Into The Depths - Part 8 (Novella)

Here is an ongoing story I have been writing for the last month or so. Currently, we're on the sixth chapter.

It started before November but since I enjoyed the potential story, and characters I decided to try and complete it as part of NaNoWriMo. Although, here we are in December and I'm still working on it.

Currently, I have a feeling the Eighth chapter will be the final one, however, it could go on a bit longer than that depending on how things unfold.

A Night In The Western Wastes

Chapter 1

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 1

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 2

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 3

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 4

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 5

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 6

Night In The Western Wastes - Part 7


Chapter 2

Sin - Part 1

Sin - Part 2

Sin - Part 3

Sin - Part 4

Sin - Part 5

Sin - Part 6

Lost For Words

Chapter 3

Lost For Words - Part 1

Lost For Words - Part 2

Lost For Words - Part 3

Lost For Words - Part 4

Lost For Words - Part 5

Lost For Words - Part 6

Revolutionary Type

Chapter 4

Revolutionary Type - Part 1

Revolutionary Type - Part 2

Revolutionary Type - Part 3

Revolutionary Type - Part 4

Revolutionary Type - Part 5

Revolutionary Type - Part 6

Dome Locked

Chapter 5

Dome Locked - Part 1

Dome Locked - Part 2

Dome Locked - Part 3

Dome Locked - Part 4

Into The Depth's

Chapter 6

Into The Depths - Part 1

Into The Depths - Part 2

Into The Depths - Part 3

Into The Depths - Part 4

Into The Depths - Part 5

Into The Depths - Part 6

Into The Depths - Part 7


       I owe her nothing. He thought to himself, sitting in the seat of his transporter. I have to get back, Andron and Mari could be in trouble. He knew that Crovin didn't care whether he borrowed the money alone, or had his friends involved. Arien did lie to him, manipulated him, and pretended to be something she wasn't as a way to get him here. The moment he reached The Oridium Mines, he knew something wasn't right, and he just wanted to leave. He was maimed badly; scales fused with his jacket. There was so much given to achieve this small job. She decided to leave. That's not my fault. M'Trada looked to the sky and knew it meant freedom. He'd be free of this cesspit, and on his way to getting to a med-centre.
       The engines were on. The transport was ready to lift. He would be on his way in no time, and there would be no guilt for leaving her behind. She's probably dead anyway. His mind echoed. Would she come back for me if our roles were reversed?
       The engines powered down, and he let out a sigh. It was a mistake, a bad idea, but there was no choice. He was out of the seat without trying. His legs moved without thinking. M'Trada was on his way back, without wanting to go.

       Guards stood to attention at the gateway that led to the massive stairs leading underground.
       "You're not permitted beyond this point, Trisken." One of the guards said.
       "Go back to your vehicle." The other responded.
       Their faces were made of stone, and they barely even looked at him.
       "The person I came with, she's still down there." He reasoned with them, as he walked to go through them. They were unmoved and made no effort to let him past.
       "We have the authority to use lethal force." One of them said, without even looking at him.
       "Please, I just want to get her, and we'll leave." He said and tried to move through them once more.
       A punch to the stomach stopped him in his tracks, and lifted him off the ground, to land on his knees.
       "If she's alive, she'll be found, if she's found, she'll be safe. Now leave." The other guard said.
       M'Trada struggled to find breath. His chest couldn't let in any air. Shallow, and restricted. He managed to get to his feet and wanted to try to get past them once more, but couldn't. There was no point, and in his shape, he'd be no use.

       The city grew in the distance. Lights became brighter. This would all be over soon, and he would be able to put this night behind him. The sky was growing pinker, and he knew the sun would be up soon. He wasn't on a strict schedule, but the sooner it was over, the sooner he could forget about the issue.
       The pain came back slowly, creeping back like the sun crawling above the horizon. The medication was wearing off faster and faster, and he could feel a searing burning sensation cover his back, and most of the rest of his body. Gritting his teeth, he continued to fly and found himself praying that there was something he could use to dampen it upon his return. Crovin would surely have something, but he'd most likely charge him for it, or have him pay it back with these stupid jobs.

       Merging with traffic felt sloppy. By this stage, the pain was so bad that he couldn't comfortably sit in his seat. Standing briefly helped, but landing back down caused sharp and shooting streaks of agony. He felt the ship banked to the right or left each time he landed, but that was the last of his worries.
       He saw flashing lights on his dash, and knew he was being hailed by someone. It's most likely Crovin. He thought, through gritted teeth which were almost cracking from the pressure. Flicking a switch a small screen came to life, and on the other end, he saw someone in a ZPD uniform.
       "Ground your vehicle and submit to a routine inspection." The person on the screen said.
       "A routine inspection? What's this about?" M'Trada managed to get out a few words after a moment of silent shock.
       "Ground your vehicle immediately, or we will have no choice but to use lethal force."
       M'Trada knew there was no choice. The ZPD was quick to blast vehicles out of the sky, even into heavily populated areas.
       "I'm complying."

       The minutes leading up to their search were slow. He messaged Mari, Andron, and Crovin, to let them know what was happening, and all he could do was apologise to them all. He knew his friends would be killed for this, and it was all his fault.
       They found the case, opened it, and laughed. "You'll be taken to a detention centre for processing." Was the one part of the sentence he heard.
       His transport was grav-locked, and taken with them. He stared at it, floating along behind them. It was empty. He felt empty.
       M'Trada knew it would be a long time before he saw anyone again. The pain from his injuries was almost non-existent at this stage.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 188 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Seeing your art always brightens my day. You have a remarkable talent


Thanks, man, I use Night Cafe to generate the images, it's actually a really good one and free to sign up and use. I've been on others but they haven't been the best.


Haven't tried NightCafe, been using a paid version of MidJourney which is remarkable. I'll check it out! Keep up the great posts
