The valley of SHADOWS of death || El valle de SOMBRAS de muerte

We are exposed to experiencing difficult moments, perhaps moments in which we are afraid, but none of this can prevent our trust in the faithful and loving God who keeps us whatever the situation and is always on our side.
Jehovah is my shepherd; I will lack nothing.
In places of delicate pastures he will make me rest;
He will shepherd me beside still waters.
He will comfort my soul;
He will guide me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you will be with me;
Your rod and your staff will comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my distressers;
You anoint my head with oil; my cup is overflowing.
Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for long days.
Psalms 23
We are children of light, our gaze is focused on God above, where there are high places like mountains, it is impossible for valleys not to exist, this is how our world exists day and night. In our life everything is contrasted, we have good days and bad days, we have desires, dreams, objectives and the place where God has reserved for us forever, but we do not rule out that to get there we will at some point go through valleys of the shadow of death.
At the top is the triumph, it is the place where we rest while in the valleys it is where our faith, our fidelity and our resistance are tested, we are sustained in an integral way by faith in the promises of God and even in our weakness when we lean on the power of God, these valleys show us our essence, in whom we are really trusting whether in God or in our own strength, if everything we profess is a fact.
We can say that the valley of the shadow of death is inevitable in any situation in our lives, but again the Lord appears saying that he is there to anoint us, straighten our steps and sustain us to continue.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my distressers;
You anoint my head with oil; my cup is overflowing.
Our needs be met by the Lord, this is his delight and we delight in his sustenance, imagine a child who trips and hurts his knee and is bleeding, the figure of the Lord is like that father who cleans the wound, anoint and protect by healing until it is completely healthy, the Lord is our source of protection in times of difficulty.
We must know that the valleys of the shadow of death are waiting for us but our trust and joy must be placed in the fact that the Lord is the one who sustains us and does not sustain us to rest in his comfort and thus be able to extend ourselves to what was promised.


Estamos expuestos a experimentar momentos difíciles, momentos quizás en los que tenemos temor, pero nada de esto puede impedir nuestra confianza en el Dios fiel y amoroso que nos guarda sea cual sea la situación y siempre está nuestro lado.
Jehová es mi pastor; nada me faltará.
En lugares de delicados pastos me hará descansar;
Junto a aguas de reposo me pastoreará.
Confortará mi alma;
Me guiará por sendas de justicia por amor de su nombre.
Aunque ande en valle de sombra de muerte,
No temeré mal alguno, porque tú estarás conmigo;
Tu vara y tu cayado me infundirán aliento.
Aderezas mesa delante de mí en presencia de mis angustiadores;
Unges mi cabeza con aceite; mi copa está rebosando.
Ciertamente el bien y la misericordia me seguirán todos los días de mi vida,
Y en la casa de Jehová moraré por largos días.
Salmos 23
Somos hijos de luz, nuestra mirada está puesta en Dios en lo alto, donde existen lugares altos como las montañas es imposible que no existan valles, así es nuestro mundo existe el día y la noche. En nuestra vida todo se contrasta, tenemos días .Buenos y días malos, tenemos deseos, sueños, objetivos y el lugar donde Dios nos ha reservado para siempre, pero no descartamos que para llegar ahí pasemos en algún momento por valles de sombra de muerte.
En la cima está el triunfo, es el lugar donde descansamos mientras que en los valles es donde se prueba nuestra fe, nuestra fidelidad y nuestra resistencia, nos sostiene de manera íntegra la fe en las promesas de Dios y aún en nuestra debilidad cuando nos apoyamos en el poder de Dios, estos valles nos muestran nuestra esencia, en quien estamos confiado realmente si en Dios o en nuestras propias fuerzas, si todo lo que profesamos es un hecho.
Podemos decir que el valle de sombra de muerte es inevitable en cualquier situación de nuestras vidas, pero nuevamente aparece el señor diciendo que está para ungirnos, enderezar nuestros pasos y sostenernos para continuar.
Aderezas mesa delante de mí en presencia de mis angustiadores;
Unges mi cabeza con aceite; mi copa está rebosando.
Nuestras necesidades sean suplidas por el señor, este es su deleite y nosotros nos deleitamos en su sustento, imagine un niño que se tropieza y lastima su rodilla y está sangrando, la figura del señor es como aquel padre que limpia la herida, unge y protege realizando las curaciones hasta que esté completamente sano, el señor es nuestra fuente de protección en momentos de dificultad.
Debemos saber que los valles de sombra de muerte nos están esperando pero nuestra confianza y alegría debe estar puesta en que el señor es quien nos sustenta y no sostiene para descansar en su consuelo y poder así extendernos a lo prometido.
Muchas Gracias por compartir esta lectura, deseo que el Espíritu Santo de Dios traiga revelación de su palabra a nuestras vidas.

That's the underlying fact: WE ARE CHILDREN OF LIGHT! No matter what challenges we go through in life, it'll only make us stronger. God with us is a Mighty Terrible One.
Sometimes, the trials God takes us through is aimed at strengthening our wings to fly higher. We should learn courage and boldness, and stand firm in our faith.
Exactly 😊😊
@mfotom Amen! We must always keep in mind that God's thoughts about us are only good and not evil, he wants to give us a glorious future!
I really enjoyed reading through your messages, the valley of the shadow of death are the different stages in our christian race. They are just like obstacles on the road when driving, so is left for you to stop or climb it and continue your movement.
As you say, they are inevitable because without them, we can't go to the next stage of our journey with God.
May God give us the grace to scale through all life challenges in Jesus name, Amen.
@caleb-marvel Exactly, I can speak with knowledge of the facts. In the trials or obstacles that I had to overcome, God has ALWAYS supported me and helped me!
Exactly 💯 God is always our help in time of trouble... Thanks once more
Wow,this is really inspiring