Stoner's inventions / Inventos de fumeta

Hello cannabis culture lovers. After two days of non-stop rain today we have had a day of respite. Tomorrow it will rain again for two or three more days. It was long overdue to rain in this area and I'm happy, but I got caught just when I was drying the first plants and without reserves.
If you are one of those people who can go several days without trying cannabis or it is legal where you live and you can easily get to a dispensary, you may not understand this 😱. But if it's not legal where you live (or hasn't always been legal) or you don't want to go several days without smoking or both, I'm sure you'll understand and have probably had to do it once. What's it all about? Express drying.
Hola, amantes de la cultura cannábica. Después de dos días lloviendo sin parar hoy hemos tenido un día de tregua. Mañana han dicho que volverá a llover con intensidad durante dos o tres días más. Hacía mucha falta que lloviera en esta zona y estoy feliz, pero me ha cogido justo cuando estaba secando las primeras plantas y sin reservas.
Sí eres de las personas que puede pasar varios días sin probar el cannabis o es legal donde vives y puedes acercarte fácilmente a un dispensario, a lo mejor no entiendas esto 😱. Pero si no es legal en donde vives (o no siempre ha sido legal) o no quieres estar varios días sin fumar o las dos cosas, seguro que lo entenderás y probablemente hayas tenido que hacerlo alguna vez. ¿De que se trata? De un secado exprés .

There are many ways to do it 🤣, a radiator, a hair dryer, a microwave (I have never tried it), fire, etc. IMO one of the less aggressive ways with the bud is to put it in the sun without direct sunlight. For that I have these two wooden boxes where I put the buds and then put the boxes in the sun.
Hay muchas formas de hacerlo 🤣, un radiador, un secador de pelo, un microondas (nunca lo he probado), fuego, etc. En mi opinión una de las formas menos agresiva con el cogollo es ponerlo al sol sin que le de directamente. Para eso tengo estas dos cajas de madera en donde pongo los cogollos y después pongo las cajas al sol.

The boxes were made of Jijona nougat. In one of the lids there is a picture of how the turron was made in the old days.
Las cajas eran de turrón de Jijona. En una de las tapas hay una imagen de como se hacía el turrón antiguamente.

These have been in the sun all day and are almost dry.
Estos han estado todo el día al sol y ya están casi secos.

This is the next box I will harvest and I hope I can leave it until it is well matured without having to buy again. Let's see if I can do it.
Esta es la siguiente caja que cosecharé y espero poder dejarla hasta que esté bien madura sin tener que volver a comprar. A ver si lo consigo.

That's all for today. Have a nice day and see you next time.
Eso es todo por hoy. Que tengas un buen día y hasta la próxima publicación.

Fire! Great work dude, and nice touch on the wood box :)
Thanks dude!. I hadn't noticed until I saw the photo.
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I wonder how the next chapter in my life will go.
Credit: reddit
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Thanks! !KING
Nice looking plants bro! You gotta do what you gotta do to have that smoke bro. I understand. I like the boxes! Never use a microwave lol
Thanks dude! I think it's the only way I haven't tried yet lol! !WEED
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They look sticky as hell! 😍 Have a great smoke session broh😎👌
Thanks! 🐸 Yes, the paper was sticking to my fingers.
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😎Hellllaaaaa yeahhhhh
Those are some nice looking buds
Thanks! 🐸. These I had to cut them a little early. The next ones I hope they are fully ripe.
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@happyfrog420-new passed you the virtual joint!@trayan also passed you a joint!
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nice !WEED
good job! ;)
Thanks! & !WEED
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@happyfrog420-new passed you the virtual joint!If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP
I like your box))
Thanks! 🐸 !KING
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Your hard work has paid off King @dreamon, happyfrog420-new(1/16) is grateful for the passion and commitment you put into this post. Keep up the amazing work.
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