Collection of books by Jules Verne that I believed to be complete!

Journey to a futuristic past with Jules Verne


Getting this collection of this great author recognized worldwide for his futuristic vision in terms of the stories he wrote and the great adventures he imagined was one of the best moments of my life, not because it was a great adventure to buy them, but because of how happy it made me feel to see how my collection was growing and how excited I was waiting for the release of the next issue, plus he was the first author I read when I plunged into the world of reading and he stole my heart with his stories. Let me tell you the story!




It was around 2015 when I felt a desire to start reading adventure books, those kind of stories that steal your heart and leave you thinking for several days of how shocking they were for you. It was at that time when the newspaper La Nación Argentina launched a TV advertisement announcing the launch of the complete Jules Verne collection and the first thing that caught my attention was the design of the cover, hardcover with a very visually striking drawing and just hit the target, I was looking for adventure books and my mom mentioned that Jules Verne was an author of that genre, so I decided to start my passion for reading with this author without knowing that it would become my favorite and the one that caused me the most impact.




The first book they launched was “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” which, unfortunately, I did not get to buy because they were quickly sold out at the newsstands and it was very difficult to get it, months later I would get it at a good price through Mercado Libre as well as other issues that were also difficult to get, especially the first ones, but as always, Mercado Libre saved the needs of every buyer and I could complete my collection that way, or so I thought until recently, below I will tell you why my collection is not complete. Here I also want to mention that I went through many magazine stands and several entire book fairs trying to get “20,000 leagues”, but as I said, it was Mercado Libre who gave me the opportunity to have it.




The first book I bought was “Captain Grant's Children II” and yes, I missed the first part, but don't worry, I got it a few days later and I started to get into the world of Jules Verne. When I read this trilogy, which by the way is my favorite and the one I loved the most, I became addicted to his stories and it was thanks to this trilogy that I decided to complete the collection because at first I had planned to buy only a few, but that changed completely with this beautiful story full of adventures. Here I fell in love for the first time with a literary character, Paganel, what a charmingly distracted character, anyone would come to love him if they read the things he did for mere distraction and how he made me laugh. With this trilogy began my adventure to get all the books that La Nación would release, at first they came out every two weeks, then they were weekly and I went every Wednesday super happy to the newsstand to buy the next issue, even the kiosker already knew me and brought me and kept the books exclusively for me, every Wednesday he waited for me with the book and told me “here is your book”, what a nice memory!




I spent hours and hours reading his beautiful adventures, in almost three years I had read the entire collection, in total there were 59 books according to the list of the newspaper La Nacion and it took me about a year to buy them all, always at the same newsstand because we had already agreed that he would bring them to me because there was a time when they were no longer available at the newsstands in my neighborhood. Apparently sales had fallen and they were no longer available, so I agreed with this man to keep asking for them and I would be there every Wednesday to take them to him, as long as I was not busy, I would still go another day and he would have them waiting for me. What I really liked was to feel that new book smell when I opened them from their packaging, some of them still have that smell and every time I smell them I am transported back 10 years ago when I was excited to complete the collection.




I said that there were 59 books, I was guided by the official list of the newspaper La Nacion to know how many I was missing and which ones were only listed up to number 59, but recently, when I decided to show my collection in the community, I went back to investigate the number of books that had been released and I was surprised to find that I was missing 6 books, from 60 to 65, with titles that I did not know and my pocker face was such that I even laughed because 10 years later I come to find out that my collection that I thought was beautifully complete, was incomplete. Nowadays I can't buy them, they are super expensive, but at least I keep the beautiful memories and the enormous happiness that the previous books gave me and for that reason and much more Jules Verne is my favorite author.


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✏️ Text written by me translated with DeeplTranslate free version

📷 Photos taken by me with my Samsung A03 edited in Photoscape with its free resources



Truly the cover designs are incredible and what a lovely reminder that the newsagent will be waiting for you every Wednesday with your book. They are very beautiful times, and even if you are missing some, it is a huge collection and surely later you will be able to buy the ones you are missing, I'm sure! It's a luxury author and a great collection! Thank you Yami!💗


10 years later I realize that I was missing 6 books haha I was fooled, it was the fault of La Nacion's list, they never mentioned those 6 remaining books and I trusted them 😂 but well, someday I will be able to buy them, I guess haha thanks a lot! 🦉❤️


I'm sure you will... many are cheating more and more hahaha kiss!😘


if you were passionate about the stories of Jules Verne you have a collection with many copies even if it is not complete what you are missing is a minority then you should feel lucky something I have heard about his stories but I have never read a book by him I congratulate youbu buhito.


It's like when you lose a piece of the puzzle and it's incomplete haha collectors stuff, but at least I took his best stories and most of them, maybe someday I can complete it haha thank you very much friend! 😘


your collection is complete no matter the six extra books because when you finished it was fifty-nine so it is complete, the smell of new books is a delight for your brain besides reading fifty-nine in three years or almost three years is a good percentage, what things you should read again some or maybe all the adventure books catch you uff very good I hope you read again the one you like and if you do not remember read any but read hahahahah kisses in the wings


haha well, yes, you're right, it's complete, I was fooled and I'll pretend I didn't see anything, blind eyes, happy heart.... was it like that? hahaha 😂

I used to love opening a new book and smelling it before I started reading it, I was super excited and hooked haha super fan 😍

My neck pain and eyesight didn't let me read comfortably haha but I hope someday I'll find a comfortable way to read, it's nice to read chi que chi 🦉 thank you!


Addiction to reading books is a good addiction 😁

Ow, I have never imagined I would see so many books by Jules Verne in one place 😎 What a great collection, a pity those 6 books are missing, but it is still so cool you have all these. Thank you for bringing it @elbuhito, but I also have to digress a it Buhito playing the piano???? 😯😍


To the reading and the smell of new, mmm hahahaha 😂

Those 6 escaped me and I found out 10 years later haha but at least I was able to get most of them and they all fascinated me, thank you 😘

That's right, Buhito is playing the piano and he did it to impress you, did he make it? 🦉 haha ignore Bizcochito playing at being sensual 😂🐧


and he did it to impress you, did he make it?

He indeed impressed me, he played a tune by Chopin, Bizcochito just enjoyed the music so much, although he was pretending that he was sleeping. 😁


Buhito told me he wanted to go out playing the piano for you haha he is a flirt 🌹🦉 hahaha and Bizcochito is Bizcochito, he just plays his role 😂😂


Es una colección preciosa, a muchos de nosotros cuando éramos jóvenes nos encantaban los libros de aventuras y Julio Verne era el más leído.
Tenía mucha imaginación.
Ojo Buhito está muy cerca de los libros y tal vez quiera hacer el viaje a 20 mil leguas y en submarino. Un abrazo querida @elbuhito. 🥰🤗😅


Las historias de Julio Verne tienen algo especial, ademas de que él vivia adelantado a su epoca y vio cosas futuras que nadie mas vio, era un visionario y su talento para escribir era unico ❤️

Buhito esta armando un submarino, ¿deberia preocuparme? 👀 jajaja

Saludos, muchas gracias por tu apoyo 😘


Nice to see you like Jules Verne. Love the covers you showed. When I was in secondary school, I think around the time I just started, I was gifted a library card, discovered Jules Verne, and got hooked (blue covers as far as I remember). He was the sci-fi writer of his time. I loved all the books I read in his hands. But I think I left a few unread, since I don't remember reading 58 books. Must admit, all this being about 40 years ago, I can't remember any details anymore. Can't even remember most of the titles anymore. The 20.000 miles I do recollect, read that one more than once. The 28 days to the moon as well. The walk to the middle of the earth is another one I remember. But that's it mostly. Perhaps I shall follow your footsteps and get back into these books again.

Great collection share, love it!


His books had several publishers, I remember seeing some with blue covers, here they brought these that are really very nice 😍

If you have the opportunity, encourage you to read them, it is not necessary that they are all 65 books haha 😂 I got hooked haha but I recommend you some titles like The Captain Grant's children, A 15 year old captain, The mysterious island, Miguel Strogoff, they are very interesting stories and with a lot to learn about the era, his books are great and I fall in love at first sight hehe 😍

Thank you very much for your visit! ❤️


I will make sure to follow your recommendation. First step I'll take is to visit my local 2nd hand bookstore. He (well, they, elderly twin brothers owning and running it) has tons of books. Perhaps they have some nice editions.

Some of the titles you mentioned I remember, perhaps read them. Lets see where I get at.

NJOY the reading 🙂


Great! That's an excellent idea, whatever title you get, they are all great stories and I hope you can get some of them 😊 Have a nice weekend!


I remember that Jules Verne's books were one of the first ones (excluding illustration books when I was in kindergarten 😂) I read from the beginning to the end... But, I didn't have an idea that he had 65 books!!! I read maybe 3-4 most famous books, but the rest I didn't know that they even existed...

You have such a great collection and now I understand from where you get inspiration for writing! 🙂

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I was also surprised when I saw the amount of books he had written 😂 but I was so hooked on his stories that I didn't care and kept buying them haha Jules Verne was also one of the first ones I read from beginning to end, I dare say he was the first haha 😂 His stories were a great source of inspiration ❤️

Thank you very much for your support dear 😘 I recommend you the trilogy of Captain Grant's Children if you haven't read it 🦉❤️ Thank you!


Thanks for the recommendation!
I can't remember when I read my last book... ☹️ Probably 5-6 years ago... Some of Ernest Hemingway's books, in Spanish... That was my method for learning the language... Reading books in Spanish, but from foreign writers, as if I would read something from Spaniards, I wouldn't understand anything... hehehehe


Thank goodness it wasn't the Spanish here in Argentina because even I don't understand it hahaha 😂 I think they call it language deformation and we have invented many weird words in Spanish 😂 so it's an excellent idea to read books in Spanish by foreign authors 👀


Wow! Que delicia leer la pasión con la que hablas sobre tu colección de libros de Julio Verne. Sin dudas, los 59 libros que lograste adquirir son un tesoro, literalmente hablando! Jeje!

Me encantó que hayas sido un cliente VIP en el kiosco, pues te tenían tu libro de Julio Verne cada vez que les llegaba! Hermoso!

Por otro lado, amaba y amo el olor de los libros cuando están nuevos de paquete. No sólo los libros, también los lápices! Me transportan a mi niñez y adolescencia! ❤️

Espero algún día puedas leer los 6 libros que te faltan y completes tu colección, mi Yami!

Gracias por compartir esta maravillosa colección y por tu pasión por la buena lectura!


Si, son un tesoro en todos los sentidos, monetario y sentimental jajajaja mi mama quiere venderlos y yo ahi de "quieta" 😂

Era divertido ir todos los miercoles a buscar mi nuevo librito, ya era famosa en ese kiosco jajaja pero me encantaba ir a buscarlos, me sentia niña 😂

Uy si, el olorcito a libro nuevo y el de los lapices tambien son deliciosos 😍 tienen una fragancia melancolica y nostalgica, no se como explicarlo, pero se siente tan bien ese olorcito 😍

Muchas gracias mi linda Zu, espero algun dia tener esos 6 libros, me siento incompleta jajaja gracias por tu visita y por leer a este buho fanatico de Julio Verne ❤️🦉 hehe


Guao querido Buhito! Qué espectacular! Tienes unas buenas reliquias que ya no se consiguen, estan bellos y en buen estado


Muchas gracias querida amiga ❤️ estos libros significan mucho para mi y no dejo que Buhito los toque porque seguro me los rompe jajaja ok no 😂 pero si son mis tesoros literarios y trato de conservarlos lo mejor que pueda ❤️ ¡Muchas gracias! 😘


59 books? When can you lend me one? 🐱


When I am sure you will take care of them haha 🦉
