Anyone Remember These Pogs? Bu Tasoları Hatırlayan Var Mı? [EN-TR]
Hello my friends, actually I was supposed to share this post with you a long time ago but I couldn't find time for it among all my busyness. About 3 weeks ago @livinguktaiwan shared her moist towelette collection with us and it made me think of the pogs I collected as a child. I have no idea how to translate this word into English but I'll tell you what it is in detail in a moment. I also made a unboxing video for you!
First of all, let me tell you what a pog is. You can think of it as a round plastic card. It's flexible and in this example, what I have are Pokemon pogs. They have prints on both sides. I spent my whole childhood with them and I loved playing with them so much you wouldn't believe it. Because my favorite anime as a kid was Pokemon. I liked Pikachu the most back then, but when I grew up and watched it again, Charmander was my favorite, and that's the title that I use now at Hive Gaming, and everywhere I've been. It's even the name of my laptop.
Now let's go back to how I got these. I had a lot of these when I was a kid. I must have had 300 of them, I can't remember. I used to play with them day and night without getting bored, and when I read @livinguktaiwan's post, I thought of them again and started searching online. I managed to find a set of pog for much cheaper than I expected. Usually when I searched, I would come across absurd prices and I would give up on buying them, but that day I was able to order them for 191 TL, including shipping. There were 51 pog included in the 1st set. We can say that each one comes to about 4 TL. When I researched before, I saw prices 7-8 times higher than this. So I ordered it without thinking.
You can watch the box opening video I made for you here. I apologize in advance for my bad English. I haven't spoken as much as I did in this video for a long time. Oh and sorry for my cousin's voice in the video. My little cousin loves me so much that she starts calling me every time I leave her. I remember at one point in the video I had to hold myself very hard not to laugh 😆
Of course, you may not be able to understand how the pogs look just from the videos. That's why I also took photos for you. I will never be as successful as @anggreklestari in decorating the background, but I do my best. I really like the quality of these pogs. I recently shared some soccer cards with you and I talked about how terrible the quality was. These look perfect. As soon as I touched them, I went back to my childhood. Some of them seem to have little scratches on the edges, but I don't mind that. Even the smell is still like when I was a kid.
Here you can see all the pogs I have. They look good, don't they? The top row is my favorite pokémon and the others are randomly placed. Charmander, Squirtle Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Abra Psyduck and Ponyta are my favorites. I like them not because they are the most powerful Pokemons. I like them because I've seen them in the anime and I like the way they look or their stories.
You can take a closer look at my favorites here. I tried to match the colors, and you can also see what the back side of the collars look like. They are all kind of the same.
Here is a close up of their back side. Since Ash is not a Pokemon, he is up there taking care of the other Pokemon. Let's take a closer look.
Here's Charmander. You can guess how big it is by the way it's sitting in the palm of my hand. On the front it says what kind of Pokemon it is, its number and name. I already showed you the back side.
I'm very happy to have these, and in a very inexpensive way. Last time I shared my soccer cards, @mipiano recommended the Hive Collectors community to me and I told her that what I shared was not a collection. Well, these are a real collection. I saw 2 more series of these for sale online. I don't know if I will buy them, maybe I can buy them and bequeath them to my child to play with.
Thank you very much for reading. Have you ever played with these? If you have, you can talk about your memories. Or maybe you can tell me your favorite Pokemon. It's totally up to you, I can't wait to read your comments. Take care and have a great day!
Merhaba dostlarım, aslında bu postu çok uzun zaman önce sizlerle paylaşmam gerekiyordu ama onca yoğunluğumun arasında buna zaman bulamadım. 3 hafta kadar önce @livinguktaiwan bizimle kendi ıslak havlu koleksiyonunu paylaştı ve bu benim aklıma çocukken biriktirdiğim tasoları getirdi. Bu kelimeyi İngilizce'ye nasıl çevireceğime dair hiçbir fikrim yok ama birazdan ne olduğunu sizlere detaylı bir şekilde anlatacağım. Ayrıca sizin için bir kutu açılışı videosu da çektim!
Öncelikle size tasonun ne olduğunu anlatmama izin verin. Tasoyu plastik yuvarlak bir kart olarak düşünebilirsiniz. Esnektir ve bu örnekte benim sahip olduğum şeyler Pokemon tasoları. Her iki tarafında da baskılar var. Tüm çocukluğum bunlarla geçti ve oynamayı o kadar severdim ki inanamazsınız. Çünkü çocukken de en sevdiğim anime Pokemon'du. O zamanlar en çok Pikachu'yu seviyordum ama büyüdükten sonra tekrar izlediğimde favorim Charmander oldu ve şu anda Hive Gaming'te, ve bulunduğum her yerde kullandığım başlık bu. Dizüstü bilgisayarımın adı bile bu.
Şimdi bunları nasıl aldığıma dönelim. Çocukken bunlardan çok fazlasına sahiptim. Herhalde 300 tane tasom vardı, hatırlayamıyorum. Gece gündüz bunlarla sıkılmadan oynardım @livinguktaiwan'ın postunu okuduğumda yine aklıma geldi ve internetten araştırmaya başladım. Beklediğimden çok daha ucuza bir taso seti bulmayı başardım. Genelde araştırdığım zaman çok absürt fiyatlarla karşılaşıyordum ve bu yüzden satın almaktan vazgeçiyordum ancak o gün 191 TL'ye kargo ücreti dahil olmak üzere sipariş verebildim. 1. sete dahil olan 51 taso vardı. Tanesi yaklaşık 4 TL'ye geliyor diyebiliriz. Daha önce araştırdığımda bunun 7-8 katı fiyatlandırmalar görmüştüm. Bu yüzden hiç düşünmeden sipariş ettim.
Buradan sizin için yaptığım kutu açılışı videosunu izleyebilirsiniz. Kötü İngilizcem için şimdiden özür dilerim. Uzun süredir bu videoda konuştuğum kadar konuşmuyordum. Ah videodaki kuzenimin sesi yüzünden de üzgünüm. Küçük kuzenim beni çok sevdiği için yanından her ayrıldığımda çağırmaya başlıyor. Videonun bir yerinde gülmemek için kendimi çok zor tuttuğumu hatırlıyorum 😆.
Tabi ki sadece videolardan tasoların nasıl göründüğünü anlayamamış olabilirsiniz. Bu yüzden sizin için fotoğraflar da çektim. Arka planı süsleme konusunda asla @anggreklestari kadar başarılı olamayacağım ama elimden geleni yapıyorum. Bu tasoların kalitesini gerçekten çok beğendim. Geçenlerde futbolcu kartlarını sizlerle paylaşmıştım ve onların kalitesinin ne kadar berbat olduğundan bahsetmiştim. Bunlar tam tersi mükemmel görünüyor. Dokunduğum anda çocukluğuma geri döndüm diyebilirim. Bazılarının kenarlarında küçük çizikler var gibi görünüyor ama bunu dert etmem. Kokusu bile hala çocukluğumdaki gibi.
Burada sahip olduğum bütün tasoları görebilirsiniz. Güzel görünüyorlar değil mi? En üstteki sırada favori pokemonlarım var ve diğerleri rastgele yerleştirilmiş durumda. Charmander, Squirtle Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Abra Psyduck ve Ponyta favorilerim. Bunları sevme sebebim onların en güçlü Pokemonlar olması değil. Onları animede izlediğim için ve görünüşlerini ya da hikayelerini sevdiğim için seviyorum.
Burada favorilerime yakından bakabilirsiniz. Renkleri eşleştirmeye çalıştım. Ayrıca tasoların arka tarafının da nasıl göründüğünü görebilirsiniz. Hepsi aynı sayılır.
İşte arka taraflarının yakından görünüşü. Ash bir Pokemon olmadığı için o yukarıda diğer Pokemon'ara göz kulak oluyor. Hadi daha yakından bakalım.
İşte Charmander. Avucumda nasıl durduğuna bakarak büyüklüğünü tahmin edebilirsiniz. Ön yüzünde hangi tür Pokemon olduğu, numarası ve adı yazıyor. Arka yüzünü zaten göstermiştim.
Bunlara sahip olduğum için çok mutluyum, üstelik çok da pahalı olmayan bir şekilde. Geçen sefer futbolcu kartlarımı paylaştığımda @mipiano bana Hive Collectors topluluğunu önermişti ve ona bu paylaştığım şeylerin bir koleksiyon olmadığını söylemiştim. İşte bunlar gerçek bir koleksiyon sayılır. İnternette bunlardan 2 seri daha satıldığını gördüm. Onları alır mıyım bilmiyorum, belki alıp çocuğuma oynaması için miras bırakabilirim.
Okuduğunuz için çok teşekkür ederim. Siz bunlarla hiç oynamış mıydınız? Eğer oynadıysanız anılarınızdan bahsedebilirsiniz. Ya da belki favori Pokemon'unuzu söylersiniz. Bu tamamen size kalmış, yorumlarınızı okumak için sabırsızlanıyorum. Kendinize iyi bakın ve harika bir gün geçirin!
You did your best. I have similar design like yours. ✌️
Thank you so much, when I stop being nomad I'll prepare a photo place for myself like you do and do much better than this :)
Crikey, Ihave never seen the like but that is quite a collection!
If you know someone in their 25s, ask them, man, they might remember this. When I was a kid, everybody played with these! Thanks for stopping by ✌️
I know just the person to ask and will! :O)
Those were the stuff to have back in the day!!!! It was around 2002-2005.... If you bought a pack of simba chips... The small one.... You got a tazo inside... If you were lucky you got two
Tazos, that name rings more of a bell actually!
We called them tazos, I'm pretty sure that's what most english speakers called it.
I briefly read through your Ibiza post. Broh I think you just went there to sit back and enjoy you Pina Coladas! And perhaps when you were younger you hit up those.... dru...I mean clubs xD xD
I think you might be more correct than you know, especially about the younger and maybe not so younger days, lol!
I speak from experience😂😂
Bir anda çocukluğuma döndüm. Nasıl da kavga ederdim kazandığımı bana vermediklerinde. "Kız"dım çünkü. Hakkımı yiyebileceklerini düşünürlerdi ama yok. Vermem 😂
Harika bir video olmuş. Şirin. Ellerine sağlık 💫
Kızlar benim çocukluğumda da çok tasoyla oynamazdı. Zaten köyde büyüdüğüm için bu normal 😂
Beğenmene çok sevindim, İngilizce konusunda hala kendimi geliştirmem gereken çok şey var :)
Belki hatırlarsın bahsetmiştim. Çok hırçın bir küçüklük geçirdim. O yüzden karşılaşmaman normal geliyor bana. Erkek Fatma'ydım sonuçta 😂
Bence bu hepimizde böyle. Ki bir noktada o dilde kitap okunmadığı zaman kelime dağarcığı çok küçük kalıyor. Bunun üzerinde çalışmalıyım kendi adıma.
Değişeceğiz ve gelişeceğiz 😂
Durmak yok, durursak hayatın anlamı kalmaz 😁
We called them Tazos😂😂 those are a lot of chips packets though😂
Exactly man! I was buying chips a lot just for these tasos! I wish they bring back these, I'd buy again!
Man, I'm diving in memories now after reading your post and noticing these pics. Yes, I DO remember these. We used to trade them as kids and we even had buyers (other kids) who wished to buy good characters. There was only one branded chips where we got one of them in one packed and we used to buy those chips for these things. Ahhh, those memories.
Exactly man! We were playing with these and winner get these pogs! It was so fun and challenging. I remember that I bought that chips just for these pogs :D
Those were some cool childhood memories. It's awesome that you had so much fun and found it challenging. And buying chips just for the pogs? That's some serious dedication that most of our aged boys tried.
Yeah man we were trying to understand how many pogs inside by touching haha
I'd rather look for an equipment/a toy that could be used to spin the pogs in the air but that equipment was rare in those chips. I don't remember if I found one myself but I remember buying from someone else, lol.
Wow, this is new for me! Should I say, I didn't know what a pog was 🙈
{maybe I am old hahaha}
And the video, I am really really grateful you took so much effort to make it and show us your collection!!
Thank you and welcome to the community, @incublus!!! 🤓
Glad you liked my post! Yeah it was kinda 2002-2005 thing and girls were not playing with these.
Good to be here as a collector! Thanks for your support @mipiano :)
Ah so that's why you're called that in the Hive Gaming community! Brother literally are relics what you have in your hands, I had at the time, but I was very messy and lost them :C, but I saw your collection and remember those great moments playing, I played with as we say here in my country, Tazos hahaha, a greeting sultan! :D
Thanks for stopping by dude! Yeah I was trying to see who remember these with me and what's this in English. @demotry luckily helped me.
I can't believe it! I had many years without seeing one of these, I loved them too much, I used to play with my brother, we used to eat bags and bags of junk food to have many 😅, but over time they were lost unfortunately 😥.
You made me go back to my childhood with these images my friend, I loved your purchase because I would do it too, by the way, I recently sent to my niece who lives in Croatia a stuffed Charmander, because it's his favorite pokemon, he loves it. You also made me remember him 🥰. Thanks for this Mustafa 🫂.
Greetings 💞
Oh I'm glad your little nephew has the same tastes as me haha. Charmander is one of the cutest pokemon.
I'm so glad you like them, I'm so happy I bought them. Like I said, maybe I can buy the other series and give them to my kid as a souvenir. Sounds like a good idea.
If it would be a nice way to give them an heirloom from you, the tazos are items that are no longer produced and have for you a great sentimental value, they may really like it too and it would be a nice gift from their uncle. Do it and tell us about it Mustafa 👏👏
Not to my nephews I'll give them to my childs so still have years in front of me. I don't even know if they'll like to play it. Time flies and kids are not playing something like these anymore.
Ah your kids! haha, I understood it was for your nephews, it's better for your kids, I saw you got married recently so I guess there are no kids around yet, good strategy, this way you can play with them for a while longer until you leave them to your own kids in the future. My little nephews don't play with these things either, sadly nowadays it's digital, but stuffed are always nice, that's why I sent him that Charmander, he's happy with it. I think Pokemon never goes out of style, but the way they play with them does. We need Keep Pokemon alive forever and ever. 💪🏼💪🏼
I think you read that wrong too. I'm not married yet but I really want to. I love my girlfriend so much. We just exchange ring but that counts as a step!
Hahaha sorry buddy, my English is very bad from what you see, haha, now I understand, you are engaged, I hope soon it will be the wedding. I send you my best wishes for a happy marriage. 💞
this is so amazing to me.
it made me think if I have a collection that survived until this day, I don't.
@incublus is definitely a keeper. 😏 😁
Man I just buy these. They are not old, I wish to hodl my old pogs but they would probably be worn out anyway :D And that's my only collection haha
Wow! That's a huge collection! I never heard about pogs before... Can you play some games with them? Like with trading cards? I suppose I'm too old to know about them as I can see by the comments, they were most popular around 2002-2005...
Thanks for sharing!
I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!
Yes, we can play some games with them. It would be crazy for me to play this alone, I'll play it again with my brother sometime, it's something I don't want to play anymore because it wears out the pogs, but I'd like to share it with you :)
Yeah that was my childhood, actually maybe it was 2007 for me because I was living in a village you know, everything comes there with delay haha.
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Hello brother! I'm a bit late, but I couldn't pass up the chance, I don't even know where to start, but it could be the fact that Charmander is my favourite Pokémon. I don't know if they are called the same in all Spanish speaking countries, but here in Venezuela those are the famous Tazos, I had a lot of them in the 90's and there must be some left, although they don't look like yours.
It's nice to go through my Hive feed and find posts like this one, it brings back good memories because I used to play with them for hours and I was very good, here we bet them and that's why I had so many hehehe. In addition to Pokémon I got to have Looney Tunes pogs. I loved this post bro!...
Late is better than never dude. I'm happy to see that you are also a charmander fan. I know it's called as Tazos there, many Spanish friend told about it. I was playing with them like crazy too. I miss these days man haha.
I also love posts that reminds me memories. It feels like I'm old but time flies :) I've never seen Looney Tunes pogs. I might check them. Thanks for stopping by and your nice comment :)
when I realized that I used to have a lot of these games that I got from snack gifts, and now there are none left @incublus
Yeah me too, I just bought them online because I love these. They remind me my childhood :)
Sorry Mustafa, been really busy lately. I saw your post the other day. Now I know what pog looks like, really appreciate you going to get a pack to show us.
I have to confess, I have never seen them before so I will put it down to age, but it seems like I'm not the only one, so that's making me feel better😁
No problem at all, I can understand you very well. I'm glad you liked my post and I thank you for reminding these to me. I was thinking to buy some of these all the time.
At least you know what a pog is 😁 It was popular between 2002-2005 or sth like that. Maybe you were not into these in that times :)