Spring Has Finally Arrived/Por fin ha llegado la primavera



I usually have a clear idea of what to put into a post, but not this time. I always choose the flowers I want to use and edit them to be more presentable. As I work with the photographs, ideas come to me, and I sometimes make notes to refer back to. Then proceed to write, and the words usually flow. This time things are not flowing like they used to. I started this over a week ago.

Normalmente tengo una idea clara de lo que voy a poner en un post, pero esta vez no. Siempre elijo las flores que quiero utilizar y las edito para que estén más presentables. A medida que trabajo con las fotografías, me surgen ideas, y a veces tomo notas para volver a consultarlas. Luego procedo a escribir, y las palabras suelen fluir. Esta vez las cosas no fluyen como antes. Empecé esto hace más de una semana.

I have spent most of the time since my last publication working on paperwork to catch up on many months of work. My annual government review to certify my home to care for disabled adults is finally over. My time restraints are now easing up as we enter the new month. We should be able to move out one of the ladies I care for in May. Things are moving forward. It will be hard to see her go after caring for her for 24 years, but my levels of exhaustion are taking precedence. I believe she will get better care going to the place being discussed. She does not have much longer to live, as the cancer is taking its toll. After losing my wife, I do not want to go through it again.

He pasado la mayor parte del tiempo desde mi última publicación trabajando en papeleo para ponerme al día con muchos meses de trabajo. Por fin ha terminado la revisión anual del gobierno para certificar mi residencia para adultos discapacitados. Mis limitaciones de tiempo van disminuyendo a medida que nos adentramos en el nuevo mes. En mayo deberíamos poder trasladar a una de las señoras a las que cuido. Las cosas avanzan. Será duro verla marchar después de haberla cuidado durante 24 años, pero mis niveles de agotamiento tienen prioridad. Creo que recibirá mejores cuidados en el lugar del que se está hablando. No le queda mucho tiempo de vida, ya que el cáncer le está pasando factura. Después de perder a mi mujer, no quiero volver a pasar por lo mismo.

I will continue to care for the other lady for a while. I am considering giving notice as we approach the end of the year. I had thought I might continue to care for her for a couple more years, but a part of me is looking forward to getting my personal life back and some freedom to do the many things my wife and I had planned. I will not have my wife to share it with, yet I feel it is time for me.

Seguiré cuidando de la otra señora durante un tiempo. Estoy considerando la posibilidad de despedirme a finales de año. Había pensado que podría seguir cuidándola un par de años más, pero una parte de mí está deseando recuperar mi vida personal y algo de libertad para hacer las muchas cosas que mi mujer y yo habíamos planeado. No tendré a mi mujer para compartirlo, pero siento que ha llegado mi hora.

I have been able to increase taking photographs of flowers. Warmer weather and some rain have pushed more buds into bloom. I noticed that my fruit trees are beginning to bud, and soon they will be flowering. I am unsure if our winter was anything but ordinary, yet this year I am enjoying the flowers more as spring takes hold than in the past couple of years. Well, let us move into some flower photography...

He podido aumentar la toma de fotografías de flores. El tiempo más cálido y algunas lluvias han hecho que florezcan más capullos. Me he dado cuenta de que mis árboles frutales están empezando a brotar y pronto florecerán. No sé si nuestro invierno ha sido normal, pero este año estoy disfrutando más de las flores a medida que la primavera se afianza que en los dos últimos años. Bueno, pasemos a la fotografía de flores...

Author: @r2cornell

Spring Has Finally Arrived/Por fin ha llegado la primavera

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My cover photo is a macro view of an English daisy. The following photo is of the same flower before I cropped it with my editing software. I usually use my editing software for gaining a closeup of something beautiful like a flower, but also to center the photo.

Mi foto de portada es una vista macro de una margarita inglesa. La siguiente foto es de la misma flor antes de recortarla con mi programa de edición. Suelo utilizar mi software de edición para obtener un primer plano de algo bello como una flor, pero también para centrar la foto.


My next photo is of another wildflower. Like last week's wildflowers, this is a small flower, although the macro lens gives us an excellent view of such a beautiful flower.

Mi siguiente foto es de otra flor silvestre. Al igual que las flores silvestres de la semana pasada, se trata de una flor pequeña, aunque el objetivo macro nos ofrece una vista excelente de tan bella flor.


Another sure sign that spring has arrived is when the daffodils bloom. This year they are beginning the bloom a couple weeks later than usual. Their cheerful color helps to stay patient as warmer weather arrives.

Otra señal inequívoca de que ha llegado la primavera es la floración de los narcisos. Este año empiezan a florecer un par de semanas más tarde de lo habitual. Su alegre colorido ayuda a mantener la paciencia mientras llega el tiempo más cálido.


The final photo for this post is one of my pansies. They, too, bloom to announce the coming of warmer weather. This is one of several colors and varieties that I grow.

La última foto de este post es de mis pensamientos. También florecen para anunciar la llegada del buen tiempo. Este es uno de los muchos colores y variedades que cultivo.


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This brings us to the end of this publication. I trust you will find something in it that you enjoy. I am a little behind in getting this published. This week is hectic for me. I am working on the post a little at a time. Thank you for visiting.

Con esto llegamos al final de esta publicación. Confío en que encuentren en ella algo que les guste. Llevo un poco de retraso en su publicación. Esta semana está muy ocupada para mí. Estoy trabajando en el post poco a poco. Gracias por su visita.

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I use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs except where noted.

Estoy usando una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto donde se indique.

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It feels like the post was made for me heheh! The red macro shot of English red daisy looks stunning and I loved it very much. Daisy is a beautiful flower and I'm glad that my parents named me Daisy 🥰🥂🐝💐


Thank you. I have never grown English daisies before. I have perennial Shasta daisies growing and have grown African daisies a few times. I spotted these English daisies and had giver them a try. I believe they will self seed, which is my hope.


Natural things are more attractive than planned and this is the proof. The red daisies look awesome and I love them all in different colors. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos. Keep sharing Mr. R2cornell


wao 24 years taking care of the lady! It's quite a while, you must feel her part of your family.
I had never seen an English daisy it is prety... I love pansy flowers, I have always wanted to have them here in my house but I understand that they are a cool or cold climate and where I live it is a hot climate.

I hope that you can achieve everything that you came to plan with your wife, that will make you feel very good.


Thank you. Yes, Pansies are for colder climates. Some come back every year, and others self-seed.


A veces me gusta traducir mis comentarios al inglés, pero como no es mi idioma natal, y aún lo sigo estudiando, prefiero hacerlo en español porque de esta manera, estoy seguro de que va a transmitir mis pensamientos y mis emociones de la forma correcta.

Al leer tu publicación, siento el vacío que de alguna manera tu esposa ha dejado al ser llamada al mundo de los espíritus; Realmente, lamento tu pérdida, y la pérdida que han sufrido muchas personas que conozco. De hecho, justo ayer falleció el papá de un amigo y hoy fui a darle mis palabras de condolencias a él y a su familia.

No me gusta ver a las personas dentro de un ataúd, pues de esta manera, los puedo recordar haciendo cualquier cosa en vida. Esto lo comencé a hacer después de la muerte de mi padre hace algunos años, y a partir de allí, comencé a interesarme en la fotografía paulatinamente.

La macrofotografía de las flores es lo que más me apasiona, y al venir a vivir en Chile, puede ver una variedad de flores que en mi tropical Venezuela no se ven tan frecuentemente. Las rosas y los tulipanes, son de mucho valor para mí, aunque también tengo flores de pensamientos, violetas y calas.

Por cierto, este es el mes de la poda de las rosas, y cuando me dedico a podarlas, es un aire fresco que entra en mi mente, donde las ideas comienzan a fluir, sea para un negocio, para escribir alguna publicación, o simplemente los dejo volar y me deleito con las cosas que creo en mi mente.


La traducción puede llevar mucho tiempo. Llevo muchos años traduciendo al español y todavía me cuesta un poco. Acabo utilizando dos programas de traducción diferentes y traduciendo de un lado a otro para intentar que la traducción final sea comprensible.

No me gustan los funerales y los evito. Los deseos de mi esposa eran ser incinerada y que sus cenizas fueran colocadas bajo un rosal. Compré dos arbustos y el Día de la Madre los plantaremos. Los compré pronto y los he guardado en macetas hasta que pase el frío invierno.

Una vez que descubrí cómo utilizar mi "macro-lens", que venía con mi cámara, me enamoré del proceso y, por tanto, del resultado final. He estado buscando otro objetivo macro, pero los que he encontrado me obligarían a comprar una cámara de mayor calidad. El coste es demasiado elevado por el momento. Por lo tanto, seguiré con lo que tengo actualmente.

Muchas gracias.


Siempre es bueno leer sus publicaciones amigo. Espero que sus ocupaciones para esta nueva semana disminuyan un poco para que pueda compartir más tiempo con todos nosotros. Saludos y feliz fin de semana


Gracias. Ya tengo más tiempo. He estado haciendo actividades al aire libre para mejorar mi condición física. También me da la oportunidad de encontrar nuevas flores floreciendo para poder hacer más fotografías.


Mindblowing photography sir...I like your photography angle.Also great color combination.


Thank you very much. I appreciate it.


You have shared some amazing flower photography. I really like these photographs. I love every single photography. Among them number two and number three flower photography has a special place in my mind. I have never seen this photography before. I was very happy to see these unique flowers. As I saw these flowers for the first time, I was greatly impressed by the beauty of these flowers.


Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed my flowers.


Indeed you are generous and genuinely a good man who have a kind heart to take care of older disable
ladies. I know its very tough for a normal person to take care of such souls.

BTW, you shared a very pleasing floral photographs. GREAT WORK!!


I believe she will get better care going to the place being discussed. She does not have much longer to live, as the cancer is taking its toll. After losing my wife, I do not want to go through it again.

I can feel that Sir. Not easy to express in words, what emotional state one has to endure while seeing someone dying in front of eyes.

Spring is the ideal season for a variety of flowers to bloom. That yellow flower with red style is an amazing shot.

I wish you good health Sir.


No, it is not easy to watch someone die. I have done this before in my work, as well as with my wife. I had planned on staying with this current lady until she passed, but the need to get my life back and heal from the passing of my wife and the many years of working in the helping professions I can no longer wait. I have put others before myself for many years, but at my age, it is time for me to take care of myself.


Wow you have really wonderful plants and flowers very beautiful and splendid I like so much your photography sir🌹


Thank you very much. I appreciate it.


It will be hard to see her go after caring for her for 24 years, but my levels of exhaustion are taking precedence. I believe she will get better care going to the place being discussed. She does not have much longer to live, as the cancer is taking its toll. After losing my wife, I do not want to go through it again.

This is the most human feeling possible. On your past post I was like.. "well he doesn't feel like he care, I guess foreign people are this way", and look you're the opposite. It's ok, that only shows you're human. 24 years by the other hand, wow! what a big soul


Thank you


Reading your blog it's inspiring. Nowadays we all are so into oneself, and there's people out there with truly complicated situations and get out the very best of it. Reading you it's like a ground wire for me.


I usually have a clear idea of what to put into a post, but not this time. I always choose the flowers I want to use and edit them to be more presentable. As I work with the photographs, ideas come to me, and I sometimes make notes to refer back to. Then proceed to write, and the words usually flow. This time things are not flowing like they used to. I started this over a week ago.

Same here. My routine it's like too fast, and faster. I often got block. Life is about speedy nowadays.


yes things sure seem to be speeding up.


I love your stunning flower pictures, and your stories. I always have felt related with feelings of melancholic.

It's so important take care of yourself. Specially at certain age.

I also love wild flowers, you have a lot of knowledge on the matter too.


Namaste 🙏 @r2cornell Sir, I admire your passion towards helping hand. You are a good photographer and your captured yellow flower is looking beautiful. !PIZZA


Very consistent sir, from the past until now the photos you share are extraordinary, best wishes to you sir.


Thank you very much. I appreciate it


Wow. This flowers are of beauty to really admire and set gaze at


I just noticed that you have begun posting again. So I checked recent posts, and am sorry to hear your wife has passed away. It sounds as if you are adjusting as well as can be expected, and are making plans to do interesting things. That's good. Looking forward to your great photography posts!


Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
