Double dating
Welcome to another week on hive weekely prompt with an amazing topic double dating, were we share our lovely ideas and opinions to educate each other.
I want to share some little ideas on the topic double dating. Double dating mostly and usually come in the when one of the partner is not contented with wat he or she has. Also with the partner is greed and longing for things of the world most expecially money when your love for money is uncontrollable the partner fines his or her self doing anything to get money just to feel amount with some latest and updated fashions.
Another reason for double dating is distance relationship most partners that keeps distance relationship usually have trust issues between their selves they feel the feels the partner is having a secret relationship behind them,because their not close their partner might be seeing someone behind their back. Also poor communication also leads to double dating because the relationship will gradually become weak and once is becoming weak the partners starts look at others outside their relationship so it makes them pick interest in double dating and it really spoils many relationships lack of effective communication.
Another reason is that some men derive pleasure in beating their partners, most partners beats their girlfriend out of jealousy and also anger issues feeling their trying to discipline their partner forgetting their both adults. The beat them without knowing how the partner feels this also encourage them to double date and if care is not taken most of this relationship does not last long. In the process of beating is if the partner finds someone she feels loves her move and she feels more comfortable with she will definitely quite the other relationship which is has been treated badly although.
I will say in some cases double dating in some relationship are good while some are bad.
Some relationship were you find caring and faithful partners its more advisable for them to stay loyal to each other and build their selves more, while those who have challenging relationships at time they can be faithful can as time goes on it might challenge their partner to change his or her behaviour while one they really need that double dating. Those types are not ready to amend there ways if possible they need replacement for the other faithful partner to also be happy. I will say double are accepted in some cases and not also accepted In some cases.
I think that it's a lot better if a person calls it quits than double date. Having more than one partner seems so stressful.
Not in all aspects and it also depends on your relationship state