A ñ R


Annabelle, with her fair skin tone and very light brown eyes, was considered the prettiest in our class. Her shimmer was no debate as she effortlessly caught the attention of the male gender.

However, the expression “beauty with brains” didn't usually apply to her as she was always behind in class and never actively made efforts to salvage her suffocating grades. Many people said things like “school is not for everyone”, “she's probably street smart and not book smart” or “her beauty is a distraction to her”. Everyone had an opinion.

On many occasions, we as a class collectively had to beg lecturers who were offended by Anabelle. One of such times, a female lecturer vowed never to step into our classroom because according to her “The insolent fair girl disrespected her”. We had to plead with this particular lecturer for weeks because with her prevalent anger and without her lectures or educational materials, we were all going to have to carry over the course. After this incident, Annabelle decided to take a back seat and actually calm down.

On the other hand, there was Rebecca who was always on Anabelle’s neck. For reasons best known to her, Rebecca evidently hated Anabelle's guts. Any mistake Anabelle made was a ranting and slandering opportunity for Rebecca.

These two ladies fought so much that it got to a point where nobody intervened in their fights. After all, it was “the regular Anabelle and Rebecca feud”.

Before now, nobody wanted both Rebecca and Annabelle in their groups during group projects because on one hand Anabelle wasn't always very compliant and on the other hand, Rebecca was always trying to outshine Anabelle in whatever way she could.

A group project eventually came up and for one reason or another, both Anabelle and Rebecca found themselves in our ten-person group. The first thing the group leader said while addressing us was “everyone is supposed to contribute valuable ideas so we could hand in our project in time”. Obviously, it was a group project which entailed collective efforts but I feel the message was for specific persons.

We were all assigned topics and given a specific date to turn in our findings to the group leader. On the said day, we turned in our findings and our project was compiled.

The lecturer who had given the project came in a few days later for a lecture and shortly after the lecture, he said he wanted to confirm that the projects were done as a group. With that, he told us to briefly stand up and talk about the parts we researched on before submitting our projects.

It got to my group's turn and starting from the first person on the list, we stood up and gave a brief summary of our parts. When it got to Rebecca's turn, she elegantly stood up, straightened the wrinkles on her dress and started speaking.

“Good morning everyone” she greeted “for my group, I did the research on the effects of salt deprivation on calcium load and blood pressure”.

“Haaa!” Anabelle slightly exclaimed from where she was seated and only the group members could understand why.

It turns out that Rebecca publicly took credit for Anabelle's research, thereby stealing her thunder.

“Okay, carry on,” the lecturer said, paying no heed to Anabelle.

Shortly after, Anabelle was asked to talk on her part and she had nothing to say.

“What's your name?” The lecturer asked.

“Annabelle sir”

“Annabelle is it? I've heard a lot about you and your disrespectful demeanour. It is clear that all the negative rumours are right and you evidently didn't take part in the research”.

Once again, Anabelle had nothing to say in her defence. At this point, anyone would have called Rebecca out for talking on a topic that she didn't research on but Anabelle didn't.

“I guess you wouldn't have a score because this was your continuous assessment and you didn't partake in it ” the lecturer said firmly.

“No sir, there is a misunderstanding” our group leader said as he sprang up.

“Group leader, you're only trying to defend her. Sit down before I deduct your marks too” the lecturer said.

The rest of the class stared at Anabelle, expecting her to say something in her defence but no. It felt like Rebecca was holding something against her.

About an hour later, the lecture ended and Rebecca was nowhere to be found. She probably slipped out when no one was looking to avoid the wrath of the group members.

However, Rebecca was eventually called out by the group leader for her action and she was very unremorseful. All this while, Anabelle didn't say a word and all she did was avoid Rebecca.

Normally, we as a class would have loved to know why Anabelle never called Rebecca out but we learnt to never get involved. Till date, Anabelle and Rebecca do not relate with each other. Although we like it this way because there are no more unnecessary feuds and controversies, they are still course mates and I hope they do not remain this way forever.

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I cant believe Rebecca would do such a thing to Annabelle, stealing her presentation idea was a very bad move of her and i think she should be marked poorly for doing such.

Annabelle also learned her lesson in the hard way due to her disrespectful and arrogant character. This is good read, success


That was very bad of Rebecca and likewise unfair on the part of the lecturer who didn't wait to listen to the whole thing instead of shaming Anabella because of her character. You see, sometimes, we need to be careful of our character disposition while with people so such a thing would not happen. Perhaps she could have been listened to by the lecturer if she had put up a good attitude. Nice story 👌 👏


Sometimes, our past comes back to hunt us and as such we should be careful of the things we do and most especially of the reputation we create.

Thank you for reading 😊


People are a complete mystery in their social behavior, as well as being unpredictable. It will always be a mystery because the girl didn't say anything about her research being stolen.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Excellent day.


Thank you for reading me✨


Lol... Annabel is a nice girl sha. Because if it's me?? Lol that seminar will scatter nobody will present again if Rebecca likes eh? Let her have incriminating picture of me lol 😂.

Came in from #dreemport.



Annabelle is actually a calm person. She no room razz, if not, the drama that day would have been marvelous.


😂 because as I read to the end I begin vex 🤣. I just said Rebecca get luck, such people know who they try nonsense with.


Someone like me will not want to be in the same group with Anabelle and Rebecca. I don't have strength to be judging matter wey I no know the head or tail.🤣🤣🤣
#dreemer for life


Being in their group was not really our choice😄


The rest of the class stared at Anabelle, expecting her to say something in her defence but no.

That was the last thing I expected her to do. Like seriously?? She kept quiet at the time when she really needed to speak for herself. No be juju be that? ( I really hope it's not).

This feud of theirs that has going been going on since God knows when is quite baffling. I truly hope they don't remain like that forever.


We do not even know if it's juju😂 because that day was something else.

I truly hope they don't remain like that forever.

I with you on this.


I don't think anything was wrong with Anabelle. It happens that when people want you to react or talk about something, you tend not to, not because you can't talk or defend yourself but because you just want to allow everything play out on it's own.

It seems the group only knew what had happened and kept quiet. But because of her track record, the whole class, the group, including the teacher, felt she didn't research so didn't have what to contribute.


This is one way to look at it. Maybe she actually knew what she was doing by keeping mute.
