Hey! C'mon! Are you gonna come here with that bullshit again, pal?


That no one is going to buy you that cheap sermon from an evangelical television preacher constantly insisting and trying to convince people that you have come to Hive church, you joined the flock and you are only in the Hive ministry due the amazing community, the networking, the relationships, the friendships, the decentralization, the freespeech, the censorship resistance, the ownership, the promise of building an authentic Web3 paradise and all those utopian theories of liberation that you supposedly found. ¿Huh? ¿Am I right?

You have come to Hive, you joined Hive and you are in Hive only to earn money or to make money NOW, asap. Like everyone else. It's that simple. Because if it weren't for the possibility of earning money or making money, all those other lofty social and spiritual goals like ownership, the decentralization, the freespeech, the censorship resistance, the promise of building an authentic Web3 paradise where it was possible to achieve the creation of authentically selfless and solidary communities whose networking activity would serve for the emergence and consolidation of true and lasting relationships and friendships for the benefit of everyone. All those mirages, fantasies and utopian longings of fulfillment in life, you would easily have already found them anywhere else on the "metaverse" nowadays. Whether in the real life, the digital life on internet or in the blockchain. ¿Isn't it?

Social networks that promise to have all those social, spiritual and technological attributes is what really abounds on the information superhighway these days. All of them promoting the same seductive buzzwords and publicizing the very same mermaid chants in a desperate attempt to attract, captivate, convince, recruit and finally catch to as many naive people as possible to possess and build what they lack long before their competition. The chance to make much more money quickly and...

¡To build a community! A community of naive docile consumers, addicts and slaves foolish enough to blindly believe with blind faith in all the promises that they offer regardless and well beyond of the greedy reality and selfish human condition that exist in this world. Since sooner or later, all those at the top of the food pyramid will drop their masks, will show their true colors and will unleash their insatiable appetite to suck until the every last drop of blood and sweat from their unsuspecting acolytes. This is nothing new, you just have to look with more attention and more carefully. Have you never heard of downvotes or you know what a downvote is? Well, then just «click» and find out!

I will not deny that there certainly may exist some very rare individuals and members of the Hive church who probably came here and are still here attracted by those other elusive "attributes" and socially rewarding things in life apart from the opportunity to earn or make money fast and as soon as possible. Maybe cause they already have plenty of money. Or perhaps, because they have little but have had no other option to make some.

But you also can not deny, that all these individuals are only a huge minority. Absolutely everyone who came here, joined and are still here active in the Hive church, at least initially came here exclusively for the money. Attracted by the possibility of earning or making money. Lots of money. In the simplest way possible. So, any other "social" sermon you can hear out there is just pure bullshit and plain hypocrisy.

All those who are here and are still active here, initially came and joined because they did not have enough money or it was extremely difficult for them to earn or generate enough money anywhere else or in any other activity within their immediate environment, reach, scope and physical possibilities.

And once they joined and with a lot of faith, time, work, effort, hopes and inevitable expectations. When they were able to minimally remedy a bit that big initial problem of lack of money. It was then when many were able to dedicated themselves to wander, observe and scrutinize with a little more calm and detail all those other supposedly "social" benefits and goodnesses that this church had to offer them.

After a long time, some became docile and servile altar boys. Some others in priests, pastors and preachers. Others in parish priests, bishops and archbishops. But what is really important here is that none of them reject or have ever rejected the possibility of making money.

All of them remaining attentive and obedient to the mandates, laws and whims of the wealthy and high ecclesiastical hierarchy of the Hive church. Always willing to go out and preach, convince and recruit many more unwary to fatten their filthy pockets much more and feed their greasy bellies even more, way before that the promised heavenly dream crumbles.

Many others and after managing to get some charity pennies as to keep them hooked for a while, very soon they realized the true sacramental "social" parody that was hidden behind the scenes. "Create community, relate, make friends, interact, engage, power up, distribute benefits and well-being, dedicate most of your time and effort to help building the church for the salvation of the world and humanity"

But then, as soon as they looked up a little higher and managed to have a glimpse of those fat asses sitting on their opulent thrones majestically decorated with gold and precious stones over the great altar at the top of the pinnacle. They instinctively realized what was really going on and decided not to waste more time and quickly emigrated from here in search of greener pastures with greater guarantees of building something truly valuable and lasting. ¡And they never came back! ¿Why?

In this church, those of us who still remain and attend it daily to pray, preach, worship false idols, kiss shamelessly some luxurious rings here and there full of greed, hypocrisy and flattery in search of some favors that will benefit us personally granted by those greasy hands who control the wealth, the rewards pool, who give the orders and in general dominate this beach bar telling you what to do in order to throw you a few cents and that possibly you can eat that day.

All of them are only and basically the pelabolas (ball peelers). Those who currently may still be broke or out of enough money. All those who still are struggling to make ends meet. Those who still maintain hope that one day it will be their day and they will also be benefited by the high clergy. Those who haven't found yet or don't have the foggiest idea where else they could go to earn a few pennies...

And of course, there are also the noobs. The unwary. The gullibles. The newcomers. The hopefuls. Those who have not yet had time to discover and figure out anything.

Or a few others who, like me, have already figured it all out and still have the courage, the rebellion touch and still are in the mood to come here to this church from time to time to find some entertainment and fun watching so much naivety and human stupidity. Especially when trying to make them think through brainy & controversial articles like this that at least could give them a slight hint of where the hell they are really standing in this cruel world where money is still king.

¿The rest? The rest are just a few curious and greedy people who come to sniff out how they could make quick money with ease at the expense of others and without having to work too much. Many of them, those who already have plenty of money.

And with such fine skill as good money sniffers, they soon realize that all the seats and the thrones at the altar on top of the pinnacle of opulence of this church, these are already all taken with no more space for anyone else. They say: "Oh no! It's a rigged ecclesiastical ministry" And soon they stop sniffing and exploring to start the same process again in another fertile place with greater advantages and guarantees to seed and grow their money.

¿The other few? the other few are precisely those members of the high clergy who already are posing their fat behinds on those thrones. And that they only come to this church once in a while to contemplate how their wealth grows without doing anything of importance. ¡Since they have almost everything automated! And then, they can afford to turn a blind eye to the injustices and arbitrariness that occur in their sanctuary of future wealth for everyone, simply because they feel that that shit does not affect them at all. If something doesn't work right, let someone else fix it.

The high clergy is only interested in patrol and watch over in mesmerizing contemplation their early ill-gotten wealth since the beginning of their times in the "social network" of the blockchain. Taking care that it does not decrease in value prematurely. Or before they won't have enough time as to be able to extract as much of that wealth as they can, well in advance of the thirteen weeks before any unexpected contingency may appear. That's the only thing that really interests them and that's why they come here often.

Although we must also admit that there are some of them who also like to spend some time checking the behavior of their faithful and docile acolytes, lecture them, indoctrinate them and that they always keep the will of banishing from the church to the wicked, to the rebellious, to all those who are able to think by themselves and who say things as they are and should be said. Trying to make sure that they, everyone, continue to preach the Hive gospel to others as they have been entrusted.

But then there are some who still have some dignity and gray matter left in that gelatinous mass on their rooftop. Who after having witnessed what they have witnessed and seeing what they see, they start to think more deeply and analyze things more carefully as to free themselves from such hypnotizing slavery exclaiming without any qualms: Hey! C'mon! Are you gonna keep with that bullshit again, pal?

And yes, their answer 'or question' will always be the same. Hey! and then WTF are you doing here? ¿Why do you still attend to our church? No one is forcing you to come or stay here if you don't like it! Why don't you go and quietly disappear from our sacred ministry? If you're not a faithful and true believer, you might as well go to hell right now!

To which we would have no other choice but to ripost: "Well, I'm not leaving because I don't feel like it. Because I have the habit of wanting to create awareness in human beings inviting or forcing them to think by themselves. And because it's only me the one who decides when and from where the hell to leave and move away. Not because someone else wants it or tells me to do so. No one has been able to do it before and no one will ever be able to do it without my consent" ¡Yeah, I am just that aware!

¡My Kind of Awareness!

Oh! and don't even you think to encourage me to comment on the wonderful, gentle, generous and all loving "human nature" that I've been able to witness lately through some exclusive and private videos. Where some serious deplorable events and plain atrocities that in the last few hours have been shown in all its splendor promoted by some powerful people in the world which has been committed in the name of freedom, reason, their particular religious interests & social beliefs and the divine justice in the current war in Ukraine.

And also the shameless and blatant illegal confiscation, dispossession and arbitrary robbery of our patrimony that the US government has done with impunity to my country and to the noble Venezuelan people with the ownership of our Citgo companies in North American territory. Amen of what the decadent and once former British empire also intends to do with our Guayana Esequiva, which is indisputable and exclusively Venezuelan. And that's just to name three things. So, beware with the preachers! They almost always have a hidden agenda that never matches or will match yours.

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



Haahaha... yep, yep and yep...

And there are also some, or maybe it's just me, they're here because sometimes there is just nothing else interesting to do, so to not turn bored, we/i bore others with my stuff. Kinda fun!



Welp, I reckon you've been turned. All it took was a few flags tossed your way to open your eyes to the reality, and you have been edumacated as to the corruptive corrosive force of money.

Somehow, you managed to not include me amongst all the serial '...and there's also these...' groups. I've never made one slim nickel from Hive. Never have I converted any of it into some form of money I could actually spend. I'm not here because of any pecuniary interest, but actually so that I can hear folks speak their minds and to speak mine. I reckon that is the actual value Hive best enables me, and all of us, to gain from being here. As you point out, folks after tokens can get them in a zillion places, so either them after money find a way to get it here, or leave and get it wherever.

Sooner or later the oligarchy feasting on the token economy here will break. Then we'll have the ability to govern by far more valuable metrics, whatever we decide that is, since we can't even have that conversation yet, while everyone still thinks money is valuable, is actual wealth.

Nothing is more valuable than good company. We probably won't be able to even see that until we start exploring space, and start being separated from humanity for significant periods of time, but once that starts, the value of good company is going to start becoming astronomical (pun intended) and only going to continue to rise thereafter.

Today you are blinded by what you see, the cynical dominates your conception of society, all for a few flags. I hope that now that you are broken free from your moorings you can venture forth and gain perspective on the forest that is today blocked from your view by a few trees. It is your lust for money that has spawned your rabid denunciation of Hive, and you're not wrong in many of your realizations, just limited by your disappointment and rage to seeing only those things, and not the potential society lurking within the platform, awaiting it's chance to be noticed, to flourish, and to deliver a better metric than money on which to base governance.

Hive is a plutocracy. How could it be anything else when money is political power to govern? That's what PoS is. You are shocked and dismayed to find out the oligarchy ruling Hive rules with money, because (for some reason I simply do not grasp at all) your acquisition of money here is being reduced, or even eliminated (I don't know how hard you are being flagged, whether it's total elimination of your income, or not), and that is what has inspired your reckoning anew your beliefs.

While I'm agin' it, as I don't want you to be denied income, I cannot fail to note that gaining a wider perspective regarding society benefits you far more than a few tokens could. I hope you can, too. I greatly appreciate your rant, and will continue to, as long as you find motivation to continue to produce them.

