African dishes my pride
Hello, hive Ghana, I am here to let you know the sweetness of African dishes. I am a Nigerian man from the southwest region of the country, osun state precisely.
We have three ethnic groups in Nigeria, Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo.
And we have different delicacies in this ethnic region. I am going to list some foods prepared by these three ethnic groups, but I will lay more emphasis on the Yoruba dishes.
In Yoruba land we have efo riro with Amala, Fufu, and semo, which can go with Ewedu or okoro with stew, all of this soup can go with any swallow. The exceptional one I love most is gbegiri mixed with ewedu and stew on amala, you will enjoy it when it is very hot. There is another wonderful food called ekuru I so much love it too, it is made with beans, for you to enjoy it, you can take it with eko(pap).
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Hausa dishes, this is from the northern region of the country, what they eat most there are tuwo shinkafa, Kunujeda, and pap with akara. That is the little I know about their food.
Igbo food delicacy: This is the Eastern part of the country, they have different kinds of soup, in fact, they always claim that they have soup more than any other region in the country. They have oha, ogbono, ofensala, Banga, and nkwobi soup just to mention but few. All of these soups can go with any swallow.
So if I am to compare all those foods mentioned above to intercontinental dishes, I will say I still prefer our local African food because I am not used to any of the intercontinental food, like spaghetti Bolognese, etc., and other food that doesn't have pepper, the day I eat it I felt like throwing up lol.
Thanks for reading my post.
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#The Yoruba soup was gotten from unsplash#
Here is your Proof of Brian. I think you meant #ProofOfBrain

Yes, thank you
Same experience i had when i tried one continental dish, it was not funny o as i almost vomited. I had to stylishly decline eating the rest.
Lol, it is very funny 🤣
Yeah... thank you