The Death Sentence


This is my very first Publication here and in today's publication here on MCGI Cares will be focused on:

The story of Hezekiah in the Bible and it's lessons

He laid down on his body obviously stricken with sickness and unable to move his body freely, he watched the old man walk into his room with his staff. The old man was dressed in a gown, with a staff and had his natural long beard on him, obviously, the title of a prophet was written on his face. "The lord has sent me here again but this time with a bad news." The prophet said. "What could it be this time around, my Lord. I have waited a long time for presence here and you finally came but with a bad news? What has God told you?" The sick man asked. "You'll be leaving tonight." He said sorrowfully. "Leaving? To where?" That was the sick man. "To the meet the King of kings. Your death has been marked to come to pass tonight." The prophet replied. "That's not possible! I cannot die now. No, I can't." He said almost in tears. "I have delivered my news and I wish to bid you bye for the last time. Good bye." He said leaving the room. "God, this isn't what we discussed. This isn't what you promised." He said aloud this time in tears.

Turning to the wall, he wept and kept muttering words to no one but, the one who created him. The one who holds his life. Engrossed with the discussion, the prophet came back with smiles written all over his face without his knowledge. "Etimmmm." He sneezed cutting the sick man's discussion with no physical being. Looking at the prophet, he asked, "you came back? Why?" "I came back because, God has turned the hands of the clock to your favour. He has changed your season. He has defeated death on your behalf. He has wiped the former ordinances written against you. He has added 15 more years to your life span. You have 15 more years to your age." The prophet replied. "Haaaa...! Jehovah nissi is still alive. He answers prayers indeed." The sick Hezekiah replied in joy. This is the story of Hezekiah in the Bible.

Dear friends of hive, God still changes destiny. The doctor may have sentenced you to death with a sickness, you may have received a news that your health will never get better but, I'm here to remind you that God still holds your life. Because he lives, you'll live. You'll not die. That's the doctor's report and not God's and so, you won't die until God has permitted. Death lost its grip on you the very day Christ died and resurrected. So, henceforth, let not death trouble you because, you bear on you the mark of our Lord Jesus. Dear friends, The doctor's report is not yours! Listen, God has added more years to your life span. You'll not die. You are fine. You are healed! You'll live to declare God's work on earth and because God isn't done with you, you'll fulfill your purpose on earth.

This 1,2 links kinda telling a similar point connecting to my publication (maybe cuz it's a well known story)

~Image Source~

Thank you for visiting my blog, I make publications daily here on hive so do well to stop by everyday if you like my work!


! Kisses


Dios es soberano y puede cambiar un mal pronostico en bienestar y salud
interesante relato provee mucha fe y fortaleza saludos y bendiciones,


Muchas gracias por este hermoso y alentador comentario. En verdad, Dios es soberano y misericordioso con todos. Gracias de nuevo.


Thanks be to God, we are happy to see your post in the MCGI Cares Hive community, we want to invite you to reach us on WhatsApp +971523490523 to guide you how we are doing on this community. God bless you @blacktarri


OMG! I'm so excited already cuz I was going to ask for a discord connect but then WhatsApp is the most closest. I will send a DM. Just one question: what time is appropriate to send in the DM to be connected on the ground? I'm excited, and thanks for this warm welcome Admin sir.


God is always willing to change our destiny for good if we can believe. You are welcome to the community brother.


Thanks Alot. God is great and marvelous in all he does. By the way, I'm a she.
