Stress: My Antidote.



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We encounter stress on a daily basis. Our efforts to put food on our table and live a life we wish to come with stress of different magnitude. To keep going against all odds, we must find a way to eliminate stress.

From my experience over the years, I categorize stress into two forms; physical stress and emotional stress.

My physical engagement on a daily basis is responsible for the physical stress while my line of thoughts, my level of self fulfillment and self worth is responsible for my emotional stress.

When I am stressed physically, I indulge in many activities to relax my body and get over it. Body massage is a therapy that works for me when my joints and muscles are stressed. This is my wife's duty and she does it perfectly. I am equally good at massaging her when she is stressed.

I also sleep well and this helps to make the system rest. Averagely, I sleep for a minimum of eight hours per day. In whatever methods that I am applying, I go for what is within my reach. I don't need to break the bank to eliminate stress.

Good food is also very vital in keeping the body fit for the task of living. I try as much as possible to balance my diet, eat fruits and feel comfortable with myself physiologically. One thing that affects me is when I don't have money and no foodstuffs to prepare and eat. In such a situation, I found myself helplessly stressed and worn out. To avoid this, I plan my resources in such a way that I don't get myself into such a situation.

I exercise my body especially during the weekends to keep it fit.

The form of stress that has a greater toll on me is emotional/mental stress. No matter how physically fit I am, if I don't manage this well, I lose the inner motivation to use the physical strength in doing anything meaningful.

One of the things that stressed me up emotionally is when I see myself not doing well or not measuring up to some of my mates. I manage this by always trying to balance things up by not only looking up to people better than me but also looking behind to see people that I am doing better than. Once I do this, I give thanks for every small achievement of mine.

Another thing that demoralizes me and kills my inner motivation is when someone talks at me. I do all I can to do what is expected of me at all times. At work, I try as much as I can to avoid scenarios that would demand scolding from my boss. The simplest form of verbal praise encourages me and I work for getting such at all times.

I also listen to music that gives me satisfaction. When I play a song that relates to my favorite messages, I forget about every other trouble of life and feel relaxed.

Another important way of eliminating stress is taking a walk to view the gift of nature in the environment. It makes me interact with nature and the people.

I also cultivate the habit of talking to someone when I have any issue bothering my mind. When I pour my mind out and possibly get words of encouragement from people, I get over some levels of mental stress.

I create time for myself. I use the time to reflect and access my journey and the stage I am in. I also use such time to give myself nice treats sometimes. I create happiness for myself by engaging in my hobbies - things that give me joy while doing them.

In my understanding, stress is a continuous thing to be encountered and as a result, I make the effort of eliminating it a routine.


Body & Mind goes together, impact one affects the other as well. You have so many options to deal with your stress, impressive.

I have only a couple of effective ways, or maybe I haven't explored apart from them, who knows. Btw it's very important to know how to control our stress, no matter how we do it, every one of us has our own ways to deal with that. If mine fails any day I might try a few from your list.


I have only a couple of effective ways, or maybe I haven't explored apart from them, who knows

I love to read them and grab some too in addition to mine. Anything that help me control stress is welcomed.


I have already wrote about them, you may go through mine.


Sleeping well is very important, something that is not possible when we are new, I have lost sleep, listening to music relaxes me a lot.
