If Luck Was A Person...
Image is mine
"You cannot let them sense any form of fear" I said to myself as I silently prayed that I didn't get caught. I knew very well that I was playing with fire and I could get burnt but I just couldn't help it.
With every step I took, I carefully scanned the crowd to see if anyone was looking at me strangely. So far, there was no one. Rather, everyone who looked in my direction had a tint of respect in their eyes. This alone boosted my morale so much. How did I get to this point?
A few years back my mom asked me to escort her to the market to purchase new linens for the house. I was a bit reluctant at first because I had a truck load of chores to complete at home but she didn't leave me with so many options.
"You know that if you escort me, I would buy you the new shoes you've been asking for" she said
"But if I follow you, the cost of transportation would double," I said, trying to make her change her mind.
"I'm the adult here, let me worry about the expenses. Get dressed mamas" my mom said, walking out of my room. She knew that I really wanted a new pair of shoes and if she offered them as a bribe, I would gladly accept.
I knew she was serious about getting the shoes so I freshened up in preparation to follow her. I had recently bought these new baggy pants. I loved everything about the pants and my favourite thing about it was the army colour. It is a taboo to be seen wearing an army pattern cloth but I wasn't really thinking when I bought the cloth. I told myself that I would wear it only indoors. Little did I know that I would go back on my words.
I slid on the pants, wore a black turtleneck long sleeve top with black flip flops to go. I was ready to embark on this adventure. I would have you know that I had heard a thousand and one stories about how army officials treated individuals they caught wearing their uniform, still, I didn't budge. Before stepping out of the house my brother told me a recent story of how a lady was publicly embarrassed and humiliated because she wore a camouflage top. I was still adamant. Headstrong would have been the right word to describe me at that point.
We boarded a bus to the market and on arrival, I already started getting stares. Notwithstanding, I kept walking. I put my hands into my pants pocket and trudged like I owned the place. A stranger looking at me would think I was in the army. This act was easy because the face I kept was a very emotionless one. I walked slowly behind my mom like I was her bodyguard and at some point, people started cheering.
Army lady. Your mom is really lucky to have you. They said.
I could feel my head swell up with pride as the praises were just too much. My pride soon came to an end when we stopped by the first linen store. It turns out that an actual army man was there in that store. Oh my heavens.
Immediately we stopped there, I saw him standing there, looking all tired and exhausted. His boot was covered with dust signifying the fact that he had walked many miles that day. His bucket hat was still on his head; he was probably using it as a shield from the scorching sun. His army uniform was neatly ironed. One could tell that he wasn't a fake.
"Good afternoon sir" I greeted, throwing all my pride into the nearest gutter.
"Good afternoon. How are you" he asked as he carefully scanned my face then the clothes I was wearing. Then, he fixed his gaze on my baggy pants.
"I'm..I'm fine. Thank you" I stuttered. My heart was racing. I kept praying that this man didn't do anything rash. Getting embarrassed in a market would be the worst.
"Is this your mom?" He asked, gesturing to my mother who was totally unaware of the dilemma I was in.
"Yes she is" I smiled nervously.
"I see. You look just like her" he said, turning back to the linens he was looking at.
My normal self would have kept the conversation going but I just let it be. The man didn't do anything and I was still fully clothed. That was a miracle.
Image is mine
About three minutes later, the army official had made his purchase and was about to leave the store. He bid everyone goodbye and as he got to where I stood, he whispered
"Never wear this outside again. You may not be so lucky next time". My heart throbbed. I was terrified.
"Thank you very much sir" I managed to mutter as he walked away. He was the nicest army official I had ever come across in my whole life.
For the rest of the market tour, I was hiding in the shadows and beckoning on my mom to hurry up. I couldn't wait to get home and change up.
After that day, I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me to discard the pants. Till date I still wonder, what if I met a frustrated army man? What would have been my fate at the market that day.
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Oh wow, you are so fortunate he didn't ask you to take it off.
Please don't wear it next time oo😄😄
I will never try it again😂
I never thought you could be so nervous about a pair of military pattern pants... here it's quite normal, nobody pays attention to those things, but this made me think a lot, being in a situation like that must be horrible.
Oh dear, the military officials over here pay so much attention to it. They never hesitate to reprimand their victims. It was a narrow escape for me.
I'm so happy for you! Getting out of a situation like that without any problems is always going to be something to be happy about, regardless of the fact that it would be better not to have to worry about such things.
I wish you the best, thank you very much for sharing your experience.
What a frightening experience. But certainly a very good lesson. Sometimes we need to have a brush with disaster to change our ways!
Thank you for joining the "heart" prompt. Just a reminder — be sure to read and comment on the work of at least two other writers for each story published. In addition to helping to make The Ink Well a strong community, it also makes you eligible for prizes.
Thank you so much for stopping by and for the reminder too😇
Wearing army style clothes is not a problem where I live, but I know that countries that are unstable frown upon the wearing of such clothes and could get one in trouble. This story shows the struggle of the protagonist who wants to rebel and make her own choices vs the reality of the place she lives in. Thankfully, the story ends well with the officer turning out to be a nice guy. It's a very tense and enjoyable tale.
I pray it become a normal thing someday in my country😅. Thank you so much for stopping by.
Haha, that sound so petrifying. Glad you made it home without being embarrassed. I have heard quite a number of stories like this, but never been a witness. Interesting read dear mentor. Thanks for sharing
Thank you for reading and dropping a valuable comment😇
Found via PTPT in Dreamport Discord. Good post
You were so lucky that day!! I guess he was in a good mood, I've seen how they beat people to a pulp because of that uniform
Exactly. That is how they would have beat me into a pulp and I wouldn't have been able to wear the shoes😅
Try to want to be recalcitrant everywhere you go.😂
I'm happy you got the shoes though. But I doubt he would have done anything, seeing that you were a minor and also, that you were with your Mom. But seriously, I don't see what the big deal in that stuff is.
Minor ke. These are people who want to pounce on minors because it would be easier to get away with it. Eitherway, I guess I was lucky my mom was around.😇
You were lucky the man has a good heart couple with your mom was there present.
Hmmm, meeting a frustrated army man would have been a terrible experience o but I doubt any person who do anything to a child who's in her mother's presence but some humans have their heart else where.
I guess my mom was my guardian angel that day.
Thank you for coming around dearest.