Honey Bee Colony Accepts New Marked Queen - Fresh Eggs in the Brood Box - Beekeeping - July 17, 2023
In this video, I make an inspection on a hive that recently needed a new queen. The colony seemed to be thriving, foraging hard and filling the supers with honey... but I noticed they were Queenless. I ordered a new Queen from Wildflower Meadows Apiary and installed it in the lower brood box. In the video you can see that the colony accepted the new Queen and fresh eggs have been laid in the cells. The Queen is marked with a red dot on her back. Hopefully she will help the colony continue to thrive!
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I must watch two times the video to find de Queen Bee!
I was like the game Where is Wally? XD
Thanks God everybody there accepted the new Queen
This is so amazing! I'm familiar with these bees and in fact my grannies once gathered their honey when the bees made a hive inside an earthen jar. However I can't identify the species of these bees.