attracted to the above film in which Sherri Divband talks about giving Reiki to the toys of children (the ones they hug at night) as a method to protect them from having nightmares. And since I did this with Esteban's teddy two weeks ago his dreams have been consistently great. Plus they are connecting with my BQH sessions! See my words to @drrune above.
Thanks for the book link and also for openlibrary which looks great.
For books I tend to use https://z-lib.io/ who have (almost) everything I have ever tried to find. It's free and runs through discord. Bit complicated at first but I would be happy to explain it if the site interests you.
Same here 😉
Thanks for your interview recommendations. I watched the first two and will watch the third as well. Absolutely fascinating to see all these different interpretations and perspectives on what we call life and consciousness having a human experience as XYZ identity / vessel / you name it.
Glad to hear Esteban got rid of his nightmares and more importantly, that you were able to help him!
Thanks for z-lib. Will have a look at it and if I need help, I'll come back to you. Thank you!
You bet I will!
Hey cuddlekitten!
Always good to see you :)