A freaky horse (oil on paper)
An happy Tuesday to you all!
Rainy days here and it looks we come back to March that here in Italy we use to say it is the month of crazy weather, when it's usual to have a day of Sun and after a day of rain and again and again. ^_^
Doesn't matter, I work at home, so I can stay inside my lab room with my brushes and a lot of colors all around (included a lot of spots in different colors I have on my clotes 😛 ). Sure, I can't spend my pause walking outside along the side of the small river, but I'll do it when the Sun will come back to us.
During these days I spending some puses from other artworks improving my imaginations with some sort of paper dolls like the one I show you here:
It's a freaky horse in my own illustration style and I created it from a simple scrap of cardboard I cut in form of animal and after I painted it using my oil colors.
I made it not just for fun (even if I ave fun to make things like tis one), but also to use it as a prototype for something more complex with different elementsa new idea I have in my mind.
Like I use to do, I took some pics while I was painted tis fraky little horse so you can see the process too:
I'm working on some other "paper doll" to use for the idea I have in my mind, so stay tuned to see the next ones. ^_^
I hope you like it!
See ya soon and stay safe,
***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( https://www.artfinder.com/silviabeneforti#/) and on Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/shop/vumap). I invite you to visit my NFT gallery on NFT Showroom (https://nftshowroom.com/silviabeneforti/gallery) ^_^ ****
Aaaa))) How cuuuuute)))!
Thanks so much, dear @torem-di-torem ❤️