The Five List -"Songs that Make Jaws Drop and Tears Fall" - Episode 1
Ana from Canada's Five List of "Songs that Make Jaws Drop and Tears Fall" - Episode 1
I'm a music enthusiast. I live for music and live because OF music. Music IS life for me. This isn't a play on this community page name, it is WHAT IT IS.
There are so many songs that go under the radar or may be 'on radar' but don't get the appreciation they deeply deserve.
These songs that I'm going to list in my ongoing episodes could be due to artistic value (usually will be) but some might not be "artistic" on the level of others. The lesser artistic submissions still have something deep- a message or emotion, that in itself is artistic.
So, without further ado, here is the first episode of"
Five List of Songs that Make Jaws Drops and Tears Fall
This Is America – Childish Gambino
Drug Dealer - Macklemore
Family Portrait - Pink
What Would You Do – City High
Meds – Placebo
I could write an entire post on this song. I probably will. For now... this is a shallow intro.
Childish Gambino is an actor named Donald Glover, as well as a singer. I had no idea that he was a singer. I used to love and watch "The Community", a show that he acted in, like an addict. I have since tried to watch the series and it's lost it's touch for me. I adored Donald Glover in that series, he was fun, vibrant, and adorable. And then... I tripped over "This is America" on YouTube one day. I couldn't shake the familiarity of the singer. I couldn't shake the strange movements. I couldn't shake the uncontrollable draw to this song that I instantly became obsessed with.
Being me--- you know the type, the type that researches "who that person is" in movies, and says things like, "I know that voice" when watching animated movies with her child, and Google's "so and so's age today" (I'm sure I'm fun- not fun, to watch films with... unless you are also like me)--- being me, I had to research "This is America" and that just took me into a fast sweep into a rabbit hole.
I wont get deep into this, as there is plenty of information online for your reading if you choose to rabbit hole like I did. I will summarize by saying that "This is America" isn't just a song; it is a reflection of society and a message to that very society. Each and every thing, movements, non-movement, sound, words, volume, face expressions, background images, even colors, that Childish Gambino / Donald Glover includes in his video for this song is art. It is all a part of the message. He implements history and current times. He channels previous artists, previous political events, and even print ads that embody accepted racism.
"This is America" by Childish Gambino is art. It is music.
Other songs by Childish Babino are are so different. I'm not saying that they are not good, they are and I could write blurbs about those as well, but they do not compare. The talent and artistry that Glover clearly put into This is America is a cut above the rest. He shows his intelligence, respect, heart, drive, anger, skills talent, and... in my opinion, sexiness (I find talent in art, especially music, to be paramount sexy).
You must watch and you must research, "This is America" by Childish Gambino.
This Is America – Childish Gambino
Drug Dealer - Macklemore
Family Portrait - Pink
What Would You Do – City High
Meds – Placebo
Thank you for reading my post.
All written content is copyright 2021 Ana Clark - Ana from Canada.
Community frontends that I use: - - - -
Going to add those to my playlist to listen to when I walk the dog tomorrow! I think I know the Pink one but not the others!
This post has been manually curated by Jux from Rising Star on behalf of #musicforlife.
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