Unwritten Dust
Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to talk about not writing down a few post ideas, and how it's annoying haha.

Unwritten Dust
Am I the only one who has a great idea I am thinking about, but then doesn't write it down?!
I know that over time, some of the things I've done and made changes for have really been a good benefit. One of those changes that I've made has been writing down my post ideas, so that I can prevent myself from forgetting them later!
Sometimes lately though, I find myself coming up with a unique idea in the middle of the night, or just before getting up and I don't write the damn thing down.. and then it's gone hahaha. Even if I say "I will write this down in 5 minutes" it is likely not enough. It's gotta be almost immediate otherwise it won't happen.
I've been really good about writing down my post ideas for over a year now, and I've got a decent little catalog of unwritten posts. The challenge for me is I have to be in the right mood for a particular topic otherwise it just won't flow properly, and I don't want to put out a garbage post for something that I should have waited for the right mindset to do.
Lately I've been thinking about some of these post ideas at random times, mostly in the evening or at night and I don't have my phone around me, or my phone is turned off. That makes it a problem to write the thing down. I know I could likely find a piece of paper or pen but then I gotta turn on a light or something in order to actually write. Yes those are excuses, and they are my best ones :D.
I've realized that I've had a few post ideas that I was noodling on, that ended up slipping through the cracks. I was coming up with them, fleshing out the idea and then I realized that I was going to forget it because my phone was turned off. This was kind of annoying because it is always when I am lying there trying to fall asleep that something comes to me, but I don't want to turn on my phone and wake myself back up. I don't necessarily have trouble sleeping, but I do have challenges where if I fuck up the pre-sleep process, all hope is lost for a few hours hahaha so that sucks.
I had two ideas that I remember I wanted to make sure to get into a post, and both of those ideas are gone. Sometimes I do remember them later on, but often times I don't. They tend to be spur of the moment type things, where I've got a specific topic in my head from the days events or something like that, and I find it would be interesting to write about. If I don't keep track of it immediately, then I don't have a good chance of remembering that later!
What about you, do you get frustrated because you think of something good, either for a post or something different, but forget to write it down? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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The most frustrating part for me is when I lost the flow of words after having written down the idea of a post. Some ideas come with their flow and being in the right mood can help speed up the process of writing most of it down. But sometimes, right when you catch the flow, distractions push through the door and kick out the flow :)
Agree with this one.... sometimes the words flow out effortlessly, and other days it is a real grind to get to the end of it!
That's my dilemma or maybe problem? I have ideas coming up to me during the night but I was too tired to pick up a pen or even scriblled on notes. It's unfortunate but usually during those time are the golden hours of my ideas. Much like you, if I don't keep track of them, they'll be gone and loosing the chance of writing something epic hehe
I think it has to do with being really busy with life. It's hard to document your ideas because there are so many thought processes going on with you. I think the only thing we can do is just to write a sort of summary whenever those idea pops up. I think this is just one very solid way to keep up lol.
Hahaha I will make sure to note it down in my phone when sometimes like this happens. Then again, sometimes, I find it easier to sit on these topics or ideas for a few days and somehow I get more inspiration on how to structure or how to bring the ideas across in a more interesting manner.
I have that sometimes... think of something interesting to write, start think about words I would use, and topics/tangents I would go on, and then when I sit down to write, all inspiration disappears and I'm left with a post idea and no idea what I was gonna say about it.
I also have 'unposted dust'... I have several blogs saved as drafts, which I saved to write about later and already added the pics (pictures usually help to tell my stories), and now its been so long that I no longer know what I'm going to write about them, and those drafts are sat there gathering dust!
some of them are from 2023... oops!