All but one / Todas menos una

Hello. Normally, when the cannabis plants end up showing their sex, from 18 seeds that I plant in the pot, usually come out between 9 and 12 females. Sometimes some more sometimes some less, but the most usual is between 9 and 12, at least in my case. What is not normal is that 17 females out of 18 come out and this is what is special about this box. The previous record was 15 out of 18 but this one has surpassed it.
Hola. Normalmente, cuando las plantas de cannabis acaban mostrando su sexo, de 18 semillas que planto en el macetero, suelen salir entre 9 y 12 hembras. A veces alguna más a veces alguna menos, pero lo más habitual está entre 9 y 12, al menos en mi caso. Lo que no es normal es que salgan 17 hembras de 18 y esto es lo que tiene de especial esta caja. La marca anterior estaba en 15 de 18 pero esta lo ha superado.

This is the first box of the season that I don't have to force flowering. The daylight hours are getting shorter and some varieties like this one are starting to flower, others take a little longer. There is still plenty of time before it is ripe but I don't have to worry about putting them away. All the ones I plant between now and November or so will come into bloom on their own.
Es la primera caja de la temporada que no tengo que forzar a floración. Las horas del día se van acortando y algunas variedades como esta empiezan a florecer, otras tardan un poco más. Todavía le queda bastante tiempo hasta que esté madura pero ya no tengo que preocuparme de guardarlas. Todas las que plante de ahora hasta noviembre, más o menos, entrarán en floración por si mismas.

I also finished harvesting the seeds from one of the two plants I had making seeds. It is a cross between Sweet Mandarine F1....... and a Jack Herer male. I started collecting seeds a few days ago but this morning I finished collecting the remaining seeds.
También terminé de cosechar las semillas de una de las dos plantas que tenía haciendo semillas. Se trata del cruce entre Sweet Mandarine F1……. Y una Jack Herer macho. Empecé a recoger semillas hace unos días pero esta mañana terminé de recoger las que quedaban.

This is the other plant I have making seeds and they are still green. I pollinated them both on the same day. The other one has already finished and this one has quite a bit left. It looks like the fast version is working. Well, that's all for today. Have a great day.
Esta es la otra planta que tengo haciendo semillas y todavía están verdes. Las polinicé el mismo día a las dos. La otra ya ha terminado y a esta le queda bastante. Parece que lo de fast version funciona. Bueno, eso es todo por hoy. Que tengas un gran día.

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He couldn't see that well!
Credit: reddit
@happyfrog420-new, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of holovision.hypno
That ratio is insane!! 17 out of 18 is amazing!! Wow! Awesome job man! 👊
Something pleasantly extraordinary and rare. Thanks! & !WEED 👊
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@happyfrog420-new passed you the virtual joint!If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP
So happy to see you achieving miraculous results like this!
You have a special gift with cannabis, I hope one day we can exchange some of our seeds <3
Thanks my friend!. Yes, so be it. !KING
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Amazing work King @futuremind, happyfrog420-new(1/16) is impressed by the energy and effort you put into this post. Your contributions are truly appreciated.
In fact, this post has been so good that @happyfrog420-new has sent you 0.025 HKGENTHREE as a gift! We are your biggest fan!
BTW! You will find powerful and charismatic NFTs in the AVATAR PACKS that you can use in all our games.
@futuremind passed you the virtual joint!If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP
Those are some very healthy looking plants! 💪
Good photos too, love those close ups!
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Thanks dude!. After the times I've dropped my phone on the floor, this one still takes acceptable photos. !WEED
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@happyfrog420-new passed you the virtual joint!If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP
So green! Love the leaf structure on that one too
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This box looks good.
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