All that really matters.
Good day everyone and welcome to this week activity series in the hive Ghana community,I am quin.lizzy and today I will be writing about the topic "life".
Life indeed has many definitions to different individuals and how the percieve life, basically life is the state of living and when I talked about living I don't just mean taking in and bringing out air,I also mean the happiness or peace in living and happiness is really the key in living a fulfilled life.
Life is always in stages,we were once in a childhood stage and now we are adult,this means that growth is taking place both physically and mentally as a result what you wished for when you are young might not necessarily be what you crave for in the adult age.
This is actually me, growing up I did not have that clear picture of how life means cause as a child all needs are been meant as such we only go around making friends and playing around and indeed so much has changed.But what everyone is aiming for is having to live a life full of happiness and comfort.
I would say that living a quiet life with just me,my God and my family with few friends is what I aim for,I wouldn't want a complex life cause the more people in your circle the more your life remain complex,am not saying that I will not associate with anyone except my family but living a simple and happy life is always my goal.
Being able to put that smile on my family face is indeed were I derive my happiness and fulfilment cause where would I be without my family,the are indeed my priority and the give me closure.As a student, trying to avoid complexity is what I try to do everyday, coming back from school staying indoors and stepping out only when need be is how I really what my life to be,quiet and not loud, simple and not complex.I know that many people would think am an introvert cause I prefer not to be seen and publicy myself but am actually someone who can balance the both and I came to release that having a quiet life is really peaceful and heartwarming.
I choice a life where I don't need to compete with anyone but just to aim for my goal, living quietly and happily, staying by myself, having my family around and few friends.Growing up we get to know what really matters and my happiness is what matters to me and living a simple life is where my happiness lies.Thanks for stopping by my blog.
An amazing blog
Thanks dr
An interesting one sister Weldon