The Girl In The Mirror


There was a time, a long time that I looked at myself, and rated my worth based on what people said. Based on what they saw. I’ll look in their eyes and whatever I saw in there was who I was. It was that period of phobia for mirrors, of anything that made me want to look at who I was.

High school was all about cliques and I wasn’t excluded from that. There were about three girls I walked with and did everything school related. They were not the only friends I had but I felt like I was most comfortable with. As far as I was concerned, the fact that I had good times with them and they made me laugh was enough to make them stellar friends in my eyes.

And though I concede that those outside looking in don’t sometimes understand a situation so their assessment is most of the time wrong, sometimes I feel like they are the ones that see clearly. That they see and understand better the things that you don’t notice since you’re mostly immersed in that bubble. That their emotions are true because you are blind and oblivious to what’s right in front of you.

I never really felt like my friends were doing anything wrong to me. When they went places and didn’t include me in things, I told myself that they most likely forgot. When they made snide remarks on how slim and short I was, I said that I probably should eat more and they were just looking out for me as my friends. When they constantly made statements like, “I’ve seen everyone in your family and they are spectacular, I wonder where you came from?” I told myself that they were pulling my legs. Because that’s what friends do right? Make jokes about each other. And so I’d join them to laugh and go back home, sad, to think and ponder and think again. But then when the morning came, I’ll come back with a smile, putting it behind me.

My high school was both a day and boarding school. At that time I was going from home, but my sister who was two years ahead of me in class was in the dormitory. And on most days, I’d bring food and provisions from home for her. So, on this day, I forgot to take the things I’d brought to her class. And stayed with my friends as they joked. I was oblivious to the fact that my sister had been standing for a while listening to their playful “jabs” at me.

She yelled my name and I looked up to see her. My face lit up and I excused myself to go and give her the things I’d gotten. But she said I should come with her to her class instead. I obliged and we went together. She asked me if those girls were my friends and I replied in the affirmative, already proceeding to gush about how funny and fun to be with they were.

She interrupted and said, “But you’re not happy with them.” My face twisted into a scowl and I didn’t hesitate to inform her to desist from saying things she didn’t know. But she told me that she was going to ignore all the other things she saw and heard and tell me how my face was before she called my name.

“How was my face?”

“It was sad Tess. It was….broken. You have such a fiery spirit. Your face is always filled with light and life but in all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never seen you like that. It makes me….sad.”

Now there’s one thing about the relationship I have with my immediate elder sister. Among all my sisters, we have the closest gap between our ages and we were raised as twins. When anyone yelled at her, I cried. When she cried, I cried. When she was sad, I was broken. And vice versa.

So seeing her, with tears, talking about how they didn’t see me the way she saw me, made me feel so bad. My high school was really large with lots of windows. And she took me to one of the windows of an empty classroom and told me to look at myself. I told her I wasn’t going to do that because she knew my reservations towards mirrors.

But she made it sound like an order so I reluctantly did that. I won’t begin to talk about all the wonderful things she said to me about myself but I felt more than invigorated afterwards. I felt new. I felt special. And then, she stated clearly that I had to break away from those friends that took away the light in my eyes. And if I didn’t do it, she would do it herself. And she wouldn’t be nice about it.

I won’t lie and say I broke away that day but from then, I began to see the things she had seen. It was quite ironic that what I’d been dealing with for so long and couldn’t see, my sister saw it after just a few minutes of watching me. I started socializing with other people and slowly, I drifted away. I realized that I had better fun with them and what’s more, they saw me. It pleased me beyond doubt.

That’s when that statement spoke to me. “If you don’t know who you are, people will tell you who you’re not.” And I’ve lived strongly by this since then.

Image is mine.



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Seeking validation from outside is a pitfall that can blindfold us from seeing ourselves in the right light, which would in turn make us look down on ourselves.

I'm glad that you have a sister who looked out for you and wasn't afraid of telling you the bitter truth


That's true. She did tell me the bitter truth and I was glad she did. Made everything so much better from then on. I appreciate your warm words @diikaan . Thanks for stopping by.✨


This was a very beautiful story and truly some people make you feel less of yourself and that's not even healthy, I am glad you broke free from those friends who belittled you and now you felt better.


Not healthy at all to surround yourself with such friends. It was a relief to break free. Felt lighter and happier. I appreciate your thoughtful words Amie.🤗


I'm glad your sister was able to see a part of you that was veiled and marred.

Thank you for this beautiful piece and happy new month


That's true. She saw and helped me. Thanks for your warming comment as well and happy new month.✨


You are lucky to have a sister that sees what even you didn't see in your self. It made you to start your journey to self discovery... I enjoyed reading your post


Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. I'm happy you loved it.✨


Beautifully written and inspiring, this is what many people face nowadays, mingling with people that makes a bad joke out of them, it is either about the look or what is lacking... Such people should not be called friends, a friend won't mock you


That's true. It's quite sad how common it is. It's best to recognize it in time and leave. I appreciate how thoughtful your comment is @burlarj. Thank you so much for your kind words.🌺


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Thank you so much.🤗


A journey of self reflection triggered by your sister. She truly loves you, you lucky to have her


I am lucky indeed. Thank you for your nice comment.🌺


In life we ​​will always find good and bad people. Many will come close to hurt us and make our lives unhappy, the important thing is to know when to walk away. Your life experience is very interesting.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.


Yeah, I'm happy I walked away before it got too bad. I'm happy that you made your way here. Have a wonderful day yourself.🌺


Ah... some people.

Nah... no more of that, please.

They say that hurt people, hurt people. People who don't deal with themselves lay it off on others.

Be it jealousy (super destructive) or abuse. Or just plain old judgy judgement. They palm their trauma off for others to carry whenever possible.

It will kill your spirit. Soul. And fire. Over time. Especially if it's a group or system dynamic and you're outnumbered.

And, let's face it, they usually move in groups of flying monkeys because they're too scared to walk on their own path in their own way.

Life is just too short for that shit, my angel. Find the people who love you for who you are and support and encourage you to be the shining star you are.

Let the mud monsters carry on rolling around in their own stuff at flinging it at others to try and make themselves feel better. It's a messy, dirty business and best left to those that enjoy the muck 🪷 💖

And some people actually do. 🙄


You're absolutely right.
I've seen what letting people define my worth has done to me. I'm not sure why people get off at making other people feel less, but I'd already decided to forge my own path and not let the hurtful things people say about me get to me. Because I guess they are just looking for people to project their own insecurities on.
Thank you so much for your kind words Nicky. It makes me feel nice, honestly. That people have my back.💞


You stick with the winners, angel.

And the winners are happy when those around them thrive as well. Means they are secure and healthy individuals.

Keep it simple. 👍🏻

And look after your lovely self. 😍 💖


“If you don’t know who you are, people will tell you who you’re not.”

That's powerful and true.
It's amazing what we put blinders on, yet still, others can see the truth right away.
It's great that your sister make you see the light, which in turn made you see the light.
Lovely story. Thanks for sharing this with us:)


It was exhilarating writing this as well. Thank you for the opportunity.


When you leave yourself to others definition of who they see you as, you might end up not seeing anything good in yourself or the reason for your existence.
The fact that you see them as your friends made it quite hard for you to realize they aren't true friends and hence, difficult to pull out of the group.
Thanks to your forgetting about your sister's provisions, you were rescued from a bondage that has tied you to the ground for many years. Your sister 🥰 is a Godsent !!!

#Dreemport brought me here 😚😚.


She truly is. I'm so happy she came around or maybe the narrative would have been different. I'm also glad that you were able to make it here and that you resonated with this as well. It does make me feel nice. Thank you.🤗


You're a beautiful human being, Tess - inside and out - and you should always hold on to that. When you respect and value yourself, as your sister showed you that day, you realise that some people just don't deserve to be in your circle. You made a wise choice that day and guaranteed, you are better for it. Gorgeous heartfelt post. Love you! 💗!LUV !ALIVE !LADY


Thank you Sam. Had to remove my glasses to wipe my eyes at this one. I'm happy she was there to make me see. And to you too for seeing the good in me. Always. Love you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day.💞🤗


If we are not well-girded up inferiority complex will set in. I was once like that , I care more about what people say about me
