I survived an open heart operation for myocardial revascularization.
Today just a few words of thanks to God, to the medical and nursing team who allowed me to wake up today hearing,
instead of the beeps of the ICU machines, the sound of birds here at home where I am recovering.
Sobrevivi a uma operação de peito aberto ao coração para revascularização do miocárdio.
Hoje apenas poucas palavras de agradecimento a Deus, á equipe médica e de enfermagem que permitiram que eu hoje acordasse ouvindo ao invés de bips das máquinas da UTI o som dos passarinhos aqui em casa onde estou a recuperar.
Gif by @aleister
All photos by @pataty69

Gif by @doze
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That’s great news. Have a swift recovery ❤️🩹
Glad to hear you are doing great and speedy recovery
parabéns, sem dúvida uma grande conquista, espero que você se recupere completamente
I'm glad you made it. That's a tough surgery to recover from!
fico feliz pela sua recuperação. Continue firme!
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I am glad that the operation was successful and I wish you to recover as soon as possible
Take care of the wound, CABG is a major surgery and we can say it's your rebirth.