My Engagement in My countries Election

Voting is a civil responsibility that is carried out my a citizen during elections to determine who is going to lead them. It is a process that allows the freedom, of any voter to actively select the candidates of their choice, through casting their vote on the ballot.

There is basically dome by every country and is expected of every response member of a society to take actively part of it, as it had to define the features of social and countries.

I have been actively involved in many voting processes that allow me to cast my vote for the candidates of my choice. And it looks great on the ballot.

In my country, every election is beautifully organized at the ballot center or voting center. The government assures everyone that our vote counts, the Media jingles it during the electoral period.

And all these amidst in my voters attitude and responsibilities of a good citizen. But there are some essential things that actually motivate a citizen; that which makes me as a citizen, and gives me the perceived influence to go energetically to cast my vote on the ballot each time elections take place in my country.

Such as to better my life, my country feature, and send away bad leaders and their leadership structures. It makes no sense that way in my country, I am blending everything to say that my time wasted on the ballot and voters' civil sense is not giving from what leaders display when they get there.

The outcome of these numerous and countless voting I involved myself into, doesn't show for it; such discrepancy that countless prevails in my country gives me a double standard thought; if I should consider continuing and to what end? They have never been making it right.

We vote for a change, at the polling unites and thy place the wrong choice for us. To start with, there is no electoral process in my country, Nigeria. Our leaders rule us by turn and not my voters' choice and will.

More or less, a Monarch system of government; I guess. Which would take me to the issue of would I like to continue with the civil responsibility of being a voter with no little means of evidence to show for my efforts?

No impression and I am not impressed at all, sometimes I feel like not casting my votes anymore. I feel raped each time I dedicate my time to go out there to do the right thing and all I keep getting from people are liars. Declaration of the wrong candidates by our electoral bodies and malicious Judges.

Who would come into power to enslave us like we are a piece of used up jaggies. The Dilemma of the last election, in Nigeria, was something else. Today the rigging and bad leadership is displaying.

The people they choose for us, and forced them on us, are the same people staffing me today, slashing my salaries and using the public funds, making life so difficult for the ordinary citizens.

I voted for employment, infrastructure; electricity, sufficient food supply; agriculture mechanism development; peace of mind. The reverse is the case.

I might stop voting, which is not certain if I should because that would even worsen the matter; that would be like owning a dog without watching over it.

Even though it would still snick out of the cage, but It is better to vote, and keep letting them know that as voter and citizen of Nigeria, I know the right candidate.

I have done voting for some years of mine Life, no improvement upon by choice of candidates, and even when my candidate wins and get into power, the y forget their campaign promises to the masses.

This forthcoming election in my country in the two years time, would mark my end of voting, for anyone again. More especially now I know it is done by turn and not my by voting.

So if I have my free consciousness at this point, then I wouldn't mind stopping considering the fact, and knowing it is done in my country in turns and not by voting.


people gradually in my country are begining to lose their interest in elections because the elections are always rigged which should not really be so
