New Year. Old Choices.

What resolutions will we fail to keep for the better of ourselves or the world?
As ye can see. My view point has not changed. Nor has the optimism. While the things I say from a viewpoint may appear negative. To a trained mind that is. It is simply because the training closed the doors to critical thinking.
Critical thinking, now there is a phrase I do not agree with. A better phrase might be "Objective Thinking". Although, the old term, outside the box, seems best of all.
So I am going to start the year off with a rant. That way it can only get better for ye.

The biggest resolution this year will be to stop conversing with those who hold positions of influence. There is no discussion in those places. The agenda is already written there.
Over the last year the wallet gained some HP from powered up contributions. These came in from the almighty coder needing funding to carry on laughing at the rest of us. To all of them I said that you come seeking funding and all of a sudden my voice is valid. Where were they the rest of the year. I ended to vote on all of the proposals.
From the comment I left, only one seemed genuine. The rest just sounded like generic PR. Say something that sounds like all the great intention held are essential and the importance of what they are doing.
Jeazus this is gonna sound ungrateful to those educated minds. So Hive is basically still in the same place as it was 5 years ago? I do know and understand.
There are games on the chain now.
The code has improved.
Changes to various things not mentioned so not to cause a nonsense debate.
Links to other chains or networks.
Hive though is still where it was. It is just in the same place with more luggage to haul.

If Hive has moved. Someone explain to me how. Not how the things or code developed have added to the chain. But how Hive has moved forward. Brings about another question. Where is forward?
One of the biggest problems with Hive is the decentralisation. Even the witness at the top would agree with this. Decentralisation brings about different issues that a centralised system does not. When someone needs assistance in a centralised system, methods of assistance are available. The same help that is needed on Hive is not there.
There is a limited benefit from the discord. Often the assistance can be aggressive. Depending on who replies to who.
A port to come for all enquires Hive would be nice. From there a direction to all other areas of Hive can be given. Like what happens in discord or maybe to continue in discord. Have it manned 24 hour a day be a dedicated team. This team should be reimbursed also. This team should also grow to cover all language on the chain. Certain conditions like X amount of users for a location might be needed before any token rewards can be given.
Agreement on the how to around something like this is not there. The interest of the individual comes before the interest of the chain. Those with the influence fail to come together. They fail the blockchain.

I hear people talk about the great things the chain could do and how what they do can help bring that about. All of the things that have been done over the past 5 years. Where is the influence or where is the attraction Hive offers. I see people come from other chain funnel the eco system and exchanged HIVE out to other platforms constant.
I think about this and what is that that people think more users is better for the ecosystem? If the more users is more bloggers or gamers. That becomes a strain on the economy. Where is the counter balance for this?
Advertisements. Is there a big expectation to get that many clicks from those who browse the chain?
Has any of those who dared code for the chain given any deep thought to it's future?

Free to play:
Music game:
well this is just over my head