Just one sneeze and voilà



Hasn't it happened to you that you sneeze and the memories are fanned? It's like you're being reminded to: hey, look, I'm close, look for me.


This photo does not make sense, but we can start looking for it. Here everything can be achieved.


Well, I decided to check some boxes that I have in the small closet in the bathroom, but I could only achieve it by climbing on a very dangerous chair from which I already fell once and nearly killed myself. 😮

I was looking for that picture where I'm almost hairless. Maybe there are a few more photos on a CD I saw inside the boxes, but I don't have a reader for that on my laptop.

That day we were recording my thesis documentary. It was a great, beautiful and busy experience. And I had help from many friends. I wish I could find those photographs one day. The thing is that before I had my house I moved so many times... I was like a snail with the house on my back, because I lived from rent to rent. I think I inhabited in each municipality of Havana for a while.

The photo/

Well, nothing, right now the one I have is only one I used to make a handmade cover,for that documentary with which I graduated.

This :P


You see, this is my official entry to the photo-memory-music-writing initiative. I don't want to tag anyone because when I start to editing the post because of my OCD disorder, it's going to be a rattle {😜}.

Immediately come the memories.

When I shaved my hair, of course. It is the first.

I was walking through Vedado, as I usually do, I let myself be carried away by intuition and walk aimlessly to discover whatever was left to be discovered ;). That day I fell into a barbershop chair and said to the barber: to zero.

What was on my mind?


When my parents, my grandmother, my aunts saw me, oh, what a laugh. Those faces were a poem, or several. 😅

They didn't know what to say. It's that my nose looked longer. The change was abrupt, and I told them I wanted to look like someone I liked very much. Of course I was never like her.


I bring Sinéad O'Connor here to honor her after her physical disappearance. Since she rose to fame with Nothing Compares 2U, her life was often crossed by eccentricity, scandal, drama and an atrocious criticism like no artist ever endured. And all because of her rebellion. She was one of those people who spoke out without fear publicly if it did not seem appropriate, according to her beliefs. She resented the commercialism in the music industry, for example, that talent ended up becoming a simple saleable thing, stereotyped and turned into an object of sexual desire.

Do you know how this Irish singer shaved her hair? Someone suggested that she wear tighter clothes and let her hair grow, that is, they alluded to the fact that she should look more feminine.

So, Sinéad did the opposite, and like this, she went and interpreted that theme originally composed by Prince, and conquered half the world, because she made that song her own.

However, infinite sadness, separation, abuse... this and more Sinéad suffered until she died on July 26 at the age of 56. Surely she was always misunderstood. She faced enormous things that surpassed her. Perhaps was strong many times, but so much blow ended up crumbling it. I do not know. I didn't come to tell you the story of her life. It can be easily found on many sites. By the way, some defend her and others demonize her, and from so much biased information, you end up getting a perhaps very wrong idea of it. That's how the world works.

Well, what I was going for:


This CD contains my written thesis. Oh, what days those of not sleeping. Whole mornings at the College, where I could use a computer to work on it.

The documentary, I may be able to bring it to Hive, if that file is not damaged. I made about 10 or 15 copies, but I don't know if they already exist in the School of Journalism, because they also moved out of the green roof house that I pointed out in this post. And now they are next to the magazine where I work.

I also used to listen to other things at that time. I already said Apocalyptica. But specifically, in those endless early mornings, I also included The Corrs on my playlist. More Irish. Should I consider moving to Ireland? Irish sounds special, don't you think?

Serenity, a lot is going on. I must do a step by step about what I should do with the Yin, the vegetables, my sleep hours.



It's that I lose the thread.


Oh, and this photo could not be missing as a bonus. 😂


(This is the record of fun after we were given the university degree. Was in front of the Karl Marx Theater, in the Havana neighborhood of Miramar)

(Esta es la constancia de la gozadera después de que nos dieran el título universitario. Fue frente al Teatro Karl Marx, en el habanero barrio de Miramar)

Do you know?, almost all my classmates have left Cuba and I have no idea where they are.

{So, You too can dust off memories in photos and bring some music with them. It is an open invitation, there is no deadline and you can join in as many times as you want, as mipiano says} --> These are the guidelines ;)/


Original content (text and photos), by @nanixxx, unless otherwise noted.

My Social Media Icons by Icons8.

All rights reserved ©, 2023.






What beautiful photographs, what memories.

I must say that song you posted by Sinéad O'Connor is my favourite song of all time and her loss made me sad. A very hard and misunderstood life, she struggled too much.

Very very beautiful memories come from those images, even if you did shave your hair. Who doesn't have their moment of revelry.

Greetings @nanixxx ❤️


True, that song is beautiful and I feel it very sad, but not because of the lyrics as such, but because she imprinted all her sadness on it.
Hey, I was happy with my hairless head hahaha... I really enjoyed that.

Gracias por pasar, y leer mi post :)


You can feel his sadness, a lot of melancholy, a lot of feeling.

hahahaha I'm glad you enjoyed it!

It was a pleasure! Hugs!❤️


Oh, that was a brave and rebellious action to climb the dangerous chair that once almost killed you. 😱 😂
Finding the box - it had dust on it? But I suspect that the sneeze came from the ice cream!! Siempre helado! Why not strawberres instead?

But what nice memories that came to you, that new haircut was an outstanding move you did! And the reaction of your family must have been priceless hahaha but I am sure that you probably felt they were proud of your decision. 😇 I would be if my son would do the things differently!

With this haircut you resemble Ana Torroja 😉🎶

Thank you for spreading the photo/music/story initiative again 🙌


Oh, that was a brave and rebellious action to climb the dangerous chair that once almost killed you. 😱 😂

Yes, hahaha I am a rebel. But days ago I was thinking about this post, someone reminded me of Sinéad and the boxes had what I needed. So, un poquito de adrenalina no vino mal.

Thank you mipiano 😇 Yes, it was great. I felt proud (mi familia se acostumbró jaja... creo que al final sí les gustaba mi arrebato) and I really liked to run my hand over my head. It gave me pleasure. hahaha... really, it's a very nice feeling. Another thing I felt was a coolness, when I was hairless.

I would be if my son would do the things differently!

¿Qué habrá hecho el muchacho que te hizo enojar?

Ah, music comes here, by Ana Torroja. You shared in your post also by her, Eungenia.

Thank you for spreading the photo/music/story initiative again 🙌

Es un placer. Gracias a ti.

{edit} 😇

Lots of dust, everywhere. I have to clean the whole house. I had ice cream yesterday, but I told you that something I like so much can't make me sick.

Strawberries... 😅 maybe soon.


Sí, ella visitó ya Q-inspired, justo en la publicación inicial sobre las fotos 😌

Qué habrá hecho el muchacho que te hizo enojar?

Jajaja, no, que no ha hecho nada, jajaja. Quizás no me he expresado bien. Quería decir que haga las cosas, todas las que haga, en forma diferente de todos, que haga cosas en su manera, in a different way than the majority. Así tú cortaste tu pelo y tus padres estaban orgullosos, estoy segura. 😉

maybe soon.

Bon appetit!



Entendí. La oveja tiene que mirar para otro lado.

;) gracias


es que que estas loca de siempre 😆, qué risa me ha dado eso de que caíste en una silla de barbería...no puedes ser así de descriptiva y que yo no te vea volando y cayendo justo frente a la cara asombrada de un barbero tijera en mano 🤣.
Es que te entran prontos enana 😂, lo importante ahí es asumirlos luego de que se pasa el chute de adrenalina y si te hace feliz, pues palante y sino, pues a buscarse una peluca 😂
Tu familia, ay! 🤣 me imagino las caras 😅
Yo no tengo fotos mi graduación! una locura..no se si recuerdas que conté que no aparecía mi título es dia... pues ahí... ese es mi recuerdo 😝 no obstante tenia tantas ganas de terminar la carrera que la verdad tampoco me preocupó demasiado. (Mi papel alba con su cuño seco y firmas correspondientes apareció luego)
Los de mi aula hicieron una fiesta, pero ..yo no fui😂...no me juzgues..tú te rapas..y yo no voy a mi fiesta de graduación 🤣


Ay Jane. Era una maquinita lo que tenía, no una tijera. Cuando vi mi pelo cayendo al suelo me asusté un poco. Pero después sentí tanta felicidad... es que me estaba liberando de alguna manera.

🤣 Me entran unos prontos, ¡sí!

Tu familia, ay! 🤣 me imagino las caras 😅

Mi familia creo que ya me da por incorregible 😂, pero creo que disfrutan la diferencia.

Ah, en las cajas está mi título. Enrollado con unos diplomas. Faltan los gladiolos jajajaja...

Un besito Jane.


Sinead O'Connor touched my heart. I just played for a second but I could not stop myself to listen the full.
Recently, I also have zero haircut. My homies laughed but I enjoyed. Well, I was not on the way that I will look like someone who is my favourite.
Still thinking about that song. It's first time I heard her name and song. Most celebrities are misunderstood because why always see the glitter we just think that they are living perfect life. At the end of the day the are also human beings they can do mistakes but we criticize and judge. Isn't this hypocrisy of the society?


Oh, I'm glad you met her through me. Well you can search on the internet, there are many articles about her life.

It's true that your head feels very light without hair hahahaha... ideas flow better, maybe?

The biggest problem we always have is that we judge and lack empathy. And well, the allegations she made were quite serious. She even broke a picture of the Pope on stage. This was tremendous worldwide and generated a lot of rejection and strong criticism. Look it up so you can see. In her personal life she also had many problems with her children and the custody of them, and finally one of them committed suicide... a lot of things.


It's a lot of stuff. I don't think I should say this but it will be interesting to read about her life.


!discovery 25


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¡Amigo! ;) Gracias por el apoyo. Un gran abrazo.


This seems like my story but in reverse. 5 months before she appeared on TV as Miss O'Connor with her strength and her sad and angelic voice, I had gone to the barber to get my hair done -not to 0 but almost-, I wanted to make my mother angry, I confess. Tough days as a teenager, and fun too. When you have to take a direction in life and you still don't have the tools to decide consciously, only the guidance and love of your family.
Beautiful photos... and I would love to see the documentary 😉.

Here I leave you a photo from that time, I had already grown a little at the time of the photo. Yes, I made my mother angry !!!!🤭


¡Qué bonita!

Life as it usually is, with its lights and shadows... but 😅 we can't expect anything less from that kind of irreverent spirits. ;)

Creo que todos los adolescentes pasamos por esos momentos, Sari.

El documental espero que podamos verlo, sí. Si el disco no muestra desperfectos luego de tanto tiempo guardado.

Abrazo grande en el que también cabe @rumbapoet.


Wow nani, que historia. Yo la verdad que me lo he pensado nuchas veces, pero mi manera de ser rebelde es el monte al parecer. Ya quiero ver el documental.🤩


It is pleasant to remember those moments in which we gave ourselves a project. I have realized that among the happiest stages of my life are those in which I was focused on achieving something that would bring others.


Do you know why? Because giving is always more pleasant than receiving.
