Thankless Sacrifice and Betrayal


Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to lament about how things can be incredibly frustrating and complicated!

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Thankless Sacrifice and Betrayal

I've been quite fortunate in my professional career on various levels. I've been able to do some pretty amazing and remarkable things but it was not all luck, it was a mixture of dedication, hard work and a side of luck. What is also a bit of a factor is how important it is to make decisions sometimes, and you look back years later and thank the stars how right that decision was.


I got a phone call from a friend the other night at quite a random time of night and he was looking for some help, things that I used to help him with when I was in my previous role. Being a good person and his friend, I obliged and helped him do what he needed to do which he was incredibly thankful for but also surprised that I remembered the details after not being involved with him and his group for over 2 years. I guess some things take a long time to fade away haha but it worked out for me in the end in that regard.

We got to chatting though, and I was asking him how things were, how the people are that I used to work with. He said things were very difficult which I already knew but wanted to see if he felt it, which he definitely did. He's a man of high productivity and demands but brings in a hell of a lot of skill and money for the business, so he's an important guy to keep in good spirits. I think this is one of the reasons that I enjoyed working with him, we were similar in that we loved what we do, did it well and also could do it at an incredibly high stress and volume environment. I'm not trying to boast or some shit, just that I am definitely that type of individual. The challenge is that my services were highly appreciated by the staff, but not by leadership at the end of the day.

When I made the decision to leave the company for my new adventure, he was obviously incredibly happy for me but felt a loss because of the amount of things that I did, and did for him. I did the job of 2 or 2.5 people on the team and the volumes spoke very clearly of that. It was one of the things I took pride in because I take pride in my work, where I can be very effective if I'm left alone. I don't join in some of the shit that goes on, and for good reason. With my departure, one of my colleagues stepped in and took on my former role. She was very smart herself but in a different way and didn't have the same temperament.


When I was talking with my friend, I asked him how things were going, how was she doing and the other members of the team. He told me that they got rid of her and everyone else on the team, which I also had heard of but not the extent. Having worked there for a while, I was pained to hear of such a foolish move but that's what happens to some companies. They see short term gains but don't bother to take into account long-term losses and costs that are going to occur from those foolish decisions.

My friend reflected on the fact that my replacement and the people on the team didn't do nearly as many things as I did for him, things that weren't in my "job description" but I would do because it was the right thing to do. He had questions setting up his phone with company software, get his laptop configured, getting his settings brought over. Some very easy and basic things that I did in my spare time but doing them for the right people that are great to you and treat you like a friend and team member instead of subordinate and peon. My replacement did none of that and wanted nothing to do with helping him with those easy but basic needs.

I was certainly dismayed to hear it but not surprised because often times people are very short sighted in their thinking with a lot of these things. They do the bare minimum and don't see the opportunity that presents itself if you are someone who is conscientious. Hearing that they let the whole team go was a very difficult thing to swallow because I would have been in that position had I not left there and taken my job that I'm in now. I think I would have been able to secure a position elsewhere within the company but at that point, do you even want it? It's more about knowing your worth and not letting someone trample all over and disrespect you at that point.

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I was glad to catch up with him and I've got another few days planned going over and helping him set up a few things for his devices and needs. I don't expect to be paid financially in those things because that's what friends do, and I know that when I help him, if I need him to help me do something in his realm of expertise he would drop things at a hat and do what he can to assist me. Those are the things that a lot of people don't do and it's a shame. We have to foster friendships and relationships in and out of work, even if they don't produce financial gains, the gains in other ways far exceed the opportunity of a few dollars in our pockets.

I'm glad that I did what I did when I did it, because my former colleagues are in a bad spot.

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Sometimes it can actually really be frustrating but perseverance keeps it going


Indeed perseverance is an important trait!


Truly, friendship is not all about laughing together or going to clubs. Helping friends to get to great heights is very important
You’re a good person and I’m glad you’ve got good people around you


Thank you, it is important to have good people! Quality over quantity for me is how I think of it!


You actually took a great deal of sacrifice to have make that decision to leave that company as not everyone will have been able to do that


Yeah it wasn't easy but sometimes we have to take steps to secure ourselves even if it’s scary!


In the same way, people with good morals help each other in bad times and the benefit is that when we help someone, that person remembers us for the rest of their lives.


Awww, sad to hear about it my friend. But I believe all is well. Keep safe always at your workplace and have a nice time!


Yeah say it’s frustrating but we move on!
