Reflections On Purposeful Growth.
"Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still." - Chinese proverb.
In a decade from now, everyone on the blockchain and the people around us won't be the same person they are. One way or another, they will grow, and we won't be left out as well. Growth is inevitable; it happens whether we like it or not, and one of the proofs is that you aren't the same age as you were in 2020.
As humans, we have different aspects of our lives where we can experience growth and it doesn't have to be just about aging. I have always understood that self-growth extends far beyond physical aging; it involves our emotional well-being, our intellectual pursuits, our relationships, our spiritual connections and a lot more.
Self growth is one thing I take seriously and I always put in effort no matter how small, because every tiny growth adds up. If we are realistic, everything we have become today didn't happen in a flash, and it took many of us decades to be where we are in life.
I always tell people that whatever we are today and how far we have come in life is determined by the efforts we have made before now and our future will be determined by the efforts we make today.
There was a time when I always wanted to make massive moves and not think of starting anything small, but I realized that life isn't designed that way. Sometimes, we just have to grow in bits until it becomes something massive or what we truly desire.
Reflecting on the past year of my life, I feel grateful for how much I have grown in every ramification. One of the habits I have cultivated while passing through different phases of life is to always appreciate every bit of growth and also remind myself at the same time that there is still room for growth. Sometimes, these growths might not be as massive as they sound, but they mean a lot to me because I have invested my effort to earn them.
My sense of appreciation has grown in the last year, and it's one of my secrets to being inspired to push for more in life. A lot of people think that appreciating little growth makes us unreasonable, but that's not true because by being appreciative, there is no room for disappointment, and there is this urge to keep going.
I have always taken time to reflect on my journey but March reflection hits differently because it's my birth month. Just this time last year, I decided to be more intentional about many things in life, and my relationship was one of those things. The truth is that I have been anticipating the right time to tie the knot with my longtime lover but just last year, I made up my mind to be more intentional, and my efforts yielded results.
Being intentional made me realize that sometimes we don't have to take that big leap at a time; we just need to take small leaps until we finally arrive at our destination.
My earthly relationship isn't the only thing I have been intentional about, and there has been a huge difference in my relationship with Christ in the last year. I made up my mind not to just be a Christian but someone who truly lives the life of Christ, and my life has been at peace more than it was a few years ago.
I have been intentional about my finances as well, and that has helped me stay firm despite the struggles in my part of the world. A lot of people tease me for not lamenting about the situation of the country and being intentional about my finances, which made things quite easy for me. I prioritized my spending and saving which was quite challenging, but being intentional helped me survive.
I have been more intentional about my health and it would interest you to know that I have lived on food and herbs for the last year. The biggest drug I have taken in the last year is paracetamol, and no needles because I have prioritized a few things to stay healthy. Healthy meals, regular exercise, proper rest, and sleeping time have helped me stay pretty healthy so far.
In the last year, I have acquired more knowledge that has helped me improve in a lot of areas. I have always known that learning is a must for every human if we don't want to lose connection with life, and that's one of the reasons why I don't joke with learning when it would add value to me and impact my life positively.
I remembered the first time I was corrected by the Inkwell community, I saw the need to learn from the mistakes they pointed out to me always and today, I mostly get beautiful compliments from the community moderators. Acquiring knowledge has helped me become a better writer, and it doesn't end with that.
As a fish farmer, learning is compulsory for me to survive a lot of things related to the business.
Acquiring knowledge has helped me to avert tradegy in my ponds because I was able to apply the knowledge acquired and it could have been a huge loss for me if I have failed to learn when necessary. The knowledge I have generally acquired in the last year has added value to me, and there is no stopping because I intend to learn until my time is up here.
I have chosen to make a lot of things grow and not just my age. Putting efforts into these things I mentioned above has yielded results, and I don't see myself walking off this path.
Thanks for reading...
All image in the post belong to me
I loved how you painted it. It is really a beauty to behold how much you’ve grown Georgie. I really admire and love your passion. Let’s keep growing dear
Thanks buddy, I am happy seeing you grow as well. One of my woman's favorite saying is that Rome wasn't built in a day and it's truth.
Every tiny growth today will amount into something huge someday, keep flourishing dear and cheers to a beautiful week.
Nice post i love the fact that you appreciate every phrase of your life that was a lovely post
Appreciating those phases were just inevitable because somehow, they add up to my journey in life.
Yes dear
I’m currently slowly learning the concept of impermanence and changing along with the seasons of life. Growth is difficult and impermanence is a hard pill to swallow but in it is beauty regardless.
Many of us don't know what's at the other side of life and whenever growth happens, we are scared at first. It has happened and there is definitely nothing we can do about it than to embrace the growth. Embracing it means following the path which life itself has laid for us.
Yes dear George. We keep growing everyday with experiences, and also learning new things that can help us in connection with our activities.
Am happy your pond is doing so good. Happy mid-week ❤️
Learning is an aspect of our lives that we mustn't take lightly because the more we learn the more we become creative and better at whatever we do.
Thanks for your very thoughtful comment... Happy weekend.
Thanks George. Happy weekend too.